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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Neverending Suffering

Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion stayed where he was and shut his eyes, focusing on the pulse of the vampire's energy. It would tell him everything he need to know.
Kai was growing impatient with his ruse. Surely one of them was bound to come over and check on the status of their attacker...
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

"So faking is your game?" Xion said.
He kept his eyes closed then stood up and walked over. He wasnt afraid and didnt keep his distance. Even though he knew the vampire was faking it. Xion put the palm of his hand to the vampire's forhead and a blade came out of the palm o his hand. It sliced through the vampire's head.

The vision faded from the vampire. He was the only one who had saw it. Xion was looking at him with his gold piercing eyes. The eyes had the power to show visions that Xion wanted the enemy to see.
Kai jerked to his feet, his hand going straight to his forehead where he could have sworn he'd been killed. His eyes glittered.

"What was that?" He realized Xion hadn't even moved from his perch. "An...illusion? How's this for an illusion?"

He sprinted for the girl, fangs bared.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion opened his eyes and watched his movements carefully. Then right before the vampire touched her, Xion grabbed the vampire's shoulder and rammed him, full force into a wall.
"Touch her.. And the blade WILL go through your head," Xion promised the vampire.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean watched the whole battle between the vampire and Xion. She was ready for the vampire when he came after her but got annoied when Xion protected her. She wanted to join in on the fight but she hadn't seen where she would be useful to Xion. "More like he wouldn't have a head." She mutter under her breath.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion sensed her irritation and let the vampire go. He walked back to where he was sitting and sat down. Maybe i will sit this one out... Lets see what Jean can do. Xion treated this as a test of skills.
Kai cursed as he pulled himself free of the wall, along with pieces of the wall itself. If he'd been just a tad faster, he might have--no wait the man's skin wasn't normal.

He brushed off the last impact and turned to see Xion walking away. Kai launched himself a second time at Jean, using the wall to propel himself forward and up.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean smriked at a chance to fight. As the vampire near her she moved out of the way letting him fall flat on the floor at least she though he did. She was right behind him with a evil glint in her firey red eyes. "Is all you can do is come after people, try actually hurting someone who isn't human." Her tail flicked back and forth like a cats and her wings lay at her sides.
Kai landed on his feet and spun. For a moment one hand disappeared from view. "Humans are weak, but don't underestimate me." He flung a dagger at the demon, preparing himself to attack her when she tried to dodge it.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean doged the dagger and stabbed her's in the vampire left side below the ribs. "Same goes for me, you don't know what I am, who I am, or who my parents are. The last one is actually more improtant than you would think." She removed Hendia from the vampires flesh.
The pain in his side only made him faster. He grabbed her arm and sank his fangs into Jean's neck when she tried to remove the dagger from his side. No pain no gain, he thought at her.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean was caught off gaurd when the vampire grabbed her arm and bite her she could see some of her blood but what suprised her most was it was black. She struggled to get free and soon did, she put her hand on her neck as the wound closed in seconds but there was still black blood on her hand. She glared at the vampire with a fury that would knock a man dead. "You'll pay for that." She said in a demonic voice. She knew if her father found out about what just happened she would pay for it.
"Consider it retribution for your ally's impossible skin condition." Kai licked his lips and regarded Jean with new interest. "Must say, I haven't had blood quite like this before."
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

"Because I'm something you have never tried to kill before or at least was able to get you fangs in." Jean growled at the vampire. "But it won't happen ever again." Jean wasn't going to be fooled again, she had fought someone before the same way the vampire fought. It would be somewhat easier to guess his movements.
Kai spread his arms and then looked down at the wound she'd inflicted on him. It was healing already.

"Maybe rather than kill you I'll keep you around as life support." He grinned. "I'll give you twice what he's paying you." He jerked his thumb at the guy who was apparently taking a break from fighting. "He doesn't seem to care if you're hurt or not."
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

"He isn't paying me, and I don't work that way." Jean had an evil grin on her face. "Even if I can't die my father would put me close enough if he knew that I let a vampire drink my blood, it is a disgrace for his side of the family." She didn't let up on her glare, it was cold, and showed fury, hatred, and everything between. She set her jaw, her tail twitched. She though the vampire would be able to tell what she was by tasting her blood but it looks like not.
I must look more demonic than a devil, or this vampire hasn't seen a devil. She though.
"And what father would approve of a vampire?" His voice was acidic even as he met her furious eyes. "I don't know who your father is and frankly I don't care. Human, demon, whatever. It's all the same to me--except for maybe the latter can't be killed." He grinned. "It solves the moral dilemma at least."

All the while he was talking he moved forward--though not directly towards her. He grinned, and shrugged. "Then again, I didn't exactly peg you for sucking up to your father's good graces. If he has any, that is."
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean glared more intesnely at that. "I'm not a suck up to him, he teachs people with vilonet force, and I am his main traget for prefection. I'm not human, not a demon, or anything you possibly could thing of off the top of your head." Jean had only one expression on her face, hatrad. "But I am worse than any godforsaken creature."
Kai scowled. "I do love guessing games--but not when I'm the one guessing." He stopped moving and crossed his arms loosely. Actually bothering to take in her features. Wings, a tail, a furious, wrathful, nay damning look. He grinned.

"I'm not the type to run. If you think whatever you are is going to scare me off."

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