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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Chronicle of the 5 Realms - Ask for Invite

Amora (played by CookieLurv)

She had to resist the urge to jump up and break his stick and leave him there fumbling for it. Again the word 'Resist'. "I rather not change who I am, not feeling the way I do will be alien to me. I would be weaker without it and that I will not become. I am already weak enough Old one..." She shook her head, but stayed seated. Hope had already left her and defeat was eminent.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

"I said act on it without being chased... Oh bosh it all..."

he turned and rubbed his forehead a moment.

"What were the words... it's been so long..." Then he nodded to himself. Setting his cane against the wall he pressed his hands together, as if in prayer.

"Vrrarral Portam. Seal Release, open."

Then the light came. A large doorway was outlined in light, and seemed to come out of the wall itself. The ground began to shake, and the air started to feel electrified.
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

"What the-?!" she backed up into a corner and starred agape at the portal he created. This was crazy! She stood slowly in the corner farthest away from him. Her red eyes widening the more it opened. She was going to die here. He must be in league with her former master. He had trapped her here and now he was going to return her to him. Trust. Trust! No more she told herself this before she had met the man. And looked what happened. She thought all this as he stayed there with his hands put together.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

"I'm going back.... Back home..." He said, almost to himself.

"It's been a long time... I wonder if they are still alive..."

He sighed and shook his head. Then he regarded her.

"You know that the Gate Exsists, even if you do not know what it is. This is your chance, child... Do you wish to stay here? Or venture into the unknown?"

He smiled a little, picking up his cain and leaning on it. The doors behind him opened, a brilliant flash of light around him.

"Would you help an old man into a doorway, one more time?"
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

There is another place? From here? She shook her head, but her mouth was still open. "How do I know this isn't a trap?" She said angrily toward him. Her feet though, moved closer to the portal as if in wonder. If this wasn't a trap and a chance to escape this world of Dark things could she take it? It was death or this. If it was a trap, death was inevitable. Either way she could die. Looping her arm with his she said. "What do I have to loose?"
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

The man grinned.

"That's the spirit!" And they walked through the doorway...

On the other side, there was a mountain. Rather, they walked out of the side of a mountain. It was daytime, like there had never been before. The air was lighter, crisper. The breeze ruffled her hair and the scent of something wafted past her. Everything was... Different. Just something about it all was different.

The door closed behind them and vanished. The man leaned against a rock and took a deep rbeath.

"Ah... yes... I'd forgotten the air... so much better..."
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

She covered her eyes and knelt down in a ball. Never had she experienced so much light. She basically yelped and bumped into stuff now that she had been blinded. "What is this place!?" she yelled at him from her small position. The air was heavier here, and it was warmer too. Amora had to adjust her breathing and tried to keep as cool as she could.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

"You are in Draguhnguard, Land of the Dragons. Take a moment, the air takes some getting used to."

The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a pipe. He then took some of the red weed from his coat and rubbed it, lighting his pipe up.

"You are safe from whoever was chasing you."
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

Doubtful. She thought as she took in small breaths then finally adjusted to the air around her. All kinds of things hit her at once. The different smells and noises that plagued this place. Wait... did he say dragons? She looked up at the sky then regretted when she was blind once more and quickly looked back at the ground. Sneezing several times and rubbing her eyes. Amora didn't know if she would like this place. It was so bright than what she was used to.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

As the man puffed on his pipe, he leaned back against the rock he sat on. "I'd say.... 4th of Summertime... We are near the Anglen Mountians... The closest town will be a few miles away." He put down his pipe and cocked his head.
"You're not saying much Miss."
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

He expected her to say something? She just got here and she couldn't see, the air was too heavy and she was in a place she never had been before. How was that for saying something!!!! She tried to glare at him, but one it was too bright and two he wouldn't have seen it anyway. Sighing she stood and tried to make out her surroundings. "I really don't have much to say except...why are we here and if you did that, is there other places than the world I come from?" Ruby eyes taking in as much as they could.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

The man nodded.

"We are here because this is my old home... And it's very far away from Abyss... that's the realm your home was from. As for are there other worlds... yes there are..."

he tapped his pipe against the rock.

"You could learn to travel, if you wanted to."
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

Amora rubbed her arms and took a step forward. She wished he could see so she could tell if he was lying or not. "And how exactly would I be able to do that Old One?" she was tempted to pull down that rag that covered his face. And if she could do it...She was sure her Dark master could as well. So she wasn't safe here. All he had to do was find someone that could teach him, then she would be doomed.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

"Ah.... it's not that simple. The gates are not known by many... Only those who truely know them can use them. Take you, if you know of the dragon gate, you still can't use it until the full knowledge is passed down to you. And if you try to teach it to someone else, it doesn't always work. Knowing and believing is to different things my dear..."

He stood, using his cane again. He walked over to almost the edge of the cliff.

"This land... is untouched by darkness. If darkness tries to overtake it, then the dreams shall overtake the darkness. You are here because you are no threat to this world. However, you cannot leave this place unless you know how to use the gates."

He 'looked' to her.

"Do you think you can learn, Hellhound?"
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

She growled and turned on her heel toward where they had entered the world from. There wasn't an entrance there anymore, but she couldn't help trying to find something. "My name is Amora. And I don't know if its possible for a servant to learn something that huge. If my master couldn't learn it, what makes you think I can." Even though he couldn't really see her, she turned and looked at him over her shoulder.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

The oldman was still leaning on the cane.

"Posh... You think it maters if your master could learn or not? It wouldn't mater. He doesn't know about them, therefore he cannot learn. You have that over him. And even if he was to learn, he couldn't find you if you leanred as well. There is to many placed for you to run."

The man threw his hands up in the air.

"Stubborn girl, can't think without getting her head in a-"

At that point he took a step, the ground crumbled, and the man started to fall off the cliff.
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

She gasped and in an instant transformed into her surname, snagging his shirt with her fangs she whimpered. Not being able to talk now, even if she could she wouldn't be clear with her mouth full. She pulled as hard as he could, but her hind legs were starting to lose grip making her front paws grip the edge. For a smart man, he was stupid to think that he knew his way around. He did say that he hadn't been back for a while. Things change when you leave for a while.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

They both ended up falling off the cliff. The man, after a moment to right himself, let his arms float where they will.

"2nd gate, 2 seals release."

No sooner did he say that then the image of the gate shimmered beloe him, two of the seals glowing. At that moment a copper dragon came from nowhere, swooping and catching the two. It flew for a moment, then dropped them softly on the ground below, and vanished.

The old man stood, shakily.

"I really wish I hadn't lost my eyes years ago..."
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

She just growled and shook her head, slowly forming back to the woman she was before. Bones cracking and teeth dulling. She collapsed in a sitting position. Her tail and ears were the last to go. Transforming that fast was very painful and she never enjoying doing it. Groaning and rubbing her face as she tried to catch her breath once again she asked "What... was.. that?" She said between breathes.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

"The gate." he said, sitting up as well.

"In this world, I can call upon dragons. In the Abyss... well I could make things vanish. How do you think I survived so long being blind?" He chuckled.

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