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Forums » General Roleplay » Stable Clusters, Cleaned Corrupts (SU AU)

Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

Citrine bows to the lion before boarding
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

{Peridot} "well, most of the Cluster will remain exactly where it is for a very long time. But, there are a few shards within it that, according to Steven, have found friends in eachother and feel like nothing is missing, which we can bring back up... I don't know the exacts of what has shifted within the Cluster when Steven communed with it, but as far as I can tell, each shard was an independent contributing to a far larger force, now they have actually started developing internal connection, relation, cognition... hmm... now hold on a minute. things got really weird there for a moment... I need to think."

{Opal} *continues working*
{Steven} "annnnd, to Connie's!"

{lion} *continues napping some*

{Steven} "Connie's!" ... "Lion... After we pick up Connie, we're going to head to the arena, with all the poofy nap clouds. doesn't tha-woh!"

{Lion} *Lion is getting up now, and starts sprinting, before roaring a translocational portal*
*you and Steven end up in a sburb, where a Girl dressed for training, carrying a backpack can be seen*
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

"Do gems form with others of the same type?" She hopes. Gem amalgamations are creepy. Though a gem with multiple personalities would be... Difficult to interact with. She gambles voicing these opinions.
Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

I wave at the girl and smile
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

{Peridot} "ah, yes. the, 'Gem Mutants'. Incomplete forms, shambling about in search of Gems, hoping to find the missing pieces... Steven assures me that the shards he's communed with have only done so because they have found fragments that make a complete... Something." *Peridot has no idea why they can't just piece the shards that used to be together in the first place, but being 'Clustered' probably changes some stuff around*

{Opal} "multiple personalities, hmmm?" *Opal is being simultaneously Smug and questioning... She's got this look on her Face? its a kind of, 'I'm right' kind of look*
{Connie} "Steven! you're here! Is this Citrine?" *she's casually walking up with the intent to get on lion's back, a big smile on her face*

{Steven} "Yea! the Gem Cleaning thing works! Citrine! this, is Connie!"
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

She spins around to face the fusion. "Id assume so..." She says, smirking back
Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

He smiles and bows
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

{Opal} *that one ~right/Smug~ remark is about all the absolute total agreement for casual conversation Opal is mustering up for now. She get back to work, teasing and testing earlier welds for stability*

{Peridot} "Opal is right. between my experiences with both Opal and Garnet, excluding Malachite as an outlier, Fusions can be rather stable between different Gem types... It might work in theory. hmmm. What do you think.
{Connie} "hmm-hmm." *with a slight chuckle, she bows back, hands held together* "So you have the Sword in Lion, right Steven?"

{Steven} "Yep! we just need to get to the arena now."

*without another word, Connie leaps up, mounting Lion*
{Connie} "Onward noble steed! to combat. to glory! to aches and bruises!"

{Steven} "hehehe-Yea! Aches and bruises!"

*with that, Lion sprints forward, transposing its riders to the sky arena*

*Lapis is already there, looking out at the clouds* *Garnet isn't there yet*
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

She purses her lips, a little embarrassed on the topic, as it was still fairly new to her outside what she's learned on earth and I homeworld especially, as it was highly frowned apon outside the use of footsoldiers. "I dunno" she manages to say in a quieter tone. "Sounds intimidating..."
Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

" this place seems firmiliar " he mutters
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

{Peridot} "Yes, 'intimidating' would be the right word there. But, until such time as we can actually observe a, 'whole cluster', we must reserve our judgement." *Peridot gets back to work*

{Opal} *more welding*
{Steven} "Hi Lapis! We're here!"

{Connie} *a slight joking tone to her voice,* "Greetings, o noble waterbender. My compatriot, Steven the Shield Warrior, and I, Connie the Royal Knight, request to begin training with you on this day!"

{Lapis} *stiffing a bit of a laugh, a small grin creeping upon her face, Lapis responds in an equally 'comically serious' manor* "Very well, I shall test the steel of your nerves."

{Lion} *is waiting for everyone to get off so it can take a nap nearby*
*Steven and Connie get off, the two of them headed for the stands to drop off their stuff, Connie taking a large pink Blade from her pack*

*there's a beam of light as the warp-pad just outside the arena area is used. most likely Garnet*
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

Verdite kinda just stands there for a bit, uselessly.
Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

Citrine sighs and walks over near lion and lays down politely asking
"Mind if I sit here and nap next to ya?"
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

{Peridot} *starts getting mechanical bits, and puts on some goggles before saying,* "well, what are you standing around for?! lets get to work!"

{Opal} *done working on the main hull for now, Opal moves on to piecing together some of the casings for the main drill arms*
{Lion} *exhales in response, curling up on a cloud*

{Garnet} *walks in, taking a front row seat, before giving a thumbs up*

{Lapis} *focuses a moment, creating wings of water, before forming them into mirror images of Steven and Connie, weapons and all*

*Steven and Connie bow, as do the reflections, before Steven makes a shield for themself, standing ready*

*the air is tense... at any moment, someone will make the first move*
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

She nods. Waving her hands across her face to "put on" a welders mask with tiny blue flame decals. She nodded, getting to work
Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

He yawns and lays back on a cloud
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

*if there are no questions, then work can simply carry on*
*The battle starts. Steven and Connie seem to have developed an incredible sense of communication on the battlefield*
*Connie is the Primary Damage dealer, while Steven runs in to close any openings after an attack. this, added to how Steven is able to permit Connie mobility greater than she should likely be able to by acting as a 'launch pad' of sorts from time to time with his shield, the two of them make for a great, 'seek and destroy' crew. targeting opponents one at a time, and taking them down* *Lapis continues to make new replications whenever the prior one is destroyed, slowly ramping up to 5 total opponents*
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

She can't think of anything at the moment.
Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

*he snores as he sleeps *
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

*work continues without issue, till,*

{Peridot} "Ok. good work everyone. Its break time."

{Opal} *drops a large piece of metal, before gently setting two smaller pieces atop it* *she comes over to sit by the Barn*
*plenty of action to miss while snoozing*

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