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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Fallen King (Open)

Gregori (played by Bloodwolf1994)

He'd been called many names over his Eons of life; Nightmare, The Angel of Death, and Shadow Stalker just to name a few. Until recently he'd even been called King. But those days were gone now. They were in the past, a past he could never revisit.

Gregori gave a heavy sigh. His sword lay across his back, hidden in a plain black sheath. A robe covered his armor and his wings were pinned against his back. The hood shrouded his face as it hid his horns. He looked like every other nameless assassin willing to take any job for any amount of gold.

The stone streets were packed with humans moving from place to place. An Ox and cart past by as a merchant attempted to fight his way to his stand. More humans were rushing off to the market to buy the things they desperately needed before the price rose, or all the cheaper items were sold out and they went without. Every once in awhile someone would grab a hold of his cloak and beg for a coin. He quickly brushed them away before continuing down the street.

He was on his way to find a new client...or maybe a victim to sate his hunger for blood. He loved chasing them through the woods as they blindly ran for life. A life he always tore to pieces.

a smile graced his face at the idea but quickly faltered. It was too bad he couldn't find a being that shared his hunger for blood and destruction...
Caroline (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy walked on the streets to notice this sick man not giving the poor money. Her red eyes looked at him. She walked off and walked behind him. Her arrows and bows hiden in a quiver that matched her robe
Gregori (played by Bloodwolf1994) Topic Starter

Gregori could feel himself being fallowed but gave it no attention. He was often fallowed. His eyes glanced up to the castle that loomed in the distance. It reminded him so much of his own. He gave a soft sigh before moving out of the poverty stricken town and into the woods. He'd sleep out here tonight.

Once he found a spot nestled among the trees he sat and pulled the sword out from behind his back. The eye on the blade blinked at him, showing it was displeased. He used his claws to cut away the rope that held the two halves of the blade together, two halves that gave the sword the look of a mouth.

"Damn, Greg, If you ever do that to me again I swear I'll bite your face off and feed it to the poor you hate so much." The sword proclaimed in a loud and whiny voice. Gregori moved to pick up the rope again. "I mean it! Try it and loose your hand. Demon King or not I'll bite off your hand and shove it so far..."

Gregori slammed the blade into the earth, jamming the swords open mouth with dirt. He rubbed his temples and pushed back his hood to show his jet black horns.
Caroline (played by wolfkill11)

Caroline followed the guy. Her red eyes looking into the forest " Should i go " She said out loud on accident. She grabbed/covered her mouth and looked at the ground. " I've seen him before. King, no, i can't think "

She walked through the forest and the trees. Her eyes glues to everything that moved. She got stung with a bee " Dammit! " She screamed before looking around. She grabbed her bow and arrow looking " this is useless whatever was out there is gone " She told herself putting her bow and arrows away.

She then heard what sound like a person, man, wait no something else diffrent. She turned into a tiger, that was dark and had red eyes. She crept through the under brush until she got a clear view of the person. She stayed in the bush
Gregori (played by Bloodwolf1994) Topic Starter

Gregori glanced over at the bush. "I can tell you're fallowing me. You might as well come out and tell me what you want." His voice was deep and rumbled like thunder, however it also held a smooth quality that made one think of an aristocrat. He was irritated, both by being stalked and his sword's constant jabber. A Sword that was still mumbling into the ground. He gave it a glance but left it where it was. "You can ignore it, he's in a time out."
Caroline (played by wolfkill11)

Caroline said angirly " How can i trust you, King " She said looking through the bushes with her red eyes locked with his. " once you see me you will most likely be suprised. I am different " She took a deep breath. Would he kill her, no she had her bow and was a fast shooter. She stepped forward reviling her dark coat that had red flame marks on it. She snarled at him and bared her teeth. She was a tiger but she could shape shift fast
Gregori (played by Bloodwolf1994) Topic Starter

Gregori didn't even blink. He looked at her for a moment and looked away with a yawn, seeming bored. He shrugged off the robe and let his wings spring free. His black Armor glittered in the sunlight as it filtered through the trees. He laid his head back and the skull on his right shoulder stared at her. It's blood colored eyes scanning her over like one would a bug. His legs crossed and the massive taloned boots he wore tapped in time with a song only he seemed to be able to hear.
Caroline (played by wolfkill11)

Caroline stalked closer to him " oh mister King why did you come down from that throne? " she said teasing him. " and maybe I know because of you being so coincided. Or was the fact that you would be mean or not charming " she growled and a light went off. She twirled and there laid a beautiful girl. Her eyes were still red because of the negitivty this guy gave her. She had long black hair braided with red string. " I learned my lesson ruling over my kingdom but I give people stuff "
Gregori (played by Bloodwolf1994) Topic Starter

Before Gregori could respond the sword wiggled it self out of the ground and spit. "My mouth tastes like dirt." It wined.

Gregori rolled his ice colored eyes. "You don't have a mouth Nightmare, now be quiet before I turn you into horse shoes."

Nightmare, the sword, mocked him but fell silent...until he saw Caroline. If swords could smile he would have. "Sorry If Greg's being mean to you, his mother didn't hug him enough as a child." It chuckled. "He doesn't have much respect for soft hearted ladies...or anyone really." It sighed in mock sadness. "Not even me, his faithful companion. The one who's guarded his life all these years."
Caroline (played by wolfkill11)

Caroline looked at the sword. Her dress flowing. " I'm sorry i dont take orders from swords " She picked up the sword and shoved it deeper in the ground. She chuckled " oh and yeah i figured when i saw that, dirt bag "

She turned to this guy " And please tell me why i should not kill you and then celbreate. I have a kingdom of my own and i dont choose to not kill a king from a different kingdom. and to tell you i am hard to get "
Gregori (played by Bloodwolf1994) Topic Starter

Nightmare pouted. "I didn't give an order..."

Gregori was unimpressed with her and remained seated. Though cruel he was far from heartless. He pulled Nightmare into his lap and stroked the handle. "I told you all could people are bad. always wanting to kill us for existing." Nightmare blinked in agreement. He touched the sword's "Teeth" and ran a finger over the scales that made up the guard. He didn't answer her question. He didn't want to. He was no longer a king. He was simply a very powerful demon, who wanted nothing to do with shape shifters.
Caroline (played by wolfkill11)

Caroline grabbed her bow and pointed it at him. A arrow came up that was covered in flames. She pointed it down as it turned into thine air. " Sorry sword but i have other stuff on my mind. I have people to kill and many others. And i can tell your expresion. If i could take you out to do something with my shape shifting you wold be impressed. We aren't bad and i think better then a poor king kicked out of his throne "
Gregori (played by Bloodwolf1994) Topic Starter

Gregori growled and Nightmare bit him. "Bad kitty!" He yelled at Gregori but it was too late. His body twisted changing. Pale skin was replaced by a black leathery hide, hard ass diamond yet soft to the touch. His hands and feet reformed turning into paws, huge paws tipped with large claws. His fangs grew sticking out of his mouth as eight inch long sabers. Large spikes ripped trough his sides, dripping his toxic blood onto the ground. Gregori now stood as an animal. All four limbs bearing his massive weight.

He snarled at her and Nightmare sighed. "You insulted him." he said. "He wasn't kicked out, everything was taken from him by the 'Good' Guys. He was a good king. Everyone was fed and taken care of. Crimes were punished. Innocents walked free...but then the 'Good' guys killed them all. all the demons who never bothered anyone..." Nightmare grabbed Gregori's tail, causing him to yowl in pain. "You should learn all the facts before speaking."
Caroline (played by wolfkill11)

Caroline looked and she sighed " Maybe but i dont have time. " She said turning into a large dragon
Gregori (played by Bloodwolf1994) Topic Starter

Gregori snarled loudly and Nightmare knocked him over the head. The massive cat hit the ground as his eyes rolled back in his head. "I hate it when he does that..." He rested against his owner and sighed. "Stupid good guys." he grumbled.
Caroline (played by wolfkill11)

Caroline turned into a panther and walked up to this ' guy ' laying down. She nuzzled him and looked " Will he be alright " She then turned and grabbed the sword lightly in her teeth. She settled him down " Can you answer some questions for me? "
Gregori (played by Bloodwolf1994) Topic Starter

Nightmare blinked. "Questions?" He was still in a bit of shock from seeing the girl nuzzle his master. "I don't see why not."
Caroline (played by wolfkill11)

Caroline looked " What does your ' master ' um like "
Gregori (played by Bloodwolf1994) Topic Starter

"Like?" it asked. "Well...blood, screams, dead enemies and honey...He also likes kittens, but I'm not supposed to say that last one." It winked at her "So forget I mentioned it."
Caroline (played by wolfkill11)

Caroline smiled and blushed. " he likes a lot like me but does he like a girl? " She kept a galre at him not trying to tell him she liked him

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