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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » On the Run (1x1)

Dr Eric Lansing (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

Eric snorted and jabbed a finger at the rat. "See him? He started off as a normal enough rat; but he got in the way of an experiment and then his owners didn't want him anymore. I took him in because I felt sorry for him--and he seemed to take a liking to me."

He finished with the ice and closed the cooler. "Since then, I've stopped caring what other people think. Especially since it ended my career. So if you're worried about that, don't be. I've restarted my career so many times, I'm like the energizer bunny of lab experiments. And somehow I keep getting funded. I think it's probably my ethics though; I refuse to do human testing. I'd rather work with animals anyway, though your very...ah...being puts a strange twist on things. I don't suppose you know how you were, ah...born?"

As he spoke, Eric was grabbing the cooler and hauling it towards the garage.
Number 64 (played by Amirrora)

64 nodded in understanding. "I see... I guess that works."
He then laughed at the comment about the energizer bunny of lab experiments.

"Well, you seem like a good person to me. I mean, you don't even know me, and your ethics were enough to risk this particular job, and get yourself in trouble with the police." He explained.
He paused at the next question. How he was born? "Uh, my Mom was like me. My Dad was a human. That's all I really remember. I know my mouthtail grew with me, and wasn't always this big. When I was little, it was like a little puff-ball. It didn't eat anything back then."

He followed Eric towards the Garage.
Dr Eric Lansing (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

A little black 4-cylinder, 4-door car sat in the garage. Eric grabbed a set of keys hanging by the garage and then pressed the remote button to unlock it. Circling around to put the cooler into the back of the car, interest flashed across his face. To be honest, he did have some ulterior motives--primarily to find out more about 64; though he drew the line at experiment.

"So it didn't always eat? How interesting. When did it start eating? Or did it begin by chewing on things? When did you notice it? Did your mother have the same mouthtail? Oh, you can get into the passenger seat--it's unlocked now." Eric said, gesturing at the car. "We're probably not going to stop for a while."
Number 64 (played by Amirrora)

64 looked over the car, curious, "Huh..." He jumped a bit when it clicked without it being touched, "Whoa! You just... how did you do that...?" He seemed confused, uneducated in such things.

He then paused at the next question, "Oh, Yeah, it started chewing on things when I was little, I got it when I was really little, don't remember when. My mother had one alike to mine, yeah. Different color though." He explained. The nodded, opening the car door to the passenger seat and hopping in. He seemed facnated with the whole thing, running his hands over the dashboard. "I've never been in a car. Least... not that I know of. Might have been in the back or something when was transported... but not like this. It's really cool!"
Dr Eric Lansing (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

Eric grinned at the question and held up the little black remote. "Wireless device delivers a signal and the car responds. Handy device really."

He started the car up and put it in reverse, ready to pull out. "You might wanna put on the seatbelt there; it'll keep you from flying out the windshield. Like this," Eric made a show of putting on his seatbelt, fastening the buckle into the clasp, and waited for 64 to do the same before backing out at a good speed.

"Alright, we'll head for the highway to see how much distance we can get between us and the lab. After that, I think I can call in a few favors along the way." He smiled as he braked, shifted to drive, and then floored the car forward again.
Number 64 (played by Amirrora)

64 nodded, fascinated by the little remote. It was like... magic or something. So cool.
After he snapped himself out of his fascination with the car remote, he looked to Eric as he spoke about the seatbelt.

He looked to it, a bit confused, watching Eric put his on and mimicked the movements, struggling with getting it to clip into the 'lock' of sorts, before finally managing to do so.

As the car backed out, he nodded at Eric's words, gripping the dashboard startled from the movement.
"Alright... sounds good I think. Distance is definitely good. I don't wanna get caught after getting this far."
Dr Eric Lansing (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

"Neither do I," Eric muttered, keeping to the speed limit in spite of the situation. It would do no good now to get pulled over and arrested before he made it out of the city.

Once they hit city limits, he relaxed a little. "Alright, where to go so they don't find us..." he grinned and chuckled a little. "It's been a while since I've had so much fun. Usually it's the occasional explosion. But this tops everything."
Number 64 (played by Amirrora)

64 just watched things blur by, seeming amused with the whole thing.
He grinned and glanced back at Eric, watching the other steer. It was amusing to him, controlling such a big thing with a tiny little wheel and some kick-things. So neat.

H64 paused at his next words, smiling a little.
"Well, it's good you're having fun. I'm usually on the run like this all the time when I'm not caught.
It comes with being what I am." He explained. "But it's not so bad. Life is never boring at least."
He then scrunched up his face in thought.
"Uhnm... as for where to go, I didn't even know where we were. We could head to Sanctuary, if I knew which way that was... oh, Sanctuary is a place for things like me. Underground. You'd probably have too much fun asking everyone how they function."
Dr Eric Lansing (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

Eric glanced at 64 despite the fact his eyes should be on the road. "Sanctuary? There's more of you?" He wasn't sure that was a good thing or not; if more scientists found out, that would make for a lot of trouble.

"Well, we were in DC, but I think we're getting ready to hit Maryland. We're heading north, if that helps at all. And then we'll head west, so we can get away from the coast. Or we could head east...I haven't been to England or Europe." He paused. "There's also New York, further north. We might be able to gain a lot of ground if we head up there. Then again, there might be more cops..." He sighed. So much for fun and games. Nothing quite like having to worry about the government coming to track you down to add a little extra excitement to one's life.

"Hey, I can't help my curiosity. I was born with it, and I'll have it 'til the day I die. Which is probably why my mother kept saying I was going to die young. Jokes on her, I might live longer because of all the stuff I've been exposed to." He chuckled dryly.

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