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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » A Pathway To The Ocean

Kristy (played by BunnyGirl123) Topic Starter

Kristy giggled. "I'm the only one who knows about this island besides you so you should be safe. I'v been comming here for over three years and I have ont seen a single sole here."
"Hmmm. That is good because I need somewhere to hide." Luna smiled at Kirsty.
Kristy (played by BunnyGirl123) Topic Starter

Once Kristy made her way to the ocean she swam a few feet befor turning back. "Stay as long as you like. I only come here to see if I can change or not.
Luna stood up and called back. "Alright, I'll see if there is anything I can do to help you!"
Kristy (played by BunnyGirl123) Topic Starter

Kristy nodded and dove into the ocean. The next day, Kristy swam to the shore of the island, making sure to keep her tail in, and watied for Luna.
Luna stepped out of forest in the middle of the island and walked over to Kirsty and sat down.
Kristy (played by BunnyGirl123) Topic Starter

"How was your night? Did you manage to hide you wings at any time?"
Luna shook her head. Right now her wings where hidden in her back. "For some reason the night time is usually the only time I can't hide my wings."
Kristy (played by BunnyGirl123) Topic Starter

"So you can only hide them during the day?" Kristy looked at Luna's back.
Luna shook her head. "I have to hide at night when my wings come out, in the day time I can wonder around with the humans."
Kristy (played by BunnyGirl123) Topic Starter

"Your lucky. I'v never talked to a human befor. I want to though." Kristy looked down at her tail and floped it.
Luna snorted. "There nothing good, they see anything that isn't human as an evil creature. They call all Luner Angels devils tricks."
Kristy (played by BunnyGirl123) Topic Starter

"Really, the tales I'v heard about humans are filled with Love for them."
Luna snorted again and let out a small laugh. "That were humans in the older times, but for some reason they got worse and worse as time passed."
Kristy (played by BunnyGirl123) Topic Starter

"Oh, I always thought they were kind." Kristy felt a little crushed.
Luna sighed. "Some are, but most see people like us as evil creature full of tricks to use against them to kill them."
Kristy (played by BunnyGirl123) Topic Starter

"Really? Do they say anything about mermaids?" Kristy tilted her head.
((Thanks to Pirates of the Cariebern[sp?] for that))
Luna nodded. "There are many rumors surronding mermaids. Such as if you kiss a mermaid that you will forever have luck. Or that if you follow a mermaid to the ocean that is where they well drown you and eat you." Luna shrudded at that last myth. "Humans come up with the creepiest things."
Kristy (played by BunnyGirl123) Topic Starter

Kristy covered her mouth. "EAT THEM?" she shuttered at the thought fo eating a human.
Luna nodded sadly. "Yes, the stories of angles aren't much different."

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