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Forums » RP Discussion » Pokemon Crossover

I'm going to use my newer character Zoe Faye and hiddensoul said she was going to use Chesire.
PikaPika11 Topic Starter

I'll use Pikabolt. Now that the characters are selected, how should the intro be like?
Well, I do have an idea. How about our characters are all meeting up for the first, as for Zoe she is most likely going to over sleep like Ash did and have to catch up and all that.

Hiddensoul14: Well, I think since this is your idea PikaPika your character should be the main one, and not ours.
@Pika, may i join brother

@KuroSakuranbo14, i changed the post up a bit
Alright, Wolf, I'll go check it out and see what I come up with.
KuroSakuranbo14 wrote:
Alright, Wolf, I'll go check it out and see what I come up with.

PikaPika11 Topic Starter

KuroSakuranbo14 wrote:
Well, I do have an idea. How about our characters are all meeting up for the first, as for Zoe she is most likely going to over sleep like Ash did and have to catch up and all that.
Excellent idea. What should the hometown be named?
wolfkill11 wrote:
May i join brother?
Character and starter Pokemon please.
Palettown, me and Rachel(hiddensoul14) think it is a good place to start since it is where the pokemon series start. Whad'ya say?
PikaPika11 Topic Starter

Sure, why not.
Alright, all we need now is Wolf's character of choice and her's/his starter pokemon.
Hm.. ill do Cassie and then her starter pokemon... Are we doing any starters or specific ones?
PikaPika11 Topic Starter

To prevent overpowered trainers, I only allow 1st stage Pokemon that CAN evolve to be a starter Pokemon, to rule out legendaries, no-evolution Pokemon, and already evolved Pokemon. (Baby Pokemon are also fine, but do not count as a 1st stage Pokemon.) Pikachu, Chikorita, and Eevee have already been taken.
PikaPika11 wrote:
To prevent overpowered trainers, I only allow 1st stage Pokemon that CAN evolve to be a starter Pokemon, to rule out legendaries, no-evolution Pokemon, and already evolved Pokemon. (Baby Pokemon are also fine, but do not count as a 1st stage Pokemon.) Pikachu, Chikorita, and Eevee have already been taken.

Like which ones?
PikaPika11 Topic Starter

For example... Mudkip. Mudkip has not evolved and can evolve. Clefairy is another example. Clefairy has evolved, but from a baby Pokemon, meaning that it is an exception. It can also evolve. Lucario, however, is one you cannot pick. It has evolved from a baby Pokemon (EXCEPTION), but cannot evolve.
Mind is I help here? Pokemons such as charmander, squirtle, and so on.

Hiddensoul14: cyndaquil ,bulbasaur vulpex and piggy , these are some others
Mudkip! :)
PikaPika11 Topic Starter

OK, then. I will have the forum up tomorrow because I have stuff to do today. Sounds good with you three?
Sure thing.

Hiddensoul14: *thumbs up* Alright!
PikaPika11 Topic Starter

Great. I'll be in charge of the misc. characters.

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