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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Inter Species Academy

Suno (played by Zelafina)

This RP welcomes ANY species that you may have (Werebeasts, Elves, Humans, Furries, Aliens, Ghosts, Fairies, etc)

Rules of this RP:

1. Must write at least 10 sentences
2. Must spell check
3. Romance is accepted, but remember this is not the Adult RP section
4. Must write in third person (this will help the pacing look like a continuous story)
5. Can only have 1 of your characters involved in the story
6. CANNOT force others to act as you want, wait for them to reply and react to your ideas
7. Must stick with your original role
8. There can only be a limited amount of teachers (5 max), councelors (2 max) and principal (1)
9. ***The person that wants one of the 3 roles above, must claim it at the end of their first paragraph and it will be theirs!***
10. I will add staff members onto a list as we go
11. If you are invited out of The Inter Species Academy thread (for example, on Earth's surface or at someone's house as a special outing), you SHOULD create another thread called (TISA {insert alternative event here})and close it once you are done!

Description of The Inter Species Academy (TISA) and it's functions:

The Academy is situated on a giant floating island, surrounded by clouds in the higher stratosphere of planet Earth. This Academy, founded by the Global Government (GG) was put into place to help the different sentient beings of this universe understand each other (to avoid conflict).

The Academy itself is tall and lustrous, ever glimmering as an effect of the different lighting that cycles around it (moonlight and sunlight).It is a futuristic building, made of refined glass, giving it an elegant look. Large arcs open the way to gigantic doors (made so to accommodate larger species). The TISA has a huge reception hall, leading way to a dinning area and corridors diverging to different classrooms, in such classrooms are lessons about mass biology and mass history of art and sciences. Each species can find a dorm that reminds them of their home (wherever that may be) in the Western wings of the building.The island supporting the Academy itself is surrounded by a man-made bubble, filled with air suitable for Earth's life forms. Each species not native to Earth is given a pump to inhale everyday, so that the Earth's air may be converted to their own familiar air compositions (making it easier for them to breath).

***Please note that small details about TISA can be added in by staff and students alike, but please stay consistent!

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Inter Species Academy

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus