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Forums » General Roleplay » Hormones

Luna (played by Gothic_Girl)

Luna looked around the class smiling a bit as she looked around and found a seat and sat in it
Vidia (played by UselessCatt) Topic Starter

Vidia walked into the room, and immediately wanted to walk out because it was art class. Vidia was terrible when it came to drawing, painting, or anything remotely close to art.

Vidia shyly sat at a seat anxious about her terrible art skills, thinking everyone would judge her.
Alex (played anonymously)

I look around to see what seat to sit in I see a few girls glancing at me and whispering I ignore them

Alex isent the type of guy that goes out with a bunch of girls just cause they are cute but for their personality.
Hayden Elwell (played by Lone_Otaku)

((Once more, I miss a lot...))

Hayden sat a bit further at the edge of the classroom, it seemed to be more of an auditorium with long, curved desks stretching across the length of seats. A few easels and canvas boards were neatly placed in a corner, as well as extra desks. Hayden himself wanted to think he wasn't an artist but it seemed his hands begged to differ.
Alex (played anonymously)

I sit in the back of the classroom where it was a kinda dark corner. I stare at the Canvas wanting to paint so badly I tap my feet anxious to paint. Alex is more of a painter then a drawer but hes equally good at it. He glances at hayden.
Luna (played by Gothic_Girl)

Luna looked and sat beside Vidia seeing she was nervous "do you like art?" she asked Vidia as she pulled out her sketchbook and flipped through to get to a clean page
Alex (played anonymously)

I see the luna sit next vidia I notice vidia is nervous. "hmm" But go back to staring at the canvas still tapping my foot on the floor.
Vidia (played by UselessCatt) Topic Starter

Vidia blushes a little, "I'm not very good at it..." She says, before stepping foot into the class, "Actually, i'm awful at it" She adds, sitting at an empty table because she didn't want anyone to see her art.
Lilly Black (played by LillyBlack79)

A golden hair girl with perfect curves her hair covering her eyes steps in class she sits in front of alex ignoring her brother.
Lilly Black (played by LillyBlack79)

she stays silent and takes out her materials for art class.
Luna (played by Gothic_Girl)

Luna looked at Vidia "i don't believe I've seen some of the sketches on your work in class and i think your good at art" Luna said smiling
Alex (played anonymously)

I stare at My sister as she sits in the seat in front of me I whisper loud enough so then only she can hear me "You seriously had to have the same class as me" I glare at her
Lilly Black (played by LillyBlack79)

She keeps ignoring alex as if she never knew him.
Hayden Elwell (played by Lone_Otaku)

Hayden looks around blankly, wondering both where the teacher was and who the newcomer was, nevertheless he pulled a piece of paper from his binder and a pencil from his pocket.
Lilly Black (played by LillyBlack79)

I look around the class room my light blue sparkling eyes show. I analyzing every inch of the classroom
Zion (played by UselessCatt) Topic Starter

Zion runs abruptly into class, and loudly sits in a seat, panting and laughing, you could see two other kids laughing, as they wave their goodbyes to Zion, and walk to their next class.

Zion looks around the room, and sees a girl that looks quite similar to Alex, but he thought nothing of it, he sat at the desk and stared to the front of the room.

'Damn do I have all the same classes as these guys?' He thought, with a sigh, resting his head in his palm
Lilly Black (played by LillyBlack79)

I look at the guy that just comes in running and laughing I smile I analyze his features. My face slowly turns red but I dont notice it.
Luna (played by Gothic_Girl)

Luna looked at Zion and then looked back at Vidia waiting for her to reply she was glad she had friends and smiled looking around the art room
Alex (played anonymously)

I sigh watching Zion running in class and laughing I mutter to myself "of course he had to be in my next class"
Zion (played by UselessCatt) Topic Starter

Zion notices Lilly had gained amusement from him, and smiles at her a little, before turning away, not noticing her blush.

Zion bends over in his seat pulling his socks up, and sits up again, grabbing a pencil, and begins sketching something random.

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