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Forums » General Roleplay » Through The Eyes of a Madman (OPEN)

2035 - Las Angeles, USA
Doc stood silently at a highway stall, sipping tea with a straw through his gas mask, stroking a small fox he had found. The sign on his stall read "Cure for Insanity = 1 compensation bullet." It was both a warning and an invitation, a warning that he himself was crazy but an invitation to anyone in need of an assassin. Just below the original sign was another that read "Now hiring."
Winter (played anonymously)

Winter had walked up to his stall,with a small wolf by her side and smirked lightly.She had two silver guns to her sides of her hips,and a sword on her back.She had her white hair covering her eyes as she tilts her head a bit.
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"You look like somevun who can do an assassination on zeir own. How may I help you?" he asked as he pet Keera, his fox, who was growling half at the wolf and half in content.
Winter (played anonymously)

"I only wish for your help.I can kill on my own but the years have overtaken me."She smiles as the wolf gets bigger.
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Keera's growls turn to whimpers and the young fox curled up ion a tight ball against Doc's chest, "How may I help you? Perhaps I can interest you in some fruit?" behind the counter of the stand was a rotting corpse with one bullet hole in his forehead wearing an appron and on top of the counter was a variety of fruits, most of them still in perfect condition.
Winter (played anonymously)

" thank you....."Her head tilted and she shook her head them parted her lips to speak."I need a whole kind dead.I am only one.I need another just to awaken the voices of my dead family.I must avenge them."She looks down sadly them back up.
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Zee only part of zat I understood vas awaken zee dead," he laughed maniacally, "Now, Vhat is it you need an insane doctor for?"
Winter (played anonymously)

She sighs and stretches a bit."Well now.You're insane.That should answer it all.I just need you to help me kill befor there is no one left to avenge my people."
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Vhat wonderbar joy!" he clapped, "But Vhat is going to be in it for me?"
Winter (played anonymously)

"anything you want."She smiles as her wolf howls.
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Keera whimpered in fear and Doc began petting her again, "You can start by having your wolf stop scaring poor Keera."
Winter (played anonymously)

She sighs."Fang is one who like to be the big dog."She smiles and pats her wolf's head and it sits down and doesn't do anything.
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Well Keera is just young fox. She is very timid, particularly of wolves zat can grow."
Winter (played anonymously)

She laughs in a seductive yet evil way."This is no regular wolf.But oh well.I don't have all day so let's get a move on."She crosses her arms.
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"You do not order zee doctor around, nobody gives orders to zee doctor except mein captein, and sh is dead," he stood up anyways, "Lead zee vay."
Winter (played anonymously)

"hmph."She starts to walk while taking out her guns and flipping them in her hands while her wolf keeps and eye on him.
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Doc follows, juggling three grenades, one of them painted bright yellow and with a smiley face on it.
Winter (played anonymously)

She sighs and stops and holds out one gun towards a little girl.Slowly pulling the trigger.
Kristof 'Doc' Schwanhausser (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Joy!" Doc yelled in glee as the little girl fell to the ground, "But please, tell me vhy? She vas innocent little girl, yah?" he picked up the body and threw it into the highway, just as an 18 wheeler sped by, taking the body with it.
Winter (played anonymously)

Her eyes were cold."It wasn't innocent.It was a creature called Shadowest.They fake to be things normal people couldn't kill.I scenced the smell of it right away."She looks down and keeps walking with no emotion what so ever.

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