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Forums » General Roleplay » Entrance song

Scramasax (played by Zeric)

The stream through the meadow was swollen today, it's normally crystal clear waters marked by loose mud a sediment churned up by a prolonged downpour the previous evening. The usually lush green bank had been stripped of some of its greenery as a result of the swelling of the stream and the soil being hammered away by the heavy rain drops. The vegetation around the stream seemed slightly muted in colour also from the beating it had received. A grey overcast sky hung like a dead weight over the land and the voices of the creatures which lived by the life source where infrequent in sounding and lack-luster when they did.

But one beast was not put off by the unfavorable state of the stream or the dulling of life around it. These fertile lands were a far cry from the arid plains of cracked earth and burning sands he was more used to residing in, but he could well survive here. Easy access to water which in tern would attract prey. He thought he may have killed off the last of his favorite prey, Sandslash, in his desert territory, or at least it seemed that way given how he had not laid eyes upon one for some time.

So he had left, to give whatever surviving population there may be a chance to recover. hence why he was here now.

The bladed Houndoom's paws sank half an inch into the mud as he stooped his head down to drink from the edge of the stream as it surged in front of him. He was alone and his own alpha so he kept his thick and long tail arched with the massive blade at its end hanging over his back. A testimony to his confidence and strength.

The water was sour and gritty and contrasted horribly with the rare but sweet pools he would find in the desert. Still it would keep him alive.

Pulling his head back he huffed and scanned around, seeing nothing of interest. Stepping away from the edge a few paw steps he followed it along. No real destination in mind just getting to know the lay of the land.";
Winter (played anonymously)

A woman who wore a white and black kimono rode a white horse,was exploring around.She came apon a land and looked around.She slowed her trusty horse name Cyclone down and hopped off,slightly stumbling.Her silver hair blue in the wind and her silver eyes sparkled.She looked around and sighed."What a sad land."She said to her self,starting to walk around.
Althalos Fizen (played by EonRising)

A typhlosion was laying along one of the river banks, his feet crossed and hanging loosely in the stream while he played with a bit of fire in his hands above his head.
Scramasax (played by Zeric) Topic Starter

The canine Pokemon's ears twitched and stood up erect as the dismal quiet was broken by what he recognized as equine hooves approaching from further up stream. Enticed by the prospect of prey but instinctively cautious as he didn't yet know the state of health and strength of the animal he moved swiftly into the thick bushes and tall grass just a little away from the stream.

Stealthily he slunk through the vegetation, irritated slightly by the water which brushed off the plant life and onto his pelt.

The pungent scent of the horse lead him directly to it. It was a breed he didn't recognize which made him extra-tentative in his approach. lowering himself to his belly he laid his length tail out behind him, held flat against the damp earth and watched his target with predator eyes. But then, his attention was taken from the ivory pelted beast when another creature walked across his line of sight.

His ears flicked back. He didn't recognize what it was, some two legged creature. He tensed. Now this was a complete unknown. He kept low and kept hidden, surrounded by the cover of the thick growth around him. Off on the far side and further down the stream he saw what he knew to be a Typhlosion laying idle by the water. That was yet another thing for him to be concerned about for later.

For now though he kept his eyes fixed on the unknown animal. Watching its every move.
Winter (played anonymously)

She looked around and didn't like the land.She bends down and touched the ground with her small delicate hands.Her kimono shimmering in the wind."Hm..."She puts her hand out in front of herself.Her eyes began to glow white and everything began to bloom.The water became crystal clear and the land became beautiful.She sat down in the grass with a smile.Her horse leaned down and nuzzled her.
Althalos Fizen (played by EonRising)

Althalos let out a startled yelp as the grass grew and he wound up in a patch of wild flowers. His back flared up reflexively for a moment before he looked around and spotted the lady and some weird kind of horse.
Winter (played anonymously)

She hummed and stroked her horse then stands up."Beauty shall spread across the lands."She smiles and looks at the sky.
Althalos Fizen (played by EonRising)

Althalos slowly crawled on all fours towards the woman. He body was much too bulky to actually be sneaky in any way, but he could always try. Once he was about two yards away, he stood up straight to his 6 feet and looked at her curiously. Had she done this?
Winter (played anonymously)

She looked that direction and was a bit startled.She took out two blades and backed up a bit.Her horse backing away too.
Althalos Fizen (played by EonRising)

The typhlosion made no aggressive movement and sat down, his legs being so short that he only needed to lean back to do that. The only look in his eyes was one of curiosity and he tilted his head the other way.
Winter (played anonymously)

She lightly chuckles and puts her blades away and slowly approaches.
Althalos Fizen (played by EonRising)

His back sparks a bit, a few small flames flickering from the pores along his shoulders as he gets back on all fours and starts walking back, very slowly.
Winter (played anonymously)

She stops and tilts her head slightly."..."
Althalos Fizen (played by EonRising)

"Phlosion," he said and stopped moving when she did, keeping about three feet away from her.
Winter (played anonymously)

She holds out her hand to it with a smile.
Winter (played anonymously)

She holds out her hand to it with a smile.She sits down in the grass as she does.
Althalos Fizen (played by EonRising)

The typhlosion slowly and cautiously moved towards the hand, sniffing it and then gently nuzzling it.
Winter (played anonymously)

She smiled and began to pet the odd creature and giggles.
Althalos Fizen (played by EonRising)

He licked her hand, leaving a thick trail of saliva from her fingers to his mouth and he let out a content growl.
Winter (played anonymously)

She giggles lightly and scoots a bit closer.

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