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Zalia (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Zalia never really volunteered info about herself. "That's pretty cool." she said quietly. Finally they reached the spot she hoped would work as her fake home. "We're here. Thanks for walking me home." She stood on the front porch of the apartment complex and smiled at him slightly. "I'll uh, I'll see you later. Thanks for all your help." She stood there, waiting, hoping he'd turn his back and leave. Hoping he wouldn't want to see her go inside first.
Bade Ulf (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

"Oh..." He felt like the sudden 'we're here' was a little suspicion but there was something suspicion about this girl over all. He stopped outside her home and felt a little lost. That awkward cloud hadn't quite dissipated yet and he wasn't sure of his next move. "Oh! Can I have your number?" He pulled out his cell phone---one of the ones built to be indestructible--- and flipped it open.
Zalia (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Zalia shifted slightly, nervously. "Hm?" She blinked for a moment. "Oh! My number. Okay.." She pulled out the cellphone that she kept in her pocket (that she couldn't really afford, don't ask how she paid for it). She told him the number and thought for a moment. Was this...a date? Coffee, walking home together, exchanging numbers...

Zalia shook her head slightly, her cheeks pink. No, certainly not. He was a stranger after all. "I'll uhm...see you later." She smiled slightly at him and hoped once more that he would leave. She took a slight step to the door, hoping that would spur him away.
Bade Ulf (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Bade typed the number into his phone with clumsy thumbs. The device looked like it had been through hell and back and had a tattered lanyard with a paw design hanging from it. "Okay..." He said as he punched in the last digits. He smiled at her and gave a nod and started to pivot away as she made for the door. He planned on calling her tomorrow so that he might get another chance to figure her out under the guise of helping her look for work. However, it didn't seem like she was committed to going inside of the building and Bade's footing faltered.
Zalia (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Zalia was relieved when he turned away but as he faultered, she tried quickly to think of something. She put her hand on the doorknob and waved at him with a little smile.

She'd rather pick the lock than have to suffer the embarassment of him finding out she didn't have a place to stay. She watched him for a moment, though her eyes didn't match the little smile on her lips.
Bade Ulf (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

He flashed a smile to her and turned to be on his way. The girl had weird qualities, definitely. But he liked her as a person and he wanted to get to know her better for sure. He sauntered slowly down the sidewalk, hands in his pockets whistling a low tune and thinking about his day. How would he get her to come out with him tomorrow?

Then he realized he never caught her last name. If he did, he might be able to ask the around the Pack and Pack friends if anyone had heard of her before. Turning back, he trotted towards where he'd left her.

"Hey, whats your last name?"
Zalia (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Zalia wasn't where he left her, but being what he was he'd be able to smell her scent going doing the nearby alley. She'd just gone in it though and so when she heard his question she froze. She hoped he assumed she'd gone inside. She leaned against the wall, hoping the shadows might hide her. But nothing could hide the nervous fluttering of her heart.
Bade Ulf (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Frustrated, Bade flipped open his phone again and dialed a familiar number. He had called one of his Packmates.

"Remy, its me. You're pretty good with computers, right?... Look up this name and address for me." He gave her first name as well as the address at which he stood and waited.
Zalia (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Zalia closed her eyes and carefully, quietly sunk down to sit against the wall and hide her head in her hands. Remy would find nothing of course, none of the occupants of the building had that name.
Zalia tried to stay calm. She tried to just breathe and relax. It was hard.
Bade Ulf (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Bade's expression grew confused. "Are you sure? I just left her here... Well look again, Pup.... Okay, fine. Thanks anyway... You should really have that attitude of your checked, man." He flipped the phone shut and dropped it in his pocket. He stood there in silence and stared at the building.

((I'm getting out of work now and I have no internet at home still ;_; ))
Zalia (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Zalia stayed still. She was quiet for a few moments, but then...

"Achoo!" She clamped her hands over her mouth and nose, hiding her head between her knees. Of all the times to sneeze, why did it have to be right then?! She wanted to facepalm but that would make too much noise. Still...Bade would have to be deaf not to have heart her high-pitched sneeze.

((Awww D: Okay. Send me a message when you're on tomorrow so we can continue it over the chatway x3))
Bade Ulf (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

IF Bade had his feral ears, they would have switched to her in an instant. Instead his human ears pulled a close equivalent. His body followed after to find her in the alleyway trying to look as small and unnoticeable as possible.

Zalia (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Zalia stayed silent in the pitiful hope that maybe he wouldn't recognize her in the darkness. But he'd just been with her, how could he not know her when he saw her?

"Uhm...hi. Again." she said quietly. She stayed where she was, face hidden. She didn't want him to see the look of shame upon it. "Kinda early for a second date, isn't it?" Her tone was teasing and there was even a little chuckle accompanied with it, albeit a bit of a nervous one.
Bade Ulf (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Bade silently strode into the alley's darkness and crouched next to her. He slumped into a seated position and hugged his knees next to her.

"So. This is not what I expect for a house... But, to each his own."

He sat in silence for a moment. "Zalia, what's going on? I can't, in good conscience leave you here."
Zalia (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Zalia's slight smile faultered when he didn't laugh or even smile at her joke. She sighed a little in defeat. "I'm fine. Really. I've stayed here for two days, I can go longer." She bit her lip. "I don't have any money. I'm lucky if I still have five dollars for breakfast tomorrow. But I'll get work soon and then once I have an income I'm sure they'll let me rent an apartment or something."

She fidgeted. "I didn't tell you 'cause I don't want to be pitied. I wanted to be normal."
Bade Ulf (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

"Look. I'm not pitying you when I offer you somewhere to sleep tonight. I have a big apartment and a couple extra rooms I will never fill. You are more than welcome to occupy one until you're on your feet." He cleared his throat and frowned."I'm not going to ask you for rent but if you feel badly about it you can clean or something so you don't feel like you're staying for free..."

He got to his feet. "So, what do you say?" He extended a hand to her.
Zalia (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Zalia listened to him. She was hesitant. Staying in the same house as a stranger? What was worse, this stranger was interested about her, curious. It would only be a matter of time until he found out what she was.

But...she didn't have another choice. She took his hand and stood up. "...okay. I'll cook and clean in return for staying. So you should..tell me what you like to eat." She smiled slightly. "...thanks." She wasn't used to kindness. Not at all.

"So I guess...we better start walking, huh?"
Bade Ulf (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

He smiled in a small way and helped her to her feet. "Yea, my truck is parked where we met. Also, anything with meat." The walk back to his car was silent. He lead her up to a giant red pick-up truck which had mud splatter all over it's sides.
Zalia (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Zalia hesitated for probably the umpteenth time that day. Was this really so smart? She looked at Bade warily. He was bigger and stronger, and despite her being half-vampire she wasn't all that good at fighting. "How do you like your meat cooked?" She swallowed the nervous lump in her throat and got into his truck. She felt incredibly tense and scared now.
Bade Ulf (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

He hesitated because she could feel the hesitation in her. "Any way, really." He stopped midway of putting his keys in the door and looked at her. "Are you alright?"

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