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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Nightgate Inn (Closed)

Lurks-In-Shadows (played by Arcol)

In the cold reaches of Skyrim, the Nightgate stands alone in the frozen wastes, a temporary home to travelers, thieves, and assassins alike. You arrive in the perpetual cold, sometime after the deaths of Miraak near Solstheim, Lord Harkon at Volkihar Keep, and Alduin in Sovngarde. You notice many characters in the inn, from the shady Argonian in the back to the Breton sweeping the floors. Even the Nordic bartender has something about him. Welcome to the Nightgate Inn, traveler.
Moga (played anonymously)

Moga enters the small inn she practically towered over the patrons as she entered the door. she snorts when the patrons gasp and gawk at her
Lurks-In-Shadows (played by Arcol) Topic Starter

Lurks just looked onward as the Ogre entered the room. It wasn't usual for ogres in this part, much less for them to enter a tavern, but it wasn't the strangest thing she had seen, having viewed a Vampire Lord target a while back. She kept observing its movements, waiting to see if it was friend or foe, or if it posed a threat.
Aynor made his way into the tavern, two swords crossed along his back ready to use, and four daggers at his belt among other weaponry, the man clearly an assassin ready to work.

He approached the bartender placing a handful of silver pieces upon the counter.
"Soup of the day with some bread..." asked Aynor ordering the cheapest, warmest, filling meal

He tugged his hood further forward and turned the head slightly to gaze at those who were also sharing the same roof, approaching the hearth once the order was placed, so as to warm up his hands and listen into the conversation as he often did, seeking work and adventure and some money to be had
Lurks-In-Shadows (played by Arcol) Topic Starter

"Another one," thought Lurks, "Better keep my eye on this one as well." Her dagger was in its sethe, waiting to be pulled out and shed blood again. Her ale sat still as she sat in the corner, waiting for something to occur. In the meantime, a Nordic bard stood up and began playing the little ditty of Ragnar the Red. It went;

"There once was a hero named Ragnar the Red who came riding to Whiterun from ol'e Rorikstead,
the braggart did swagger and brandish his blade as he told of bold battles and gold he had made,
but then he went quiet, did Ragnar the Red, when he met the shieldmaiden Matilda who said,
'Oh, you talk and you lie and you drink all our mead, now I think it's high time that you lie down and bleed',
then came the clashing and slashing of steel as the brave lass Matilda charged in full of zeal,
then the braggart named Ragnar was boastful no more, when his ugly red head rolled around on the floor."
"So what news do you bring from the lands you hail from?" asked Aynor interested, having listened to the song

"You should sing one for me, for Aynor the dragonslayers, he whom rides dragons and kills them bad ones too" prompted Aynor handing some gold for personalized featured song
Lurks-In-Shadows (played by Arcol) Topic Starter

The Nord was a bit taken aback when he heard this comment, but the gold couldn't hurt. He began work on another song.

Lurks still sat in the shadows, the innkeep bringing her soup to her, then leaving without a word. She eyed the new stranger, just flashing coin about like there was nothing to lose. This was not her style, however, tending to stick to shadow and daggers. That was what her Speaker had told her, at least, and that's where she excelled. She began to wonder if that man, or the ogre near the doorway, were any of the targets she was assigned to kill, though no contract on either came to her mind. So she just sat, and waited, until something that drew her attention came about.
Robin the slaver came into the tavern with Glendale the thief, the pair of tugging a few slaves in tail, well shackled and well beaten, some looking high born ones at that.

"Gosh don't these ever shut up" protested Glendale.

"Any more of it... I´ll remove his tongue..." swore Rufus getting more edgy

"When father hears of this... he'll have your head rolling on the floor... attacking royalty is high treason" protested Merthyr watching as one of the thugs punched his manservant Taff instead, only to be stopped by knight Gawain's arm.

"Captives... or not... we're still knights on duty. My watch round doesn't even finish till midnight... a few hours left of dark yet.." remarked Lancelot flanking Merthyr and nodding at Gawain in approval the pair of them frowning at the room at large that was filled with anything but honorable men


"Where on earth have you taken us to?" demanded the pair of them feeling they were now seriously outnumbered by a larger number of crooks
Lurks-In-Shadows (played by Arcol) Topic Starter

The inn was getting crowded, with all the newcomers entering the small tavern. Lurks knew that something was amiss, seeing as things had gotten more interesting to watch. She sipped her soup and waited.
Moga (played anonymously)

Moga stopped the men "who are these men" she demanded in an aggressive tone
Haldor shrugged at the ogre "Politics..." muttered briefly not about to enter into much detail with strangers

Glendale nudged the captives forward to a corner where they could shelter from the cold outside but where they wouldn't disturb the other customers, with Rufus narrow eyed and whip to hand in case of further trouble causing the knights to quietly follow the lead

Robin came over to the bartender.

"Soup of the day for... four knights, one prince, one manservant and four thugs" ordered up Robin looking at the inn keeper.

"With warm wine for all and bread too... how much will that be?" quizzed Robin wondering if he would have enough for it all.
Moga (played anonymously)

Moga walked over to the captive men in the corner "who are you?"
Lancelot looked up at Moga wearily

"Imperial guards, royal knights at the Emperor's service... we hail from Cyrodiil escorting the High King of Skyrim as he returns from reclaiming the throne of High Rock too that he may rule upon the whole of Tamriel as a unified land, and soon, the whole of Nirn. Our forces at large are successfully advancing to secure the dominion and bring about peace" assured Lancelot with certainty
Lurks-In-Shadows (played by Arcol) Topic Starter

Lurks wanted to tell them of the aspiring emperor-to-be (the last Dragonborn from my Skyrim account), but she held her tongue, preferring to watch the show with her soup.
Glendale frowned at the far too outspoken knights and struck Merthyr across the face with the back of the hand, pulling his head backwards to expose the royal's neck, dagger to the throat, simply to teach these men and their leader their precarious and low position in life, as mere slaves, more to taunt the knights than to harm Merthyr per se.

"You are no more than slaves, merchandise that will be branded and put to work like mules are. As for him... him I am taking him to the Stormcloak's fortress... Ulfric Stormcloak had his heirs and supporters too... Empire's worthy dissidents that count on our well paid for services. The leader of these freedom fighters seeks independence from the empire for the benefit of the kingdom of Skyrim and he shall have it, with assassins and bandits support.

"They will pay very handsomely for the emperor's heir, Merthyr, to force him to yield to the demands and surrender Skyrim, and to get more out of him, we sweeten the deal too for I have found and collected the Jagged Crown of Skyrim and I had this sorcerer here, Taff, the leader of the mages guild, restore the amulet of kings of glory also called Chim el-Adabal or red diamond" smirked Robin patting his pocket for that is where had put the red jewel thus adding insult to injury with such revelation
Lurks-In-Shadows (played by Arcol) Topic Starter

The Shadowscale had heard of attempts to restore Chim-El Adabal, the Amulet of Kings, but all thus far had failed. Still, this whole conversation just got to a point that Lurks-In-Shadows almost interrupted.
"You are sorely mistaken, no one has ever managed to restore the smashed jewel, furthermore, my manservant Taff is no sorcerer, never mind of that ability as to restore such an artifact, only the greatest warlock could and even then I doubt he would be able to restore gifts from the gods" dismissed Merthyr cooly

"I would know if my servant had magic, I would be the first one to know after all the years of service" assured Merthyr in an angry frown that someone could spout such lies gazing at Taff concerned as to why Robin would make up such stories

Taff Gelligen, on the other hand, rather than speaking up to protest his innocence, or talk against Robin's claims, he held his peace at first. He took a deep breath and walked over, his shoulders sagged in defeat and collapsed to his knees in a flood of tears, head ducked deeply in submission before Merthyr's feet

"Your grace, I restored it... for your cause... I only ever used my magic, for you and the greater good of the Tamriel, I brought it back for the empire..." wept Taff

"I should have told you about the magic, but I feared you would banish me and send me away so I kept silent about my gift and I was meant to tell you, I should have told you sooner, but I lacked the courage. I am so sorry.. your grace." excused Taff a pang of guilt piercing right through him.

Robin raised the red diamond encased with a golden outline all but a few moments to drive the point further home. Merthyr was chained with his wrists behind the back, no way he could have taken the jewel, making the mockery all the more cutting.

"Being a slave now, you don't get to keep Chim-El Adabal. We don't give jewels to pigs and slaves" muttered Robin making Merthyr cringe further at the humiliation "The dead don't need gold... who knows... might take you to the realm of Morrowind instead, vampires kill and eat the likes of you, I might sell you all there if they double the price. They feast on captive humans so they might find royal blood... exquisite..." taunted Robin further pocketting the jewel and patting his pocket "In that case the dead don't need jewels either..." trailed off the mercenary watching the slaves finally purse their lips and grow quiet if stiff at the new threat.

"Ahh better... silence and compliance at last... now we can all have supper in peace... then... bartender, bring the soup!" murmured Robin waving Glendale to help the bartender bring it over
Lurks-In-Shadows (played by Arcol) Topic Starter

Chim-El Adabal! This almost made Lurks stand to investigate, but she maintained her position. But if the Red Diamond was restored, then why was it in the hands of thieves and ruffians, when only the Emperor could hold it? Possibly because Titus Meade II was dead, and so was his successor, Amaund Motierre. And where was the Dragonborn at this hour? The one she spoke of, her Brother, Numeen Xercles. (Better known as Netheron, not Netharan, (who was someone different))
"Dovahkiin exist, you hear me, the dragonborn exists and he lives, he will come... he will hear of my imprisonment and he will come to my aid and we shall be allies and he will rule upon all with an iron fist, especially, upon scoundrels like you too" spat Merthyr bitterly, hoping against hope that he was right after all.

The kingdoms had pledged Merthyr fealty and surrendered the crown and throne in some cases under alliances and peaceful treaties, in other cases out of force, might and war but, Merthyr felt truly out of depth when it came to the fearsome dragons that caused so much strife and damage upon common folk

Now it seems he had under estimated Stormcloak's ability to bribe the lowest of the low in society to help in his cause of tearing the empire of Tamriel apart.

With each province independent of the rest, it could only be more wars against neighbours over control of the borders, weaking their overall safety and making it easy for thieves like Robin to thrive, something he had been striving to prevent by unifying the lands, amiccably or otherwise.

The kingdoms so far understood the purpose of unity, Cyrodiil was his by birthright, Hammerfell, Black Marsh, Elsweyr, Hammerfell, Morrowind, Skyrim, the Summerset Isles, and Valenwood had found ways to submit to his power and work under his command for the greater good but now... now that he was finally returning successfully from High Rock, these wretched bandits and slavers were jeopardising it all with a dagger to his throat.
Lurks-In-Shadows (played by Arcol) Topic Starter

Unfortunately for the prince, the Dovahkiin were thinly spread, with few numbers to support. Even Numeen couldn't come to a prince's aid, as he was busy gathering the people of Tamriel to support his position as Emperor. Lurks laughed at the thought, but her entertainment was interrupted when her target entered the inn; a Breton noble who stole from the client and their family. He sat by the fire, almost near enough for her to throw her dagger into his back and have no one know it was her. But that would rile up the crowd, so she had to wait.

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