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Forums » General Roleplay » Romantic rp

Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Kylie yawned, "So what do we do now?" Kylie fiddled with her glasses
Bianca (played by EagleFlyfree)

"I don't know I just got here what were ya'll doing before I got here?"
Bianca (played by EagleFlyfree)

Bianca said fiddling with her sweater dress
Agnostic (played by zombiekillr007)

"Sorry we were doing something, please come in."
Twisted (played by PeePeeCheerioz)

"This is getting boring... And a bit awkward..."
Twisted would pull out a Acoustic Guitar out of his case, and strums a A note.
Bianca (played by EagleFlyfree)

Bianca smiled and hummed along with twisted
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"WOAH! You play guitar?!?"
Twisted (played by PeePeeCheerioz)

He smiles
"Any song requests? I'm just bored at this point."
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"Um... What about... nevermind..."
Bianca (played by EagleFlyfree)

"NO SAY IT PLEASE!!!!! I want to know what it is. C'mon Same"
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Kylie thought to herself
Twisted (played by PeePeeCheerioz)

"Cmon! Say it Sam!"
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

He shook his head"its dumb!"
Bianca (played by EagleFlyfree)

Bianca gave Sam those beady eyes that nobody could resist. "Please?"
Twisted (played by PeePeeCheerioz)

"Just say it!"
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

"I bet it's a good song." Kylie said
Bianca (played by EagleFlyfree)

"come on it isn't that stupid." She said still giving him puppy eyes. "Ill do whatever you want for a week"
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"No! You'll all think im a big loser, not that you already do"
Bianca (played by EagleFlyfree)

"I do not think your a loser! STop thinking that about yourself its stupid that you think that but you aren't stupid"
Twisted (played by PeePeeCheerioz)

Twisted switches his acoustic for his electric guitar,
`` Cmon! ``
`` Tell us man! ``

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