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Forums » RP Discussion » Crashed sky.

Hey everyone! letting you know that the group Crashed sky is looking for others to join! While we are still under construction of the forums, we'd very much like others input to help make it Everyones!


there's our settings page. i forgot to post it originally. Thanks Sanne for pointing it out <3
I'm olthain by the way! pleased to meet you maybe-future RP'ers to our little forum!!
Sanne Moderator

Maybe you guys can give us a bit of a summary about what the group is about and what you expect? :) A link would be dandy too to make it easier to find the group!
Here's the group: Crashed Sky

And here you go, the main setting!

It is the year 2560 of Has'Throy's counting, 2012 to the humans. Earth, as it used to be, has died.

Today exactly four years ago, we - The Anthro's - have fled our home planet of Has'throy when the Kraken, a mysterious none-humanoid race invaded us, using unknown technology we could no counter. They quickly took control of Has'throy's surface, and the underground labs soon followed, all of our scientist's work has been lost.

Out of the 9 billion anthro's residing on Has'throy, only thirty thousand escaped in the armed colony ship we called Armageddon. It was the only ship in the fleet that managed to break through the Kraken lines and blockades surrounding our planet. We jumped from system to system, until we finally felt that we were no longer followed. We found a planet with a lot of water and light, thus we called it EOS-411. On the dark side of the planet however there was a lot of light being emitted from the planet, proving to us that it already contained vast masses of intelligent life-forms. Since there was only a few thousand of us many only women and children, we had to be careful.

We descended into Earth's lower orbit and stayed there as soon as we saw a vast amount of movement right below us. Our scouts were able to make out weapons - missiles and rockets being pointed at us. Emissaries of our race were sent down with a group that called themselves "United nations", and they agreed to let us stay in earth's orbit as long as we remained in our ship. We accepted their offer, knowing there was no other inhabitable planet nearby, and we had no more crystals to allow us to jump to another system.

We resided in earth's orbit for three years, only to descend to earth for further negotiations or food pick-ups. However, down on the earth's surface a group was growing. They called themselves "Contra Anthro" and openly opposed our presence in Earth's orbit. One zealot group of the organization finally managed to kill an emissary team and used shuttle to enter our home. They fought their way to its core and placed small but strong charges they call "C4". The explosions destroying the propulsion units our ship, causing it to plummet to earth


21st of september 2012, human reckoning.
The crash of our ship caused the core to explode, blasting the ship to pieces. The core emitted a powerful energy wave that destroyed hundreds of lifeforms. Many types trees and grass died, leaving the earth's surface like a dusty wasteland, with seemingly nothing alive inhabiting it. The seas and ocean's emptied, and the only water sources remaining were in the once underwater gorges deep below the former sea line. There was one type of tree that survived however - A tree that the humans call Evergreen. However the core's energy wave altered them, and the tree was no longer useful to any purpose but firewood. Herbivore lifeforms died down and all remaining animals turned on each other, including the humans. The few lucky humans to survive the energy wave (no more than a few thousand, spread over the entire planet) started communities and villages with one human at the head. Almost every human from outside their town was seen as a threat, and treated like it.

Only around a few thousand anthro's out of the thirty thousand on board survived the crash, and more died in the short fight that erupted as we emerged from the wreckage. We fled into the mountains and made a small camp in a nearby cave-system, where we remained for five earth months. then we started to fall apart, and each went there own ways - alone or in group.

There was no more civilization, it was each on their own. this is the story of our survival, and the human's.

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ilmarinen, Ben, Darth_Angelus