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Forums » General Roleplay » The Pub In The Middle of Space and Time (Open RP)

Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

"the TARDIS is ready." I say smirking. "Let's go"
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

Tardis smiles and gets up with a slight grunt.
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

I wait and kiss her head.
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

Tardis takes his hand with a smile and puts one hand on part of her lower back.
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

I decide to activate the TARDIS myself.
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

(you never said so)
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

(it's ok)
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

(( Thanks.... <3 ))
Tardis smiles and watches him.
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

(would you make a separate thread??
Tommy Caville Feld (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

"Thanks for saving me I guess,now please let me out,I have a pub to run."
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

(he was already let out before they left)
Tommy Caville Feld (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

Tommy would sprint back into the pub getting back to business and such serving drinks to his customers.
Isaiah Lim (played by Orose_Khan)

Isaiah sprinted into the pub and slammed his hands on the bar. He looked terribly disheveled and his eyes were bloodshot.

"I need to find Tardis. Now!"
Tommy Caville Feld (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

"She has gone god knows where with a friend of hers,wonder if their carnal knowledge will be hardcore."
Tommy would shrug and go back to cleaning some dirty dishes and cups.
Jon (played anonymously)

(i think this is still open, forgive me if i’m wrong)

Sat at the far end of the bar’s counter was a younger (human) man, adorned in a beige military uniform, his body slumped over onto the counter, as if asleep.


The man slowly pushed his face off of the counter, and pushed back the brim of his Adrian helmet, his eyes squinted in confusion, and he speaks in a light Belgian accent

“God... What was that?...”
Tommy Caville Feld (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

"Greatness my friend. You want anything man?"

Tommy finished cleaning and awaited for a reply from the man at the counter arter twirling his revolver.
Jon (played anonymously)

The man, a bit dazed, ran his gaze slowly over the interior of the Pub, and he groaned, reaching a hand over to touch the French WW1 Lebel rifle that is propped up against a nearby wall, a long, pointy bayonet fixed onto it’s muzzle.

“Where is this?..”
Tommy Caville Feld (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

"Jesus it is in the middle of bloody and time space,cyoar you look like a mess. Where in the timeline did you come from?"
Jon (played anonymously)

He caresses his eyes tenderly, seeming to only have half-heard what the barkeep said.

“Verrek.. My head...”

The man releases the chinstrap of his helmet and lets it fall onto the counter with a thud, and he grumbles,

“I enlisted with the Belgian Army just last year, when the Germans began their offensive..”

The man frowns, as if deep in thought, and asks,

“Perhaps it was all a dream.. Maybe Belgium is still free.”

He blinks, and glances up at the man through unkempt brown hair, inquiring,

“It is still 1916, right?”

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus