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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Titanfall 2 Side Story: Operation Black Sheep

((Yo yo, pause. It's kinda unfair. Before I can do anything? No, here's the thing. It's quite cheating that you can do something and I don't retaliate. How about this: we play like D&D. We roll a dice from 1-6. 1-2 atk miss, 3-4 atk hit, but little damage, 5-6 atk hit, full dmg.))
Alex Frost (played by MilitiaPilot) Topic Starter

Hush Rebakkan wrote:
((Yo yo, pause. It's kinda unfair. Before I can do anything? No, here's the thing. It's quite cheating that you can do something and I don't retaliate. How about this: we play like D&D. We roll a dice from 1-6. 1-2 atk miss, 3-4 atk hit, but little damage, 5-6 atk hit, full dmg.))

((Sorry. I thought you'd probably say something like, "Hush blocked all the punches" and stuff like that, but it is fair enough to use dice. For when I used my Vortex Shield, would I need to roll a dice too? And what about dodging? Or is it only for attacks? Also, you have any roleplays you might want to do with me later? Like heist roleplays, or D&D...))
((Yes, every action required a dice roll, but you only use it when battling against real life users. But here, your Vortex Shield is used as an response action. [So, for example, I shot a series of missiles at you. You rolled 1-2, then no shield since you're too late. If you rolled 3-4, then you put up the shield a bit late, which is why you receive damage. As for 5-6, you deflect all missiles with the Vortex Shield. You don't have to use the shield though when you get a 5-6, you can just sidestep or dodge, it's up to you. But attacks must always be used with dice.] And as for any other RPs, I'll tell you when I'm ready.))
((As for how much damage, let's say I rolled 3-4. Then, I roll once more from 1-6. The damage I do to your Titan is equal to that number. If I do roll a 5-6, the damage is amplified by 2. So, if I roll a 4, then the damage will become 8. We'll all start with our Titans at HP 50.))
Alex Frost (played by MilitiaPilot) Topic Starter

Hush Rebakkan wrote:
((As for how much damage, let's say I rolled 3-4. Then, I roll once more from 1-6. The damage I do to your Titan is equal to that number. If I do roll a 5-6, the damage is amplified by 2. So, if I roll a 4, then the damage will become 8. We'll all start with our Titans at HP 50.))
((I slightly got what you meant.))
((You should've rolled once more. That will determine how much damage you do on my Titan.))

((This is getting really confusing. I think it's best if we just restart from the beginning. I need to take a look at D&D rules first. Then we can proceed with atk pts, and so on.))
Alex Frost (played by MilitiaPilot) Topic Starter

((The beginning of the fight? Because that would be easier. Anyway, you start.))
((I think I got it. I'm adding another dice that ranges from 1-20 and I'm changing the dice to 1-10 Our health's will become whatever you think fits your Titan (For example, Ronin's HP is an 80 armor+10 HP while Ion's is 100 armor+20HP). Our atks will be determined by the dice. Your weapons shall be modifiers. But, we have to balance it out of course. The atk pts vary among Titans. (So, for example, since Ion has more health than Ronin, it means she's bulkier, thus slower. When rolling the dice, its modifier only goes up until +5, whereas Ronin can go +7. Now, when attacking, you roll the dice for 1-20. If you somehow get an 18, (add the number you got on dice with modifier), your atk will hit. Lower than 18, then you miss. No grazes. ))

((We're finished with attacking. Now is dmg pts. We're going to the 2nd dice, the 1-10. No modifiers. Number from dice determines damage.))

((Still a WIP. Be wary of updates. For now, RP is on pause. Feel free to tell me your thoughts.))
Alex Frost (played by MilitiaPilot) Topic Starter

((I sort of get it, but I think when you do your opening attack I'll get it.))
((You know what, forget it. Forget the dice and HP and all that, it's all dizzying. We'll just play this nice and aggressive. But one attack at a time. Problem is, I'm not sure how we're going to register the damage, aka when our Titan's limbs will pop off.))
Alex Frost (played by MilitiaPilot) Topic Starter

((And in case you're wondering what this move looks like, I basically forced your titan to put his face any my knee that was going, you get the idea.))
((Yes I do. But sorry Frosty. This RP seems to have already lost its touch. Ehh I'm getting pretty bored of it. I can see you getting bored as well. I can see you making a new Titanfall RP.))
Alex Frost (played by MilitiaPilot) Topic Starter

((It was probably boring cause we got stuck on that one fight scene, but eh, okay. I can never find any good role-plays on this website, sadly.))
((It's because you're limiting yourself to Titanfall. Try something else. Perhaps you're in need of some lovey-dovey sessions with someone. Perhaps you're longing for some adventure in a faraway land. Don't just focus on Titans. =]))

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