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Forums » Smalltalk » Just Talkin' :)

Like, caffeine?
Sanne Moderator

No the other life juice XD
oh, that's good too
Sanne Moderator

Yes, the giver of life
idk why im so tired.
Sanne Moderator

Cause life is hard?
not that, just feel i messed something up somehow
Whelp, guess I oughta get ready. I'll see y'all later
Sanne Moderator

Alright, have a good one!
KansasVenomoth wrote:
Genuine question. How do you y'all feel about using AI to aid with writing? I'm not using to write out my stuff, but mostly as a resource to help refine ideas and plot points.

Like Sanne said, as long as you aren't letting AI write everything for you, I like to view it as a stepping stone and something to help assist you in writing. I see no problem with what you're using it for! :) /gen
Also, gosh it is HOT and HUMID today. 😭
i second that.
just took a step outside, when did florida become the heart of a volcano.
Well, that was a productive day. Get into work, only to have to close seven hours early due to none of my evening cooks coming in.
KansasVenomoth wrote:
Well, that was a productive day. Get into work, only to have to close seven hours early due to none of my evening cooks coming in.

I mean...Some may call that a win?
I mean, I'm happy to start my weekend early, but that puts me 7-hours short of my usual 40.
Are you ever so excited for a RP that you just can't stop thinking about it and thinking of ideas for it?
Yeah, that's me right now dgadshgashdgasgaa

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