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Other Warrior Ocs (played by PastaSalad) Topic Starter

Sorbetkit popped his head out of the snow. His syrup brown eyes glistening in the bright light of sunhigh. His dark pelt was easy to spot in the white world covered in icy powder. His entire pelt was coated in a light layer of snow. Sorbetkit looked around, not being able to see camp anywhere. Only trees and a large frozen lake. A dead bush and a dead stalk of comfrey rested nearby. This is where he was found.
All Warrior OCs (played anonymously)

Twilightpelt glanced around to look outside before noticing small paw prints in the snow. The medicine cat turned around to see that Sorbetkit had left his side. The tom went back to the entrance of the den and peered out to see that the trail led to the camp entrance. Worry laced through Twilightpelt.
Other Warrior Ocs (played by PastaSalad) Topic Starter

Sorbetkit could smell the bitter scent of cat blood, and fox blood. He wrinkled his nose and followed the sent.
All Warrior OCs (played anonymously)

Twilightpelt looked back to kit and knew he couldn't leave the kit by herself, but he couldn't let Sorbetkit go out on his own either.

Nightrush yawned loudly as she noticed Twilightpelt looking worried near his den. Her old eyes small kit prints in the snow leading to the camp entrance. Growling at the kit's rashness, the elder warrior padded to and beyond the entrance.
Other Warrior Ocs (played by PastaSalad) Topic Starter

Sorbetkit found himself in a clearing. Scraps of silver fur covered in thick red crimson littered the ground. The sent of fox doused everything in its heavy, bitter smell. The black and white kit padded over to a tuft of fur and sniffed it. The smell was familiar, “Mum?” He whispered softly,
All Warrior OCs (played anonymously)

Nightrush walked out the camp and followed the trail; pausing to sniff the air when the tracks faded too much to see. Black pelt striking out against the bright snow, her old figure padded through the forest until she found the kit's paw prints again, realizing that it was Sorbetkit's scent she was following.

Twilightpelt saw Nightrush leave the camp and knew that she was probably going to find Sorbetkit. The tom sighed before turning back inside his den.
Other Warrior Ocs (played by PastaSalad) Topic Starter

Sorbetkit sat down, and tilted his head to the sun, and nodded. “Okay, mum.”
All Warrior OCs (played anonymously)

Nightrush followed the trail further until she found the small kit surrounded by fox-scent. Fur bristling in fear the she-cat went up to Sorbetkit. "What in StarClan's name are you doing here?" , she asked with low growl.
Other Warrior Ocs (played by PastaSalad) Topic Starter

“Mum’s gone hunting....” The kit mewed, his tone soft, as he stood up and looked up at Nightrush. “...hunting with Starclan.”
All Warrior OCs (played anonymously)

Nightrush looked taken back by the kit's reply. She looked around for a small while, thinking, before nudging Sorbetkit. "Let's go home little one."
Other Warrior Ocs (played by PastaSalad) Topic Starter

He nodded, “Home... Okay.”
All Warrior OCs (played anonymously)

Nightrush started her back to camp, looking back to make sure Sorbetkit was following.
Other Warrior Ocs (played by PastaSalad) Topic Starter

The kit followed quietly.
All Warrior OCs (played anonymously)

Nightrush lead the kit back to camp and brought him into Twilightpelt's den, where he seemed to be often.
Other Warrior Ocs (played by PastaSalad) Topic Starter

Sorbetkit just sat, silently.
All Warrior OCs (played anonymously)

Twilightpelt scented both Sorbetkit and Nightrush so he turned around to see the kit and warrior by the den entrance. Noticing Sorbetkit's solemn mood put the medicine cat on slight edge, the young tom was always so curious and it was odd to see him so down. Twilightpelt went up to him. "Did something happen? Where did you go?"
Other Warrior Ocs (played by PastaSalad) Topic Starter

Sorbetkit shook his head, looking up at Twilightpelt with his brown eyes. He closed his eyes for a moment then smiled.
All Warrior OCs (played anonymously)

Twilightpelt felt a wave of relief wash over him seeing the young tom smile. Though worry still pricked his pelt, the medicine cat felt no need to ask if there was anything wrong. Sorbetkit would tell him if he wanted to. "Where did you go Sorbetkit? I won't be angry if you tell me." , Twilightpelt prodded gently.
Other Warrior Ocs (played by PastaSalad) Topic Starter

“To say goodbye to mum.” He answered simply.
All Warrior OCs (played anonymously)

Twilightpelt gazed at the kit, confusion written all over his face. "Your mum? She's alive?!" , suddenly the medicine cat filled with excitement. Maybe they can convince her to stay and look after Sorbetkit.

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