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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » the land of skyrim (open)

Kosma (played anonymously)

Thanatos pushed through the Gaurds. “ bro you had fun without me. Come on sis is in trouble.” He child a badly hurt child and sick. He had tended her and nearby was a coffin. “ let’s get this girl mothe a real fair well.”
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

*Ryku then sees all the guards surround him after he finishes the last gang members* "Hey..I didn't do nothing wrong.." *He tells the guards* "They attacked me in search of money...It is not my fault they forced me to hurt them.." *He said still walking towards the guards slowly now* *He then looks at all the bows and guards now surrounding him but he doesn't get scared* "And I don't think that little amount of guards will stop me...Maybe you should gather some more..Just to be safe,," *He says*
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

*When Ryku sees Thanatos pass through the guards and say stuff about his sis in trouble, He then moves past all the guards in a blink of an eye and start walking off with him* "What seems to be the problem with the kid and such..?" *He asks in curiosity*
Kosma (played anonymously)

" oh mom not alive due to a group of mean gang. I say they are worse then most. destroying her home as well."
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

Oh..Alright.. I Might've met the gang back there...I can kill them if you need me too.." *He says* "There pretty easy to defeat... I defeated them with one blow...Unless they were a different gang.." *He says*
Kosma (played anonymously)

"some of this gang teamed with another gang. looks like kai knocked out a few of other gang"
matthew ebonsword (played by matthew22) Topic Starter

*matt jumped down in front of kosma* guards are way to incompetent... besides when you tell them your with the brotherhood and the thieves guild you get free rein although I just killed a nightingale took his hood and boots and just left him there.. *he looks at ryku* you interested in the brotherhood kid?
Kosma (played anonymously)

( kosma blacked out and mabuz is trying to heal her. ) mabuz nods follow me im looking for a curtain person in your brotherhood."
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

"Um....I don't know.." *He says to the hooded person* "Should I join..?" *He says* "Im not planning on it.."
Zombie character (played anonymously)

*Appears before them and pulls out sword, looks at Ryuku and Matt Damon* What is this?! MURDERERS AND ASSASSINS???? I thought i told u folks to scram from whiterun! Now u are forced to fight me!!!!
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

"Why do you think we are murderers and assassins..?" *He says asking him* "Does it look like we are doing something wrong...?" *He said walking to him* "But...If I have to fight..Then I will to protect my fellow people..Unless you leave now.." *He said putting his hand on his dagger* "So Im only gonna ask it once...Can you please leave..?"
Unknown user

*walks past them*

*Accidentally bumps into the White run guard*
Zombie character (played anonymously)

Me? Leave? You speak of joining the Dark Brotherhood always within my line of hearing, that hooded guy claimed he murdered a man a left his corpse. And now, you presume to threaten ME?! Within Whiterun?! *I hold the hilt of my sword* You do so much as yank that dagger, and I swear, you will find yourself bound to a pillory before noon!!

*Bumped into Rim* Hey, YOU, you are within the law. Help me apprehend these law-breakers, and I will let the Captain join you to become townsguard!!
Kosma (played anonymously)

Meanwhile mabuz takes the 2 girls he caring for out of Whiterun. He thought the Gaurds are rude and for entering a shop during closing and assuming stuff. When he got them out of Whiterun. He went to Zilla shop and grabbed all the stuff in it. Not leaving a single object or thing in the shop.
Unknown user

As the gaurds slowly dispears some of them taking the still alive gang members that might be injured or knocked out hauling them off to the dungeon as the captian bellows out orders to more gaurds to unlock the gates and continue their duties, Jhon would immerge out of the crowd of gaurds with his sword seathed he would start partoling the streets of Whiterun seeing Rim and the other Gaurdsmen he would rush over to them

"What is happening? do we have another fight on our hands" he would place his hand onto the handle of his blade that is seathed ready to pull it out in any moment

"Talos damn it, cant we get a break for atleast a hour" Jhon would say as he approaches his co-gaurdsmen
Kosma (played anonymously)

Since it was outside the shop mabuz looked at the scene. “ you would if you had more people respect and better trained.” He closed up shop.
Zombie character (played anonymously)

He snuck past the guards, sweating nervously.
Kosma (played anonymously)

Mabuz notice. “ why are you sweating? “ he looked at jace looking him over. That nice”
Kosma (played anonymously)

Mabuz notice. “ why are you sweating? “ he looked at jace looking him over.
Zombie character (played anonymously)

";-; Uh......"

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