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James Greyson (played by Keegan) Topic Starter

"And vampires just assume we are dirty uneducated savages." He said and narrowed his eyes. "I am fully aware that yes, you do physically have a heart. But that isn't my point. I am also aware that you more than likely didn't want this. I highly doubt any vampire in existence asked for it. But obviously it happened for a reason. Whether or not James is the ultimate reason or not is beyond me." He watched her closely, still trying to determine why the universe chose her for him. "You seem to think that we don't have to watch our loved ones die. It's a fact of life. Everyone dies." he said with a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm not saying you wouldn't, I'm sure that you have at some point in your life, but again, not my point. My point is that James is a decent person, and from what I have seen out of you, not so much. You seem to have a large problem with our kind, which makes me not very trusting of you when it comes to how you will treat James." he said and crossed his arms again. "James is like a baby brother to me. I want what's best for him and I am certain that isn't you, unless you can prove differently to me." he said in a cold tone.
Rayne Crimson (played by tear_ps)

Rayne turns away, crossing her arms. “. . .our kind is raised to despise yours and vice versa. . . . That is the way our world works. You can’t just make me accept my zing, the only love I’ll ever have, the one special person in my life, is a lycanthrope, the exact thing I’m supposed to hate!” She turns to him, gaze upset and sad. “I don’t know how you or James are but this is difficult for me! I’ve looked forward to a zing since. . .” She looks at the ground. “. . .since I was a fledgling. This, I thought, was the one good thing that came out of becoming an eternally damned monster and. . .” She shakes her head. “How am I supposed to do this?”
James Greyson (played by Keegan) Topic Starter

"No one every said it would be easy on his part either. You're both screwed." he said and smirked a little. Shaking his head he said, "That's entirely up to you on how you handle this situation." He scratched the back of his head and continued, "Lycan and vampire or not, I still think this could be a great thing, it supposed to be a great thing. The both of you just need to get past what you are, it's not about that." he looked back into the woods and said, "I should get going back to check on my pack...just don't brush off what was said here tonight."

Meanwhile James walked out of the elders house and made his way into the woods. Taking off the shorts that he had on he hid them back where he found them and started running, changing mid stride. As he ran through the woods he caught the scent of two or three lone vampires. Growling he took of in their direction at full speed, knowing he would cut them off at the boarder. Once he had them in his sighs he let out a snarl that shook the trees. The problem was he could only see two, he couldn't see the third though he knew it was close. As he chased them along the boarder of their lands he was caught off guard as the third came out of no where and slammed him into a near by tree. Letting out a yelp he shook off the surprise and stood, his ribs already starting to heal until one of the other vampires drop kicked him into the river.

Paul's head snapped in the direction of James, able to hear the snarl from here. "You weren't by chance expecting visitors, were you?" Paul asked and looked back at Rayne. "Because I think James just got a surprise greeting..." he growled out and headed into the woods.
Rayne Crimson (played by tear_ps)

Rayne shakes her head. “Fine, Whatever. I’ll try to tolerate the mutt.” She sighs. Suddenly, she heard the attack happening and smelled the air. “No, I wasn’t. They’re fleshlings. They are stronger than a regular vampire. They aren’t in control of their power yet. He’s going to either be killed or severely injured.” She cracks her neck and, in a flash, she’s at the scene of the attack. She growls. “Don’t touch him,” she hisses, red eyes glowing and fangs extended to their maximum. “Or I’ll tear you apart and burn you.” She pulled a box of matches from her pocket, waving them teasingly. “This isn’t your territory, fledglings, so leave.” She approaches steadily, her face unreadable. “Normally I’d leave you to it but that is my zing you’re messing with.”
James Greyson (played by Keegan) Topic Starter

Paul quickly followed after shifting into a wolf. By the time they had arrived James had clearly lost. He was clenching his ribs, having shifted back into human form, and had several cuts on his face, which weren't healing as fast as they normally would. Paul growled as he walked up behind Rayne, to which the rest of the pack appeared seconds after, basically surrounding the three vampires. When the three unknown vampires left Paul looked at Rayne, still in his wolf form while the rest of the pack shifted back and put their shorts on. Grey, one of the pack members looked at Rayne and said, "Paul said you could stay if you would like but would understand if you left. We can take care of ding dong over here." James groaned as two of the pack members helped him to his feet and covered him up. "I'm fine." he growled out and kept his eyes on the water. "You're not. We need to get you back to your house." Grey said and signaled the others to carry him off to his house.
Rayne Crimson (played by tear_ps)

Rayne walks over to James and studies his face before they carry him off. “I suppose you would need me to stop fleshlings when there are any. . . . You can’t be that horrible. . . .” She smiles. “And you don’t smell that bad. . . . Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad having you as my zing. . .” She sighs. “Maybe I will stay for a bit. Couldn’t hurt, right? Besides, me and him hardly know each other. I know his first name, he only knows I’m a female vampire. . .” She sighs. “I will stay. Lord knows how many more fleshlings are here.”
James Greyson (played by Keegan) Topic Starter

James looked up at her and grumbled, usually vampires are no problem for him but these were stronger than normal, not to mention sneakier. Grey watched them as she spoke to him. "Trust me mam, James is usually very capable of taking care of himself. I don't think he has ever been taken off guard like that." Grey said to her and scratched the back of his head. "We didn't smell any others on our way over. And I don't think we have ever encountered any that young..." he added as he started walking towards James house with Paul beside him. As they arrived at James' house Grey went and grabbed Paul a pair of shorts so he could shift back. Once that was done Paul walked over to Rayne and was about to say something until there was a blood curdling scream from inside the house. One of the pack members came out and said, "They completely separated his shoulder and broke a few bones. Travis is taking care of it." Paul nodded and looked over at Rayne, "You can either go in or wait here...up to you." He said as he crossed his arms and looked at the small house.
Rayne Crimson (played by tear_ps)

Ryan’s shakes her head. “U-unless he’d actually like to see me, which I highly doubt because, let’s face it, I’m the same race as his attackers, then I’m staying out here. I. . . Wouldn’t risk there being blood and my instincts kicking into overdrive. . . I haven’t eaten in almost two weeks. . .” She sighs. “Besides, I’m probably not wanted anyway.” She looks away. “Which comes as no surprise because not even a coven wanted me.” She turns away. “Why did I agree to come? I’m useless. What can I do? He won’t want me here, I’m sure!”
James Greyson (played by Keegan) Topic Starter

Paul shook his head as he watched the pack walk out. "Come with me miss pity." he teased and guided her by her shoulders into the house. "James has never been one to care much about technicalities." he said and walked into James' bedroom to see him passed out on his bed. "Besides, he is out cold. All you would really have to do is just sit here and wait for him to wake up." he added and smiled over at her. James groaned in his sleep and moved a little, slowly coming to his senses yet not awake yet. "Just talk to him. Doesn't have to be anything specific." he said as he walked out of the room to go meet with the pack and discuss patrol teams.
Rayne Crimson (played by tear_ps)

Rayne sighs. This lycanthrope was weird. He wasn’t that annoying but she didn’t really know him know him. “Fine, Whatever.” She lets him lead her into James’ bedroom. She waits for him to leave and sits on the edge of the bed. “. . .I'm not sure what to say to you, James. . . You probably can’t even hear me. . .” She sighs. “I hope you aren’t hurting too bad. . . It’s been so long since I’ve felt pain. . . 1800 years. But I remember pain isn’t pleasant so I wouldn’t wish it on you. I. . . I’m not sure what to think, you know? This is so new and—“ She looks at him.
James Greyson (played by Keegan) Topic Starter

James was asleep but he could hear her. As she talked to him he slowly woke up and lifted his good arm, bringing his hand up to his eyes. “I’ll be okay..” he groaned out and looked at her from under his hand. Half of his upper body was bandaged and the cuts on his face were still healing. “I’m right there with you on the not sure what to think thing...” he said softly and slowly pushed himself up to sit against the wall. “So you know my name...thanks to Paul I’m assuming...but I have no clue what yours is...I could call you blondy but I don’t think you would like that much.” He said in as much of a teasing tone he could manage.
Rayne Crimson (played by tear_ps)

Rayne studies him. “I see you are feeling better since you are teasing me.” She wrinkles her nose and pulls her hair from its messy braid and unweaving it, the white, almost translucent curls cascading down her back in thick waves. She pulls it over her shoulder and begins weaving it. “My name is Rayne Crimson.” She watches her hair as she takes strand after strand and adds it to the mass. “I am an 1800 year old vampire. I’m quite old, as you can see. I’ve seen. . . Lots of things. This is not one of them. It’s strange to me; you, a lycanthrope, are my zing?” She sighs. “You are the Prince Charming I dreamed would make this horrible, never-ending existence seem worthwhile? Are you even immortal?” She finishes her French braid and ties it. She looks at him sadly. “Or are you going to be the only love I’ll ever have, only to die and leave me alone again?”
James Greyson (played by Keegan) Topic Starter

James raised a brow as he listened to her, chuckling a little when she called him Prince Charming, which caused him to groan from the pain in his shoulder. Reaching over to her slowly he gently touched her hand. Her skin didn’t feel as icy cold to him as vampires usually did, which he found odd yet refreshing. “If you weren’t a vampire, I wouldn’t be immortal.” He said quietly as he wrapped his fingers up underneath her hand, holding it gently. “Imprints are someone I am supposed to be with for the rest of my life, as well as the rest of theirs, and since you are immortal, that makes me immortal as well. I won’t age any more.” He said and looked up into her eyes. “So you’re stuck with me forever.” He said with a smile.
Rayne Crimson (played by tear_ps)

Rayne was completely still. Being dead, she didn’t need to move, breathe, or blink so she looked like a statue. She let him hold her hand, just watching him. She stayed quiet for a few minutes before her lips parted and she spoke. “Do you understand how that works? Immortality? You won’t ever die. . . Isn’t that hard on you? You are alive and I’m. . . Not. . .” She looks down at their intertwined hands and sighs. “Your old is so different. You have a pack, a family. And I have. . . Nothing, no one. I forgot what it’s like to sympathise, to empathise. . . I forgot how to act around others. I’m so old!” She laughs bitterly. “I had been alive back in the times of Ancient Rome. Y’know, Cleopatra? Julius Caesar? Well, I didn’t specifically live there but those were the times.” Rayne looks at him. “I have lived through many wars, disasters, so much destruction. I never died. I carry the burdens of history and I will never die.”
James Greyson (played by Keegan) Topic Starter

James raised a brow as he listened to her talk. Listening to what she had lived through, all the things she has seen only made him curious, not afraid. “You keep talking about all these things you have seen, and the fact that you can’t, or haven’t died.” He said softly and leaned closer to her. His heart started beating a little faster as he drew closer to her. “You have seen the rise and fall of kingdoms. But honestly that’s just human nature. Mortals build great things only to end up destroying them in the end, and to watch history repeat itself time and time again must be disheartening.” He said softly and pulled her hand closer to him. “I don’t see it as a curse, not being able to die. Death never scared me...obviously...” he said and gestured to his bandages. “The only thing that has ever frightened me is not being able to live, I mean really live...not just in a general sense.” He looked down and sighed, “I have always wanted to see the world but felt I would never be able to, there isn’t enough time in a mortal life span to do so. And yes, I am fully away what immortality means. Never natural causes at least. But even that being said, by nature’s rule, everyone and everything has their time. Obviously, it’s not close to ours yet and I am okay with that.”
Rayne Crimson (played by tear_ps)

Rayne shakes her head. She looks at their hands again. “James, I may not remember much of my mortal life—it was only eighteen years, after all—but I do remember dying. Do you know how horrifying it is to feel everything in your body just. . . Shut down? I was awake, moving, blinking but there was no heartbeat, no blood. I was, and still am, dead. I had this urge to look at myself. So I stared at my naked body in a mirror. I looked different, sickly beautiful. I have never been vain but at that moment, I thought, “It isn’t all bad if I look like this!” Of course, that was before I felt the hunger.” She smiles at him. “I was scared I’d feed from you if I came in here; it’s almost been two weeks and hunger is painful. But different from mortal pain. It’s something worse.” She laughs bitterly. “When I first felt the hunger, it was so excruciating. I thought maybe I was dying again until I caught this fantastic aroma: blood. Each mortal has a different scent. I fed off of someone who smelled like a Ranunculus once! Anywho, I put on my robes and tracked the scent to my city-state. It was people I hungered for and in that moment, I didn’t care. I think I ended up draining a family of five until I was satisfied. I realized what I had done and was terrified. I realized I was dead and there was nothing good out of it. I may look like Venus, in the flesh, but I’m. . . I’m a monster.” Rayne looks at their intertwined hands again.
James Greyson (played by Keegan) Topic Starter

James took in every word she said as he stared at his blankets. “You were a new vampire, control wasn’t a thing for you yet.” He said softly and looked up at her. “New wolves can control their shifts either. I’ve known a few that have killed unintentionally because they got mad and sifted.” He told her before squeezing her hand. “I don’t think you’re a monster.” He pulled her hand closer to him ultimately pulling her closer. “And you need to feed...” he said firmly. “I may not know you very well yet but my instinct tells me I can trust you...I may not taste the greatest...but you can feed from me if you need to...” he said, pulling her even closer.
Rayne Crimson (played by tear_ps)

Rayne watches, biting her lip. She blinks as she’s pulled closer and closer. She heard it; the blood rushing in his veins. She smelled it; the same lol of a fire in a fireplace. She growls lowly. “I can’t. . . I’ll go overboard; I’ll drink too much. . .” She licks her lips. “You could die. . .” She moves closer, her nose brushing his neck, above his pulse point. Her body shivers violently, licking his neck. Her instincts take over and her fangs extend. She sinks them into his neck. She squeezes his hand lightly.
James Greyson (played by Keegan) Topic Starter

James sucked in a breath as she bit him, his head voluntarily tilting to give her better access. He found their positions to be a tad awkward with her sitting next to him. James released her hand and in one swift motion pulled her into his lap, making sure not to disturb her position on his neck. Slowly wrapping his arm around her waist he closed his eyes and let her drink, knowing he could stop her in a second if she went to far.
Rayne Crimson (played by tear_ps)

Rayne hardly acknowledged being pulled into his lap. She was focused on taking her fill. All rational and humane thinking went out the window as she drank. She pulls her fangs out and licks at the spot before sinking them back into the wound. He tasted amazing—the best she had ever had. After a few minutes, she pulls away, licking away any excess blood that was present. She closes her eyes. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” she whispers, laying her head on the shoulder opposite his wound. She liked being in his lap, held by him. It made her feel alive again. She closes her eyes. “I could have killed you. . .”

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