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Forums » Art & Creativity » Looking to commission chibi-art

Fleurette (played anonymously)

Fleurette could use with a few more adorable drawings to spiffify her profile. ;) I'm therefore looking for experienced artists who are good at drawing chibi-art to doodle her.

My price range is between $5-$15 and I will use Paypal. :) Post or send a pm if interested?
Fleurette is quite cute and looks fun to draw ^-^

I myself do digital art, Though my slots are currently closed (I'll be opening again in June) I need to update my prices still though it's all a bit out of date right now.

Chibis (Prices depend on difficulty/detail of the character)

Flat color - $7 - $10

Simple Shading - $10 - $12

Detailed Shading - $12 - $15

More examples can be found on my Deviantart as well as actuall Chibis ^^; didn't have any actual chibi samples here.
Fleurette (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Does that mean these prices will change when you open for commissions again?
oh, no those are the new ones ^-^

The ones I have listed on my DA and Commission site are the old ones.

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