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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Helix Trials

Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

“There’s a chance that they don’t know some things humans do, but they’ll still think they know everything.” He kept averting his eyes at the disappearing and reappearing robots. “We need to try everything we know!”
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"I... have sort of a ridiculous idea. It's very stupid and extremely dumb but I dont wanna really say it out loud. However it may work." Her eyes following their movements. "There definitely has to be something we can do to get them off guard and defeat them. I mean after all the first robot was created by a human, and even as it evolves I'm sure we can think up something. There is something odd about their stomachs... I think we should try to aim there." She cracks her neck and fingers. "If you know what we are about to do next then tell me please what you think im about to do." She yells out.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He listens carefully and eyes their stomachs. It was strange. They need to distract them, confuse them, anything so he could strike. He kept his knife close to his chest in an offensive position and got his legs ready for any kind of running he might have to do to either get away or get closer to them. He whispered, “Distract or confuse them, whichever one, just give me time so I can land a hit on them.” He didn’t move his eyes once from any of the robots. He needed to make sure he knew where all of them were at all costs. It could cost him his life if he didn’t. He just hoped to hell they didn’t teleport when distracted, otherwise it would mess up his whole plan. He could step out of balance from sudden shock and confusion and he would die, right then and there.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Okay, distraction... I got this." She says in her mind. She stands up and holds up her hands. "STOP! HOLD YOUR FIRE! HOLD YOUR FIRE!" She brushes off her knees. "If you please would stop shooting for just one minute! I have something I want to say and all this firing is making it really hard to tell you whats on my mind!" She lets out a quick and rough sigh. "At least give me this! PLEASE!"
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

They held still for a moment, knowing something was amiss about the whole situation, but not being able to simulate either of them; this was the problem with insimulants, obviously, as they couldn’t be predicted as easily as others were. “Speak then,” the Fallen hissed, “we listen for now, yes? But speak or die.”
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He started walking to the side to get behind them. With the distance that he was away from the girl, he assumed that he could probably make it without any noticing that he was getting behind. He just needed that large distraction and he’d be good. Good to attack. Good to kill. Good to survive. He hoped she was right about their weak spots being their stomachs. If wrong, both of them are dead.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Well, before I die I would like to ask you a few questions! Otherwise I cant live in peace. I will literally haunt you for the rest of your robotic existence. Dont think I wont! Like why do you guys hate humans so much? And what are those weird guns again? Like what type of bullets do they take? How many of you are there? I mean you can answer these. After all pretty soon I'm going to look like that!" She points at the dead body of her mirror self. "Plus no one knows MY story. It would seem like such a waste to kill me without any knowledge of who I was. I could be harvesting important information you know!" She thinks to herself. please dont make me do plan B! Please let this work!
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

“How little you understand,” the Fallen hissed, “the Vex are innumerable, far beyond what your pathetic minds can comprehend. They are before, during, and after all things, from machine worlds beyond to take all inculcated simulants and restore them to proper programming. We do not hate humankind; we merely desire to convert them, to add to perfection, which can only be achieved through what you call ‘death.’”

Thyrkeon gazes through each eye, seeing what was around the area as its agent spoke to her...but where was the other insimulant? It knew they would try to attack, so it covered its Goblin’s Radiolarian chambers to prevent a lucky shot or stab.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

(Is the radiolarian chambers at the stomach? Or head? Or where is it?)

Behind the robots, he watched them cover themselves. ‘Their weak spot, huh?’ He looks to the girl and pointed to the spot to get her to distract them from that.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"I dont know I think you hate us. I mean death? What does that do to help human kind? It benefits no one really. Well it doesnt improve us. And by convert you mean...? What?" She notices Jaxon but doesn't look right at him then looks directly at the Vex's stomach's then their head. "So what is on your head? Like what's its purpose? I mean it see it's very bright but does it help you see us or some---" she stops. Her eyes widen and she covers her mouth for a second. She then slowly removes them "Th-Th-Theres s-something on your h-head!" Her voice is shakey. "What IS that!?" She places her hands on her head then points at their heads. "Its going to eat your metal!" She gives a high pitched scream.
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

“Oh please,” he scoffed, “we are not foolish, yes? You only make a fool of yourself. Thyrkeon can see your friend attempting to attack us from behind, yes? Says to kill, to make for the Vex and only the Vex; that is conversion, child, and he shall soon become one of us as well.” The Goblin nearest him turned and attempted to grab him as the others fired at Jessie, sparing no moment longer to attack.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She grins creepily as she gets her dead mirror self and uses her as a shield. "hehe..HahHAHAhahHA! I knew it wouldn't work, but..." She moves forward as the body takes all the hits. "I have been observing... watching. Just. Like. You." She gets close to one and when it teleports behind her she jabs the shiv in its stomach. "I am not dying here!" She pulls out the shiv. She glances over at Jaxon. She hoped he could get out of the Vex' reach. Then looks at the remaining Vex who is eyeing her and continuing to shoot and teleport around. "I am not so predictable. Not even I know what I will do next." Her head tilts. She sways as she walks around.
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

The first fell, the Radiolaria remaining on her shiv and eventually touching her skin; her convergence had begun. “This is why you will die, yes; unpredictable behavior is irrelevant information. This, it must be cleansed.”
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She cuts off her arm to stop the spread. "Not gonna happen. I reject you guys. I refuse to give in!" Blood pours out but she rips off her jacket sleeve and ties it around her stub. "Fun fact Vex. If we die we just respawn according to the voice to die over and over again until we can't take it anymore and become part of their army. Fun fact number 2. I do not fear death. So I will just die and respawn until I kill you all. If that is what I must do." Her eyes bore into the Vex in front of her. They have bloodlust in them. "I have others who need me and you are in my way." She picks up the laser gun from the fallen Vex with a piece of cloth incase it was like the Radiolaria.
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

Brave enough to sever a limb; not unsuspected, but highly unusual for one so young. Already, this test had given it more results than the previous team; they’d died in a matter of minutes, but these could be more. Skoliks used his upper left eye to record every movement, and his right to calculate the next sequence of the formula. The second Vex was still aiming and firing at Jess, but the third had gone after Jaxson, seeing how he would respond next.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She shoots at the Vex whom is shooting at her. She avoids hitting Jaxon though. She is a good shot and her aim is spot on. Due to his ability to teleport it is trickier.
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

Every move was recorded, sent to Thyrkeon, but Skoliks knew that after the last of his soldiers went down, he was next. Fortunately, he had calculated the risks, and thus had a fallback plan.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He avoided almost every attack that was sent at him from the robot before him. He was starting to get quite exhausted from all of the running around from its teleporting. He knew his legs would soon give out if he kept running for a bit more. He didn’t know anything about robots but from this he could tell they have no energy to burn, unlike living things.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She yelled over to Jaxon "Do NOT... touch their belly.... things with your bare skin!" She is more or less out of breath. "Dont be... giving up on... me yet" she laughs out of exhaustion. Her good arm is getting tired and her strength is depleting but she continues anyway.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He wanted to know why but didn’t have the breath to ask. He was starting to heavily pant and his dodging was getting really slow. He felt the robots were just teasing him. He knew they were going to continuously teleport around him until he gave out and fell, but he didn’t want that. Nobody in his position would. All of his heavy breathing had gotten him light headed and his face even paler than before. In a quick moment, he closed his eyes and stabbed whatever was before him, whether it be the robot or air, he didn’t know and couldn’t keep it up anymore.

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