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Forums » General Roleplay » Fall In To The Dark Side ✝️ (Open) ✝️

Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

She shook her head, adimant on her decision that he was bad and couldn't be good. "Good men don't exist. Bad man everywhere." She stated, simply voicing her opinions as her grip on her bow tightened. Her ears, which had been flattened against her head for every other moment of their interactions, perked up for the first time as her tail fell limp behind her. "Bad man want to destroy home..." She said softly, glancing up at him with painfully innocent eyes. "But home is here. Home is all that's left." she whimpered. "Everything gone. Even people. Home was abandoned by family."

She lowered her bow again as she let out a shaky breath, looking down at the floor again silent.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

Hearing that second statement, he thought that her emotions were taking her over. Moreover, her past. He couldn't tell really, but what he could tell by just looking at those innocent eyes... was someone in need of help. His right hand on hers with the bow moved a little, as if trying to rub then gently to make her lower it. And it so happened that she actually did, which made Nivar smiled a bit.

He slowly crouched down, still not letting go of her hand which was on her bow. "If good man is not real... then why not shoot me?" He stated calmly, which was a good question considering the amount of hesitation he saw coming from her. "I am bad guy right? Then why... not shoot...?" He took his left hand out, attempting to rest his left palm gently on her right cheek as he looked at her in the eyes.
Igther (played by MrFalcon)

Igther had been bored on his home island of Athali wondering what it would be like out in other worlds. And apparently as he took a step forward he fell through the sand and appeared on a beach with sand in his mouth, which he spat out and got up looking at the strange commotion and the strange beings before him. “Well isn’t this interesting...” he said trailing off as he stayed on the sidelines watching everything as it had unfolded.

‘I wonder what my brothers and sisters back home on Athali would think of this’s so...lively and not calm and quiet.’ He thought to himself getting bored just watching and scratching his face scales, he walked over to the strange wolf like creature. “Hello...oh...why are you holding a weapon at a girl?” He said raising his sharp clawed hands in aggression toward The wolf creature. He swung out his tail from the side tripping the wolf creature onto the ground with a heavy(non-spiked) tail whip knocking his adversary onto the ground.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Sarahs grip on her bow tightened as she became even more hesitant at his question. She thought for a moment before she recalled a phrase that she had always been taught by her mother; a phrase her father absolutely despised because he didn't believe in mercy.

"N'ei...N'ei V'oi'le l'oen y'ola." she stated as she looked up at him. She didn't expect him to know what she said, considering he didn't seem to understand anything else she or her friend had said. "V'oi'le... Too much."

The girl with Vincent couldn't help but smile as she explained their land to him. "Protectors. We protect land, and land supplies us with food and water. And supplies." Her eyes glistened happily as her tail swayed excitedly behind her. "Name is Vinni. Mine."
Vincent Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

Vincent smiled "Quite a similar name...." he said, slowly inspecting his own weapon that he didn't really have time to use. "So.... You worship land?" he asked, putting his weapon back in its Holster. Kazira didn't have many shots for it, but he did have enough for a Firefight.

He seemed to look off into the distance "How do I leave this place?" he asked, the wolf looked out at the water... There must've been islands or something nearby.
Igther (played by MrFalcon)

Igther had been bored on his home island of Athali wondering what it would be like out in other worlds. And apparently as he took a step forward he fell through the sand and appeared on a beach with sand in his mouth, which he spat out and got up looking at the strange commotion and the strange beings before him. “Well isn’t this interesting...” he said trailing off as he stayed on the sidelines watching everything as it had unfolded.

‘I wonder what my brothers and sisters back home on Athali would think of this’s so...lively and not calm and quiet.’ He thought to himself getting bored just watching and scratching his face scales, he walked over to the strange wolf like creature. ”Hello I’m Igther.” he said holding out a sharp clawed hand as he was now beside them both.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

"Worship... Wrong word. We protect land. We protect home." Vinni replied honestly, with a bright smile. When Igther approached, Vinni became defensive as she glared at the creature. "Y'oie." She hadn't meant to speak her own language, it just... came out. It always did when she was nervous or afraid.
Vincent Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

Vincent sighed, he slowly picked up the other weapon, cautiously walking over to them and offering it back. "Heh... Be a shame if the other Darkwolves found it..." he said, the wolf would start to check himself for wounds.

There were a few cuts and scrapes, although Kazira knew that this could wait until later. "So you guys are protectors.... I see... And how many of you are there?" he asked politely.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Vinni's eyes never left Igther, but she wasn't going to be rude to Vincent either. She seemed to be thinking, unsure of how many there were in human english. She figured it out soon enough. "F...Five." She managed to say. "Me, Vinni," She pointed over to Sarah and Nivar, "Sarah. Also Jacob, blonde man, Alan, big man, and Landon- he youngest. Nine." Talking about her home land seemed to make Vinni pretty excited. "We all seem young to those who not of our kind. Time pass slower here." She stated.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

Feeling the tightening on her bow, Nivar knew she was hesitant of the question. Not being able to answer it when he asked it, it only meant that she wasn't going to shoot anytime soon.

Still not being able to really understand, he was still taking the words in. For later study of course, but then again, it was going to be a pain to memorize when they collide with his language as well. "Too much..." He repeated slowly in thought as he looked at her. "Too much... what?" he asked softly.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

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She hesitated answering his question, for no real reason. She debated whether to tell him, considering she still didn't know if he would further prove to become a threat to herself, her people and her land. If he did, she didn't want to tell him everything; he could use it against them. Even if it was a small thing like this was.

"V'oi'le... Vi...Violence." She seemed to struggle to say the words. "V'oi'le l'oen y'ola.... Vio- Violence... Violence comes last." She loosened her grip slightly on her bow once again, but she still kept it aimed at his chest.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

"Violence...?" He said mainly to himself as he thought about the word. But he wasn't a fan of violence, either. But only if someone provoked it, he would have no choice. Specially when it comes to friends, or people he knows. He would never forgive the ones who would hurt the ones he may call 'friends.'

"You... not like violence?" He asked, knowing she would probably say no. Though he was keeping an eye on that arrow there, despite being so close, his gaze never left her.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

She looked up at him, clearing her throat quietly. She needed to be careful... but he seemed more curious than he did dangerous. Or at least for now he seemed that way. "Vio...Violence all had." She stated. And, slowly, she lowered her bow so it was pointing at their feet instead. Her grip was still tight on it so she could quickly and easily raise it just in case she needed to.

"No rule. No laws." She told him, "Free to do what wanted. Many kill. Many steal and harm. Mother not like this, so mother taught otherwise. Ec- Econam- Economy before horrible. Fear people. Fear everyone- even friends. Eca- Economy now better. Small, but better."
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

Nivar had to think hand on this one. After hearing all of it, he guessed that this island was once an all-out war for whatever they were fighting for. Could be survival, or just bloodlust. Either way, he was a bit happy that they were not the same anymore. Or so that's to believe.

He glanced down at the bow for a second, before looking back at her. A small smile could be seen on him. "At least, economy better. I never like violence. Only needed, but I disagree." He spoke truthfully, almost being hidden by his calm voice, but she could tell that he wasn't lying. He retrieved his left hand from her right cheek and placed it back on his left pocket. His right hand still softly on her hand holding the bow, not tightening either. Though her hands did felt... rather cold. Probably due to the warmth he's giving her.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Sarah nodded, "Mother was wise woman." She said slowly, remembering her mother's face distinctly in her head. "Mother's wisdom is what got mother killed." Her voice volume lowered slightly at this statement. "Mother married wrong man. If mother had just stayed with her own race, mother would be happy in her world." She smiled sadly. her eyes glistening slightly.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

"I see..." Nivar said slowly, glancing away in thought for a moment. "If she just said her mother should of stayed with her own race, then... wouldn't that mean..." Then he looked back at her. "Was Mother... human?" he asked. Though he had just a hint of feeling bad for her in his voice, but it wasn't noticeable.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

She nodded slowly. "Mother was human. Travelled here long ago. Married father. Father was bad man; liked to kill people below. Less fortunate." She looked down before she looked back up at him, still with a sad smile. "Mother found good in bad. She hope. But father became bad man again and killed mother in cold blood," She sighed quietly, her whole body tense.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

Hearing all of it, he didn't really know what to say. But if her mother really saw something in a bloodthirsty... local; lets say for now since he still didn't know what race they were; then, was she happy?

Looking at her, he still stayed silent. Already crouched to be just above her level, he glanced down at her bow. Not really minding, he couldn't bare to look at her sad like that. So he had something in mind, but it was going to be a risky move. Buuut, he likes to be risky, so he tried it either way.
Nivar slowly leaned forward a bit, taking his left hand out, his right off her hand on the bow, and attempted to give her a gentle hug. Being careful with the bow she was holding of course. If she wanted to bury her face on his shoulders, or even his chest, she could. He just wanted to help her.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

As soon as she saw it coming, she began backing away. However, she hadn't seemed to be fast enough to escape his gesture of kindness and sympathy, and go caught in what she considered a death hold. Her breathing hitched in her throat as her eyes widened and she even dropped her bow, everything flashing before her of what she had witnessed. What she had suffered only a year or so previously. Who she had fallen victim two for a portion of her life; everything that kept her up at night.

She was frozen for a solid minute before she began desperately trying to push away, his touch sending chills down her spine and quivers up her arms. She pushed against his chest, her hands balled into fists so tight that her knuckles had already begun to turn white as she tried. She could feel pressure building in her eyes as they became sensitive and watery, blurring her limited vision.

She opened her mouth to speak, but no words make themselves present as her legs almost gave way beneath her at the simple touch.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

Noticing she was about to back away, he still had time to gently hug her. He even heard her bow dropping down as the arrow also hit against the bow. Her body felt so gentle, like anything that would hit her, she would shatter. Specially with her smol appearance.

She tried pushing away from his embrace, but they were weak pushes. Almost like she didn't try to push away due to something going on in her mind. Or so that's what he believed, noticing how she has been all this time. He couldn't really see her face since he was glancing away as he hugged her. But he thought that maybe braking the hug was a better idea.

He had second thoughts, but never broke the hug yet. "I... won't harm you..." He spoke quietly and softly, reassuring her that he won't do anything to her. "No violence... right?" He huffed a little as he also smiled, even though she probably couldn't see it.

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