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Vincent Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

Kazira slowly walked up to the Female, his tail slowly wagged as he stepped past and began to look at their location. He seemed to look up a tree, unaware that he was being watched in the slightest. Kazira was mostly respectful "Heh, guess I am pretty kind... It's hard to come across people like me, at least in my world..." and this was true, most other Wolvan were Harsh and Cruel..

Vincent had hurt others and been cruel before, but he didn't exactly enjoy such things and he usually just did it to keep himself alive rather than Personal Gain. He slowly picked up a small fruit, seeming to be like a Coconut, the wolf tried to look at it more closely to try and see it's Natural Adaptions.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

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Vinni smiled and giggled as she followed him. While it definitely had the appearance of s coconut, it sounded like there were three or four mini fruits or something else inside. "H'oal. Break them and contain medicine." Vinni explained, using her knee to break the fruit open, to reveal four little plants which could be used for special medicine in their island. "Can also eat outer shell!"
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

"No good man?" He said, though with a funny tone as he huffed a little. "Tough one..." He noticed how her ears twitched slightly, and looked down at her tail as well. Seeing how it looked pretty natural, and he was already crouched down, he casually poked it to test one of his hypothesis. It was unresistable, plus that would probably draw them out if she made attention.

"Is tail, real?" He questioned, quickly retrieving his hand pack to his pocket after the poke so his hand wouldn't be imprisoned by her tail or something.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Him poking her tail made her face flush a deeper red as she immediately turned and reached up, slapping him clean across the face. This action alerted the others and the three of them immediately emerged from the trees.

Alan aimed his shotgun straight at Nivar, his gaze deadly. He had the same red eyes as Sarah. "Back away from the girl, and don't you dare think about touching her like that again!" He snapped. His English was much better than the two girls' was as he stepped closer. "Sarah, back away from the boy slowly..."

Jacob rushed over to Vinni. He looked at Vincent, but was not rude or violent towards him. After the observation they had deemed Vincent harmless to them, and were therefore not needing to make an advance on him. "Vinnie, must go. Alan angry; h'oa l'aio'e ha'io v'oali."

V'oali-" Vinni looked at him before she looked at Vincent. She then looked back at Jacob then at Landon, who had his weapon lowered and was jogging over to them.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

He was going to simply weave her slap, but instead took it either way. No reason to dodge something that wasn't going to hurt, and which he deserved. "Well..." He said, placing his left hand where she had smacked him, smiling a bit. "I deserved that one." He admitted then laughed lightly, rubbing it a little. Then he slowly stood up as he heard the leaves on the area dance, figuring they finally came out of hiding.

He gazed back at Alan, giving him an even greater death stare as it soon turned to a blank stare. Why? Since he noticed that shotgun, on his mind, he was no threat at all. Then he glanced over to Sarah as he placed his left hand back on his left pocket, letting out a sigh.

"You don't have to be so loud to the guests." He looked back at Alan. "But the hunter foolishly came out of hiding, to be hunted." He chuckled lightly, then shrugged after. "Just don't disappoint Sarah here, will you?"
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Alan glared at him still as Sarah backed away, obeying the command. Alan kept his shotgun up. Even if the gun failed him, he knew a good amount of hand-to-hand combat and self-defence. He wasn't purely stuck to a weapon and then vulnerable and defenseless when disarmed. He was also very tall, 6'5, and looked to be decently muscular.

"You think you can just drop down and start touching my girl like that?" his phrasing wasn't the most clear, but he meant his girl in reference to a daughter-like relationship with the small wolf. "I don't care who you are or where you've come from or how privileged you may have been. This is OUR territory; and you aren't going to get away with your actions."

Jacob was still trying to coax Vinni from the scene. Vinni looked back and forth before she looked to Vincent and held out her hand. "Come. Off beach; into village."
Vincent Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

The wolf nodded "Of course... As long as you don't plan to eat me..." Vincent joked, he slowly followed the wolf, acting relatively calm as he walked. The wolf set the plant down on a nearby rock, the trees became closer now and the wolf assumed he was being led to the village. "So... How did you get those firearms?" he asked, slowly looking up at the trees.

The wolf was quite intrested kn seeing their Village, although he was a little nervous with walking to a Native Village. He seemed to pull out a book of some kind, although it seemed to be a Hologram one..
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

Nivar couldn't help but laugh quietly at that statement, even bringing his right hand up to his mouth to hide his smile. "His girl? What a joke...! He might sound like he speaks it well, but that phrasing error killed me." He thought, then he regained his composure and placed his hand back down, shaking his head slowly and let out a soft sigh. "Either way..." He had a small grin on his face, his eyes flashed a dark-purple embrace like before, but stayed for longer. But they were soon to come back to his red eyes again when his grin went away to a blank stare.

"What actions? Are you that simple minded?" He taunted, getting out his right hand and fixing his tie a bit. "You're already disappointing me, old man." Then he took his left hand out, crossing his arms.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Landon went back over to Alan and Sarah, wrapping Sarah in a hug. Despite being several years younger than she was, he was still managing to surpass her height by far. He rested his chin on the top of her head, as her ears flattened against her hair and her tail coiled around her thigh again.

"You're a stupid human. Just like all your kind. You march into other peoples' land without a drop of knowledge about their culture and think you can do what you please." Alan hissed, "If you had bothered to care, you would've known that what you just did was a sexual move on her; and isn't acceptable." He glared at the male.

Vinni smiled towards Vincent as they followed a path through the forest. Jacob didn't seem too sociable, or just didnt trust Vincent yet. "Human female came here long ago. Showed us weapons of metal with deadly metal circles. Helped us make them from materials of land." Vinni smiled and giggled. She looked back at him and saw his book, and immediately grew curious. "What that? How it work? What it do?"
Liliath had been looking to these strangers for a while , sometimes they where quite amusing .
Liliath was quite young and being a young girl , she started giggeling at the worst moments. And this was a moment she started giggeling
Liliath didn't want the strangers to see her , this place where she ended up wasn't the best for a kid. And without parents or someone who at least try to care for her. It was most likely she would get in some 'liliath trouble'.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

While everyone else was busy with either Nivar or Vincent, that left Sarah and Landon free. And, with their wolvern sense of hearing, they easily located Liliath's position and where she was. Sarah looked up at Landon who was thinking the same thing and had the same expression. They began slowly walking in Liliath's direction, already knowing where she was.

"Come out, little one." Landon spoke. He looked young, nine in human years. Though in reality, he was 18 in their time. "We won't hurt you."
How had they find her so easily? No Liliath wouldn't show herself this was a trick and Liliath didn't like tricks. Liliath started walking away , those people would end up hurting her . Liliath didn't trust people easily . But when she looked behind her , she could see a kid? Liliath was confused 'no its a trick' she thought 'and tricks are bad'she started running 'but what if they are kind?" Liliath stopped running now 'what if they are friend?' Liliath already tired of running sat down .
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

They didn't try chasing after her, considering they knew they would catch up to her within no time. When she sat down they approached slowly, Landon sitting down in front of her.

"Hello." Landon's voice was kind and soft, just like the gentle smile he flashed to her. "We won't hurt you, we promise. Okay?"
Liliath looked away when he sat infront of her , it felt uncomfortable looking in his eyes.
Then he started talking to her , Liliath wasn't sure what to think of it. "Hello." she said back now looking down to her feet ,she sighed her feet where dirty but her shoes simply where to small and she had to trow those away and now she hadn't money to get new ones. Stealing was an option , but she was bad at it.

She simply nodded as he said that they won't hurt. But how many people had said that to her before and end up being liars , a lot!
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Sarah looked down at the two of them before looking away, keeping alert with their surroundings. "What's your name?" Landon's english was much like Alan's: it was better than the others. "Mine's Landon," Seeing she was young, he was trying to be kind and humble to the child. Especially because she didn't seem to have anyone caring for her.
Liliath wasn't sure if she was supposed to say her name to strangers , she barely even know them. She decided to say a fake name , she was a bad liar she always git very nervous when lying just like now. "Bbb..Bella" Then the stranger said his name! She already felt bad for lying or was it a trick to make her say her name. "Yes Bella."
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

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Landon chuckled as he smiled softly. "You're not a very good liar..." He chuckled again before he looked around. He picked up a nearby fruit, cracking it open and offering the peach-like food that had been inside of it. "Here, you're probably very hungry, yes?"
She shrugged and seemed not to care that much that he catched her lying. The good thing was that he still didn't knew her name. She noticed the food and before she wanted to grab it out his hands to eat it -Liliath hadn't eat anything for 2 days- he offerd it to her. She snatched the food out his hands and started eating it like a dog. When she was done eating , she realized he hadn't eat anything , maybe he was hungry to? She handed him the leftovers -ofcourse still looking away-
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Landon chuckled and shook his head, pushing her hands back towards her. "Do not worry, I am not hungry. You may have it all." He smiled. "It's clear that you have not eaten in a while, am I correct?" He crossed his legs and looked at her kindly.
Liliath nodded and continued eating. Liliath ignored his question , if she would awnser his questions he would know information about her smething she didn't want. After she had finished eating , she was still hungry. She wanted some food , but asking for it never! She decided to waited , maybe she was lucky and he would give her some more.

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