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Forums » General Roleplay » Meeting you. {Closed}

Aeva (played by Quaxothekitty21)

Aeva was sitting outside in the city on the sidewalk. She was bored. She gasped and gulped as she heard your footsteps coming towards her.
Anthony was currently off duty, although it was still obvious that he was a member of the military. His army green shirt, camouflage pants, and brown combat boots kind of gave it away, along with the silver dog tags he wore around his neck that glinted slightly each time he passed a street light.
He was walking along, his large hands in his pockets, minding his own business, when he saw a woman sitting there on the sidewalk gasping like a fish out of water. This was not exactly normal behavior for a human being, and being the compassionate soul he is, he stopped next to her and looked down at her with slightly worried blue eyes.
"Are you alright, miss?" he asked carefully, an eyebrow slightly raised.
Aeva (played by Quaxothekitty21) Topic Starter

"Yes, I'm fine." she said. Her french accent ringing in your ears. She then cocked her head. "Who are you and why are you wearing dog tags around your neck?" she asked as she stood up.
"My name's Anthony. Anthony Goodeall. The dog tags are mandatory; I'm a National Guard, you see." He shrugged like it was no big deal, watching her get to her feet.
Aeva (played by Quaxothekitty21) Topic Starter

"I'm Aeva." she sighed. "Your in the army?" she asked as she rose an eyebrow.
He nodded briskly. "Twenty-eighth squadron of the National Guard, New York, Private Anthony Goodeall. Yeah, I'm an army personnel."

(I have no idea how the national guard works or if there's a twenty-eighth squadron in New York, BUT WHO CARES ABOUT REALISM XD)
Aeva (played by Quaxothekitty21) Topic Starter

( XD ) She nodded. "Okay." she said slowly.
"Why?" he asked, feeling slightly defensive for reasons he didn't quite know. He fingered his dog tags absentmindedly, rubbing the indentured surface that held his name, date and place of birth, squadron, and all the other little personal tidbits dog tags carried.
Aeva (played by Quaxothekitty21) Topic Starter

"Just asking." she swallowed hard.
He shrugged, looking down at his combat boots. Great. He'd probably scared her. He did that a lot, and never really realized why until later.
"So, uh, what're you doing out so late? Not to pry or anything... But..." He trailed off awkwardly, slapping himself mentally for being such an idiot.
Poor little confused Anthony.
Aeva (played by Quaxothekitty21) Topic Starter

"I just needed air." she smiled softly.
"I can relate to that. Everyone needs some air at some point... Well, I'd better be going now." He ran a hand through his short blond hair, flexing his broad shoulders.
Aeva (played by Quaxothekitty21) Topic Starter

She bit her lip. "How would you like to stay at my place tonight? But only tonight!" she wondered.
Her offer caught him off guard, it was obvious; his eyes widened in surprise and he took a deep breath.
"I suppose, if you don't mind," he replied sheepishly. "Although I must warn you I eat like a horse and sleep like a bear."
Aeva (played by Quaxothekitty21) Topic Starter

"I don't mind. Just don't try to scare my son. Okay?" she smiled.
"I'll try my absolute hardest," he replied with a slight smile. "If I do, it'll be by accident."
Aeva (played by Quaxothekitty21) Topic Starter

She smiled and started walking the direction to her house.
Anthony followed along behind her like a lost puppy, his hands back in his pockets.
Aeva (played by Quaxothekitty21) Topic Starter

She got there and she opened the door for him to walk inside.
"Thanks." He stomped his boots on the sidewalk to knock the mud off before going inside.

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