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Forums » General Roleplay » Shine Bright (1x1)

Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter

Clint lifted his head to figure out where he had been taken. He took in a deep breath and tried to hold it, dropping his head back.
"How much?" He breathed
Ricin (played anonymously)

"Well, if turn you in now, alive and everything, I'm gonna get about $25,000. Dead you're about 20 k, so that's why you're still alive right now. Keep in mind when you make your offer that I need enough to restock the poisons and serums I've used on you, plus the price of gas and then food expenses and a motel or two on my way here. Just something to consider. None of it's cheap, you know."
Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter

Iphis raised an eyebrow at the two. What would she do? (Without having anywhere close to that kind of money, she wouldn't really have a choice.)
"Okay," sighed Clint, finally catching his breath. "I'm broke right now." Iphis smiled to herself. "I get a check for ten thou next week, and twenty the next." He closed his eyes. "That can give you more than my head will, if you're willing to wait."
Both Clint and Iphis doubted a positive response.
Ricin (played anonymously)

Ricin loved his little bunny trails.
"You know, there was a study done like that once. Kids were given one marshmallow, and told they could have two marshmallows if they waited fifteen minutes. More kids ate their single marshmallow than wait for two. Those kids, they said, were more likely to go to jail or end up making bad decisions in their life than the kids who waited." He arched his back, his face thoughtful as if considering the offer. "Remember that I know where you live, Clint, so if you try to jip me be prepared for hell." He got up, waiting to see if Clint could get up by himself or if he'd need a bit of help. "I can wait for an extra five k. That's another five k's worth of venom I can buy. Spider venom, I think I need to invest in a bit of spider venom; it's not exactly like I can just go and milk a spider after all."
Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter


Iphis raised an eyebrow at the both of them. She wondered quietly if they'd all become good buddies after this and laugh for hours in their old age while she brought a platter of cool lemonade and abide their chatter- she bit her lip.
"That's it, then?" Clint breathed, rolling onto his hands and knees slowly. Iphis kicked at the dirt.
Ricin (played anonymously)

"You could say that," the hunter said with a shrug, watching Clint curiously. "I suggest you hurry before the guy who wants you finds you himself, or I change my mind. Go on, shoo." He waved a hand as if he was batting away a fly. "Don't forget."

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