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Forums » Art & Creativity » Project Rainbow Fan

Sanne Moderator

I know it's not RPR related, but for those who have fans at home and like rainbows, this is a super easy and fun little project to do!

The idea is to create a fan that displays rainbow colors (when set on low speeds at least). It works best with 3 bladed fans, but 5 also works! :) Note that when you use colored paint and the fan rotates at high speeds, it will end up looking brown-ish. This is normal, because it's like mixing different colors on paper. Different color theory than light. ;)


Trust me, you don't want that to happen. Paint will be flying everywhere. It will be a nightmare.

The supplies:
  1. Have a common household fan. (Derp.)
  2. Have some sort of paint, preferably acrylic (cheap paint you can find at pretty much any store that sells art supplies) in the primary colors blue, red and yellow. If you have more than 3 blades, you can add extra colors like green and purple (use this guide to pick your primary, secondary and tertiary colors). You can choose different colors for different effects, but you'll need these for the rainbow.
  3. A small plate to put the paint on and a paintbrush (whatever you find easiest to work with)
  4. Old newspaper to cover the floor with (just in case)
  5. Optional: a hairdryer with low settings to help dry the paint quicker

The steps:
  1. Take off the front panel of your fan. This differs per fan and brand, but most should be removable with ease.
  2. If your fan blades are dirty, clean them first with a bit of all-purpose detergent and warm water. Dry them properly.
  3. Put the old newspapers on the floor and put your fan on top of it (or on your desk if it's a small one)
  4. If your blades are not white you will need to give them a white base coat first. Paint all blades white. It doesn't have to be perfectly covered (for example, my blades were a dark grey and you could still see some grey through it).
  5. Allow the base coat to dry fully. It shouldn't stick. Use the hairdryer on low settings and hold the blades in position to dry them faster, or just wait for about an hour. (Depending on the blades' material, this can vary). Don't turn on the fan, paint will be flying everywhere!
  6. Once the base coat is dry, start painting each blade individually: one blade is blue, one blade is yellow, one blade is red etc.
  7. Allow the first coat to dry (with hairdryer if necessary).
  8. Once it's dry and the paint covered the fan properly, you're done and you can put the front back on. If it doesn't look nice yet, apply a second coat.
  9. Allow the second coat to dry (with hairdryer if necessary).
  10. Put your fan back together.
  11. Turn it on and watch the wonderful rainbow appear!

My fan isn't finished yet (I'm waiting patiently for my first paint coat to dry) but here are some progress pictures!

Painted blue and yellow. One blade still has just the base coat. My fan blades were the same dark grey as the knob in the center!

All colors applied, waiting for it to dry. I have to add at least one more coat because my paint is a little on the thin side.";
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Aaaaaaah such a bummerrrr! My fan spins too fast, so it ends up in a brownish blur! :( I'm so sad now.

But then I look at my bright and colorful fan when it's off and all is well again!

Also, cat:

The paint was still wet here, so it looks shiny and stuff.


Did I mention I love you?

You are on: Forums » Art & Creativity » Project Rainbow Fan

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus