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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Gifora Mystic High

((I just found an article... A prisoner who briefly died argued that he served his life sentence XD))
((Where did you find it? I just saw it on Giofilms r/madlads.))
((Forget that last bit))
((Is it finished?))
((no, she does not like how the hair and are not completely done yet))
((Its not that she dislikes touching, she just thinks it might not be the best to touch people. Once they touch you, it's fine since the cat is already out of the bag.))
((Oof I forgot to elaborate. She pointed to her door then approached the exit. She then opened the exit and exited the house. She has already stopped the conversation.))
((I didn't know I could make a 14 year old this cute with such a sad backstory and still have it work))
((*day, as her sleeping was actually quite light))
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((So is it sleep over time now?))
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((Sry my phone isn’t working well today so I might not post fast enough ))
((What does the sniff do?))
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((It helps the animal remember the person... it doesn’t harm anyone. But it does have power that only demons or some demons would know))
((Ah, so it doesn't detect anything about them?))
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((I mean it could))
((If it does, what things would it pick up on?))
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((Well What is something Siren would be hiding?))
((So you really want to go down that rabbit hole?))

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