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Forums » General Roleplay » The Settlement Of Demeral ((Open))

Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

"If only it were that easy to become a King of any sorts," Ezra chuckled, slowly taking the flask from the captain. If it were a small, tiny sip, it couldn't hurt her.. right? Drawing a sharp breath, she quickly took another drink, once again wincing at its taste as she returned the flask to Hans. Her vision blurred to the slightest- more than usual- and she could already feel the giddy building up. Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to have another shot..
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“Heh I guess your not a light weight after all... here let me teach you a drinking song..” hans would sing this song to her:
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Snorting, Ezra rose an eyebrow and leaned back in her seat, folding her arms. "I am not singing," She laughed quietly, "but you-" The red-head raised a finger and pointed to him. "-may continue, if you wish. How feared will you become when caught drunk and singing?"
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

(( the video is funny asf lol )) “is that a challenge?” Hans pulled out his gold plated luger pistol and set it on the table “that is what’ll keep me where I am... besides I don’t want to be feared here it’s bad for business I can relax here and be feared somewhere else...”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

"Maybe it is," The red-headed woman smirked, her gaze drifting to the pistol. "I don't see why you don't wish to be feared in every location, relaxing or not. Wouldn't you want to keep your reputation..?"

(( 'Twas Indeed xD ))
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

Hans smirked “I need to keep a positive reputation in some places and a reputation as a force of terror in others..” Hans chugged down the rest of the beer in his mug “so c’mon finish your flask! You only had 2 little sips!”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

She shook her head with a small laugh, reaching for the flask once again. "You are.. something else, Hans," Scrunching her nose, Ezra smiled and lifted the alcohol, ignoring the weak warning in the back of her mind. Perhaps if she was cautious, everything would be fine. Or at least she hoped.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

One of Hans’ guards approached him and whispered something in German into Hans’ ear which caused him to stiffen and tense up as he tried to avoid eye contact with Ezra...
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Confused and dizzy with alcohol, she propped her elbow onto the table, resting her head in her hand. "Hmm..? Is everything alright, Captain?" She stifled a small giggle. Drinking was not a good idea..
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

Without a second thought Hans pulled out his last flask of jäger and chugged it all down... he didn’t want to ruin the moment... for once he went against orders and waited “nothing cutie” hans winked and bopped her nose
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Laughing quietly, Ezra rose an eyebrow. "But your expression.." She furrowed her brows with puckered lips to demonstrate, leaving her sentence to begin a new one. "And your guard came over here. Are you sure everything's alright..?"
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“Y-yeah..” Hans shook his head as if to get it out of his head “business can wait I’m on a date with the cutest red head I know!”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

She squinted. Her vision had blurred for more than a second, but it seemed to slowly be coming back. "Well, I don't want to keep you waiting, Captain," Ezra attempted to straighten her posture for seriousness, but ended up leaning against her seat instead. She snickered. "Besides- moments like this can happen over and over again. Your business cannot." With a light shrug, she shared a crooked smile.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

Hans lightly laughed “I’m pretty sure we BOTH wanna wait for me to get this business done...” Hans wasn’t sure if he was making his point clear enough but he didn’t wanna alarm Ezra or anybody who might be listening...
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Ezra lifted her chin, blinking. Was there something she was missing? She paused. What were they conversating..? Narrowing her eyes, she realized her memory was already beginning to blank, but, despite knowing this, she continued to speak. "What?"
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

Hans leaned in and whispered in her ear “I’ll tell you after our date” hans sat back down putting his pistol back in his holster “so how’d a guy like me land a date with a a catch like you eh?”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Nodding with a blank expression, Ezra lost grasp of her thoughts, now focusing on his next question. "Hmph," She snorts underneath her breath. "I'm not too sure. Perhaps I should be asking you that?" She was hopeless when it came to flirting, and it became worse when she actually tried, let alone was drunk.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“Well... if your asking why I wanted to go out with you..” hans leaned forward onto the table “you looks and your snappy personality helped..” Hans winked “but I still don’t see how I could ever match up to you... I mean I’m a soldier and your a sexy snappy ginger! Who wouldn’t want you!” Hans blushed deeply after saying this he didn’t think the way he thought would come out so blankly and he sat back tipping his hat so that the shadow covered everything except for his mouth”
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25)

“Well... if your asking why I wanted to go out with you..” hans leaned forward onto the table “you looks and your snappy personality helped..” Hans winked “but I still don’t see how I could ever match up to you... I mean I’m a soldier and your a sexy snappy ginger! Who wouldn’t want you!” Hans blushed deeply after saying this he didn’t think the way he thought would come out so blankly and he sat back tipping his hat so that the shadow covered everything except for his mouth”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

His words had taken her by surprise, and Ezra blushed slightly herself. For a moment, her jaw fell open as if going to rebuttal, but she quickly shut it and bit her lip. Finally, after seconds of silence, she snorts. "Well, thank you? You're not bad, I must say," The red-head inclined her head to the right with a grin. As the man hid, she covered her mouth with her hand, chuckling. "I suppose we're both surprised, hm?"

(( It's Fine! ))

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