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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » >>Faray High<<

Chloe Maria Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

Soon enough Chloe had arrived. The assistant principal for her sister's school, and grant it was... She looked over to the students and could only guess there was a fight but she wasn't going to intervene unless someone actually got hurt. She had already learned that a teacher doesn't always need to get in between these type of things because that could rob the students of a chance to solve problems by themselves.
Moss (played anonymously)

"You want to fight, princess? then let's fight" 'His daggers soon enlarged with a white glow' "You ready Princess?" 'the white glow was still on the daggers'
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

Ekibio watched as the two argued, or at least started to argue, and smiled, now starting to find a comfy spot on the branch he was on. Oh-ho, this is nice! he thought to himself. He then started betting on the little goth-ish winning the fight. If she loses, I'll give up one of my donuts to a bird or something. If she wins...... I'll buy another one.
Central Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

She turned to the source with a snarl, "Who the hell and WHY!" She didn't feel like fighting another person, it only further irritated her and made her existence a living hell- Well it already was but this just makes it worse.
Moss (played anonymously)

"Wait a minute...Zero?"
Zero (played anonymously)

"The one and only and continue your fight"
Moss (played anonymously)

"As I was saying are you re-"
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

Ekibio tilted his head and smiled. He thought that whoever this was, Zero, would have stopped the fight, but guess not. That meant a donut was on the line, but there was also a donut to be had.
Zero (played anonymously)

Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

She looked up at Ekibio confused. Cami was tense and wasn't sure what was going to happen from here but it couldn't be good. Meanwhile, we had the lazy tree bum who was no doubt enjoying this. She narrowed her eyes then gestured towards Central and Moss, "You're not going to stop this!"
Moss (played anonymously)

"What Zero?"
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

"No. I decided to reward myself if the girl wins," he pointed to Central. "And fights are fun, to watch and to be in! If you're not getting beat up or on a losing bet."
Central Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

The handle to her scythe disappeared so only the blade was in her hand and she threw it at the newcomer like a boomerang- A boomerang that could cut you in half if they have those...Probably not. She aimed for it to come barely short of his neck and hit the ground behind him, "Once again, who the hell are you?!"
Zero (played anonymously)

"Well..." 'Zero straightens Moss' "Legs down, Arms a bit up, move to the right, stand up, back straight, and there"
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

She sighed and stood on the bench then pulled the boy down by his arm so he fell on the bench my her, "fights aren't fun to watch or be in- And how are you even betting on this? "
Zero (played anonymously)

"I am Zero, Mosses Friend, trainer, and the Kings royal guard"
Chloe Maria Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

Chloe quickly steeped out in her edgy clothing and looked at her nails, "Hey uh- Sadly there is no fighting permitted soooo.... Maybe don't fight?" She asked but her tone suggested she was telling, demanding that they didn't. She grabbed the boy's daggers and Central's blade. "Look 'Zero' I don't think you belong here so it would be nice if you kinda-" She pointed into the distance, "go home."
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

"Ow--!" Ekibio grunted as he fell onto the bench pretty uncomfortably, with his stomach hitting the back of it. He pushed with his legs so that he could sit against the bottom of the bench and rubbed his stomach. "Rude much? Well, if she wins, I'll buy myself a donut. If not, well, I'll throw one away." He grinned at her, "Food is like currency to me."
Central Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

"PFFT-HA," She started to snicker at the introduction Zero gave, "HOW MUCH DID YOUR PARENTS HATE YOU TO NAME YOU AFTER A NUMBER WITH NO VALUE?!" She continued to laugh, tears now welling up in her eyes, "Oh my god and you introduced yourself like your really special!"
Zero (played anonymously)

"I am very sorry my lady, but I can not leave, my king ordered [or asked] me to keep an eye on Moss, as you can see I'm doing a fantastic job"

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