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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » >>Faray High<<

Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

Cami simply blinked. She didn't know what to say about anything but something rang in her mind. She shook Ekibio's arm, "What did you say you were?
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

"Huh?" He looked at Cami after completely forgetting about her. "I'm, uh.... a god."
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

Cami smiled and gave a small laugh, "Nice joke but.. seriously.. what are you?"
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

He frowned at her, a little annoyed. "A god. My real name is Ekibiogami. Gami means god. I'm a god."
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

She needed a few seconds to process that. He didn't look like a god and definitely didn't act like one. "Wait- What's a god going at a high school?"
Moss (played anonymously)

"Well, if you think gods don't act like him, Meet King Drizzt"
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

"Gods gotta go to school, too. Unless they're Amaterasu, of course, we grow older like a human or something humanoid. Except slower."
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

"NO- " She paused, "I-I mean... Gods arent really my thing," She nervously laughed.
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

"Waddya mean, 'gods aren't really your thing'?" he asked, then turned to start digging in his bag until he found a snack, some Cosmic Brownies in a box to keep them from getting crushed.
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

"uh..." She shook her head frantically, "Forget I said anything!"
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

He opened one of the Cosmic Brownies and then took a bite. "I don't think I am. You think I'm old, don't you?"
Moss (played anonymously)

"You sure don't look old"
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

She narrowed her eyes and tilted her head. He sure did look older than eighteen but not by a lot, "Uh....No?"
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

"Thanks you two, but sometimes people think that I'd act like some ancient scholar because I'm about..... four hundred years?" he took another bite of his brownie. "Well, what're you, vanilla girl? Oh, and you've never told me your name, either."
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

Cami's eyes widened, FOUR HUNDRED YEARS OLD?! Holy crap that's a whole lifetime and more! The casual way he said it only confused Cami and she even started to wonder if he had parents and if he did, how old they were. "Uh-" She didn't really know how to feel about being called vanilla girl, "You can call me Cami, and uh... I'm an angel!" It felt odd saying that without her wings.
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

"Hm, alright. Guess from some some people's viewpoint we're similar." He turned to his box of brownies and took one out. "Want one?"
Moss (played anonymously)

"An angel? I thought you were an 'eclipsod' [god] with your don't know what that is do you?"
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

She blinked a few times at Moss blankly, "Uh-" She reached up and poked her own halo, making it fade away. "It's just a halo but no, unfortunately, I don't," She figured that it was just something that his kind knew or talked about. The offer of a snack almost slid past her though. Turning towards Ekibio she nodded, "Sure!" It had been a good while since she had actually eaten anything, let alone an actual brownie
Zero (played anonymously)

"Well, Professor S will teach you about or kind, what we know, and just about everything he knows"
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

She looked over at Zero a bit confused, "What do you mean?"

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