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Forums » General Roleplay » A High school teen angst RP... Celebrity or Not...

Chemical Saki (played by starwolf)

*he looked at the teacher confused* " um I'm not sure since I'm not even human to be honest with you Ma'am" *his ears went down since he didnt know the right answer to this question* "I guess I"ll say we evolved into wolves in a way growing wolf like ears and tail to help us get used to are environment and easily hunt food down in packs...?" *he looked away from the teacher knowing that no one would understand what he had just said to the entire class and people would think he wasn't normal*
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Alpha Rex wrote:
"Yes, correct! You seem to like this subject already," smiles the teacher, and she is surprised that Sandy managed to get the class so quiet. She chuckles, and claps her hands. "Class? Eyes here please, we're moving on. So, as always, we're starting where everything began. You, boy with the green hair.. oh, I should check your name, I'm sorry: can you tell me about how we as humans lived before societies developed?"

"That's you," I grin as I give the boy with the green hair a friendly pat on the shoulder. I then look at Sandy and Jeremy and whisper: "Nice declaration you recited there, I'm sure George Washington would be proud." I am joking of course, and I hope that he isn't soft and can take a joke.

"Rex, please be quiet, I'm asking quite a difficult question to your neighbor here. By the way, do you happen to know his name by any chance? With you sitting next to him you'd almost think you two know each other. Even got the same hair color." Yes, that was suspicious and I don't like that. Being stuck as a human in this boring world with humans was already humiliting, and just when I thought that I was fitting in and could cope with my life as a mortal and leave my non-human life behind me to live a 'normal' one, this random kid shows up acting all like a stranger.

Jeremy and Sandy blushed and chuckled at the remark and retorted with a witty remark...

Jeremy: Oh why thank you... We sire to embody him in mind and spirit, darling.

Sandy: History brings him alive and we speak it in volume, love.

They couldn't help but to laugh at the line. It was just witty and it just all of a sudden came out..

But it wouldn't be long before class would conclude and it'd be time for the bell to ring and lead for the next class....
Alpha Rex (played anonymously)

"You idiot!" As soon as the class ends and the bell rings I pin the green-haired boy against the wall outside class. "This is exactly what I'm talking about. We're in the human world now, ya know, and you have to do what it takes to keep your cover. They aren't supposed to know that we're not like them, so you gotta do better at your human disguise and..... not saying stupid things like that during classes." I whisper very angrily.

I sigh and let go of him and start to walk towards my next class. My anger issues are a big problem for me sometimes, and had to do with the pickle that I was in now. On top of that, my rather rich and selfish foster father doesn't like it either and sometimes gets violent about it. My bad girl attitude is only a facade to hide the fact that I sometimes can't help myself.

"We're in math next, right?" I say to Jeremy as I catch up with him and Sandy. "I hate that guy. I hope he has forgotten what I did to my test last time."
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Alpha Rex wrote:
"You idiot!" As soon as the class ends and the bell rings I pin the green-haired boy against the wall outside class. "This is exactly what I'm talking about. We're in the human world now, ya know, and you have to do what it takes to keep your cover. They aren't supposed to know that we're not like them, so you gotta do better at your human disguise and..... not saying stupid things like that during classes." I whisper very angrily.

I sigh and let go of him and start to walk towards my next class. My anger issues are a big problem for me sometimes, and had to do with the pickle that I was in now. On top of that, my rather rich and selfish foster father doesn't like it either and sometimes gets violent about it. My bad girl attitude is only a facade to hide the fact that I sometimes can't help myself.

"We're in math next, right?" I say to Jeremy as I catch up with him and Sandy. "I hate that guy. I hope he has forgotten what I did to my test last time."

Jeremy took a look at the class schedules and had the thought that maybe Alex had the same class as he and Sandy had...

Jeremy: I think so. Says here we got pre-algebra. But strange thing is that i didn't sign up or enlist for that class. That's not supposed to be till the end of the 10th grade year... which is this year since Sandy and I are in the tenth grade.

Sandy: This year is gonna be a rather different year for us as this year... we're gonna be out alot due to Jeremy's Celebrity obligations. Stuff that celebs have to deal with.

Jeremy: Why would you think the teacher would remember what you done last time? What exactly... did you do to get the teacher upset? It wasn't bad... was it?

Jeremy was curious and yet hesitant on asking as he didn't want to pry and ask things he didn't feel as if he had the right to know... But he knew that he should at least get some detail as he was not sure what Alex was getting at with that line.
Chemical Saki (played by starwolf)

*he didn't know what he did wrong sadly but only followed the other green hair fellow student not knowing where else to go* "I'm sorry about what I said up their its just I'm not used to being "normal" and how would I even fit in with wolf ears a tail if its so easy for you to fit in then how about you teach me instead of scolding me..."
Alpha Rex (played anonymously)

"Teach? Pfffff, yeah, I doubt you even got the special powers to get it done. There's enough weird kids in these American high schools though, as long as you tell 'em those ears and tail are quirky anime merch and don't mention that wolfy nonsense of yours again, you should be safe," I say to the boy, as I'm getting annoyed with him and him following me.

It isn't that though, I'm just jealous that he gets to keep his ears and tails and that I am stuck as a boring human with no other choice but to stay that way until I die and regain my real form in Hell.

"Anyway, it would explain why you two haven't even noticed," I laugh, combing a hand through my green hair. "I heard about a trick that you can use fire to erase pen ink from paper, so I tried it on my test to fix a false answer but ended up burning my own and the kid next to me's test."

After a short stroll we arrive at the classroom where maths would be at. Outside, a stern and bald man with a gray mustache is standing by the door, watching students come in.

"Hello there, Sandy and Jeremy, good to see you're here. The student counselor decided to put you in this class a bit earlier on case you'll be busy with your shows later on in the year. Do take a seat, we'll start soon." He looks at me, and frowns, clearly not happy to see me as he was seeing the others. "I'm keeping my eye on you, Rex. The moment I see you touching any item in this classroom without my permission, it's off to the principle immediately."

He then turns to the green haired boy. "I haven't seen you before. What's your name, son?"
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Alpha Rex wrote:
"Teach? Pfffff, yeah, I doubt you even got the special powers to get it done. There's enough weird kids in these American high schools though, as long as you tell 'em those ears and tail are quirky anime merch and don't mention that wolfy nonsense of yours again, you should be safe," I say to the boy, as I'm getting annoyed with him and him following me.

It isn't that though, I'm just jealous that he gets to keep his ears and tails and that I am stuck as a boring human with no other choice but to stay that way until I die and regain my real form in Hell.

"Anyway, it would explain why you two haven't even noticed," I laugh, combing a hand through my green hair. "I heard about a trick that you can use fire to erase pen ink from paper, so I tried it on my test to fix a false answer but ended up burning my own and the kid next to me's test."

After a short stroll we arrive at the classroom where maths would be at. Outside, a stern and bald man with a gray mustache is standing by the door, watching students come in.

"Hello there, Sandy and Jeremy, good to see you're here. The student counselor decided to put you in this class a bit earlier on case you'll be busy with your shows later on in the year. Do take a seat, we'll start soon." He looks at me, and frowns, clearly not happy to see me as he was seeing the others. "I'm keeping my eye on you, Rex. The moment I see you touching any item in this classroom without my permission, it's off to the principle immediately."

He then turns to the green haired boy. "I haven't seen you before. What's your name, son?"


Jeremy: *As his alter-persona* Thank you, Darling. You're very kind. Passion Kiss sends his love and care for the sentiment.

Sandy: That's double for Rainbow Kiss. It makes our scheduling between shows and everything perpetually easier.

Jeremy and Sandy went to go grab a seat and all the while felt rather awkward as they'd just let out their alter persona in the presence of Rex. Or Alex... They didn't really know how she'd react. But now... it was out for her to hear and all they could do was pray that she wouldn't openly discuss it as they are wanting to keep a normal profile for as long as they possibly could. Even though the presence was very strong.
Chemical Saki (played by starwolf)

"oh I'm new here my names Chemical Saki nice to meet you!" *he held his hand out to the teacher to be polite to the teacher his ears perked up while his tail wagged excited to meet someone else than that other student he walked to math with* *his eyes were really cheerful and excited full of hope*
Alpha Rex (played anonymously)

I raise my brow when I see Jeremy and Sandy swoon and flirt with the teacher, apparently embodying some kind of alter-ego. I chuckle and shake my head: strange humans and their strange habits. I lean against the doorframe and wait for the green-haired boy to introduce himself.

"Well, welcome to class, Saki. Come on in and sit down, there's plenty of room left," says the teacher, then heads on inside, shooting me a fiery look.

"Humans aren't all that charming," I whisper to Chemical before I walk in to take a seat. "But they'll grow on you when you give them time and patience." I go to sit behind Jeremy and Sandy. "So what were you even trying to do there?" I laugh. "I don't think sweettalking this teacher will get you anywhere, this guy's like a robot, honestly. A walking calculator." Math was the dumbest thing humans'd ever invented.

I'm glad math and the laws of physics don't apply where I'm from, but unfortunately, I also know that I Won't be able to turn back to normal self and live my free life again for over a lifetime. I sigh and lean back in my chair. Hopefully this class would end soon, I crave lunch break.
Chemical Saki (played by starwolf)

"thank you sir Its nice to meet you!" *he heads to a desk by the window to be able to look outside of it at times when bored* "this room is very odd since I haven't been in a classroom this big before I only know that houses and malls are that big I dont even know how this room is this large..."
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Alpha Rex wrote:
I raise my brow when I see Jeremy and Sandy swoon and flirt with the teacher, apparently embodying some kind of alter-ego. I chuckle and shake my head: strange humans and their strange habits. I lean against the doorframe and wait for the green-haired boy to introduce himself.

"Well, welcome to class, Saki. Come on in and sit down, there's plenty of room left," says the teacher, then heads on inside, shooting me a fiery look.

"Humans aren't all that charming," I whisper to Chemical before I walk in to take a seat. "But they'll grow on you when you give them time and patience." I go to sit behind Jeremy and Sandy. "So what were you even trying to do there?" I laugh. "I don't think sweettalking this teacher will get you anywhere, this guy's like a robot, honestly. A walking calculator." Math was the dumbest thing humans'd ever invented.

I'm glad math and the laws of physics don't apply where I'm from, but unfortunately, I also know that I Won't be able to turn back to normal self and live my free life again for over a lifetime. I sigh and lean back in my chair. Hopefully this class would end soon, I crave lunch break.

Jeremy and Sandy chuckle at the concept and grin back Rex. They did not really know what to say as to what could have made them speak in such a way to the teacher...

Jeremy: We don't know. It was just an impulse... Honest. But that was practically my alter-ego identity you heard. It's something i gave life to as my career started to really take off.

Sandy: It's true. Passion Kiss is the name i came up with for Jeremy. He loved the name so much that he just went with it. He really loved it. Rainbow Kiss is my alter-ego identity. I use it a bit at times. But i try not to as it would steal the light from Jeremy and all the light should be on him and his sisters Lisa and Nicole. They're the celebs. I'm only entourage. I'm cool with that as i am not all that cut out for being on stage. Not really. However some of the songs that Jeremy does... is where it consists of both him and me. Mostly... it's all him.

Jeremy: *Nods* ... *About the teacher* Oh... don't be so hard on the teach. He's not so bad... he's a pussycat.

Sandy: *Purring* Meow.... *Laughing a little* ...
Chemical Saki (played by starwolf)

*he leaned over looking outside the window feeling relaxed by how peaceful it seemed outside he wanted to be outside in the woods but it seemed like no one else was leaving the classroom so he thought he should stay since it might be important to stay in the room and maybe learn what ever they taught in here seemed in a way important to the teacher since their was stuff about the subject around the room in posters too*
Alpha Rex (played anonymously)

"Ha, must be fun to have everything get handed to you," I sigh, looking away from the window. "Maybe you could do one of your songs for the Charity Show that Billy kid has been organizing. He's been nagging to me about it to participate and spread the word for weeks, so maybe you'll be able to calm him down and assure the school has a good show." Billy was the first kid I met at this school. I don't like him, but he is friendly to me and keeps quiet about what he has seen of me, which is very important to me. Not that I would let him live if he told the truth though..

"Pussycat, this guy?" I reply to Jeremy, and I watch as the teacher begins his class. "Easy for you to say. He likes you two because you're famous or something like that, but he even picks on kids that aren't purposefully causing trouble like me. Just watch. It gets funny how angry this guy gets over nothing." I grin. I know that wrath isn't looked kindly upon where I'm from, it is one of the sins, after all. Wrathful people are funny.

And I'm not wrong either: moments after I say this the teacher starts to scold a kid because she made a mistake in her homework. The kid said that her calculator broke, which made him go on a rant on why it's important to keep your school tools in tiptop shape.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Alpha Rex wrote:
"Ha, must be fun to have everything get handed to you," I sigh, looking away from the window. "Maybe you could do one of your songs for the Charity Show that Billy kid has been organizing. He's been nagging to me about it to participate and spread the word for weeks, so maybe you'll be able to calm him down and assure the school has a good show." Billy was the first kid I met at this school. I don't like him, but he is friendly to me and keeps quiet about what he has seen of me, which is very important to me. Not that I would let him live if he told the truth though..

"Pussycat, this guy?" I reply to Jeremy, and I watch as the teacher begins his class. "Easy for you to say. He likes you two because you're famous or something like that, but he even picks on kids that aren't purposefully causing trouble like me. Just watch. It gets funny how angry this guy gets over nothing." I grin. I know that wrath isn't looked kindly upon where I'm from, it is one of the sins, after all. Wrathful people are funny.

And I'm not wrong either: moments after I say this the teacher starts to scold a kid because she made a mistake in her homework. The kid said that her calculator broke, which made him go on a rant on why it's important to keep your school tools in tiptop shape.

Jeremy: Come now... not everything gets handed to me. I do have to work for it. It just that when they present you with perks... it kinda gets a little like some kind of pampering. But... it's pretty common for celebs to get things that they'd like.

Sandy: besides... it ain't no fun getting everything just handed to you for free. All the time.

Jeremy however caught the mention of a charity show being put together.

Jeremy: *Whispering* We can't talk about it much here... but tell that guy... i'm in.

Jeremy was finding himself rather booked in the coming weeks. However he couldn't turn down a chance for doing a showing for a charity event. It'd come with some wonderful benefits for not just him... like getting his name out there more and further... but it would also help those in need and do a honorable service. So... when one seemed to thing about it.... it was a win-win for both sides. All sides.

Sandy looked at how the teacher was acting and secretly recorded it. He was not pleased with how the teacher was treating certain classmates and it rubbed him the wrong way. He was surely gonna report it. But to who... and how?
Alpha Rex (played anonymously)

"Yeah, that's what I mean," I say absent-minded. Rich and spoiled people ended up in Hell more often than most of them thought while alive, but I know that Jeremy and Sandy are good people. A bit naive, maybe, but their hearts were in the good places. "I'll make sure to tell him, no details attached or he'll keep on crowing to me about it for the next years to come." I lean back and sigh, crossing my arms as I let my mind wander.

"Rex, can you tell me for which x belongs with y=30?" asks the teacher all of a sudden. I grumble and feel shaken awake, and look at the blackboard. All those numbers didn't mean anything to me, and it was even worse because the teacher had awful handwriting. I grin and answer: "666, sir."

"Darn it, Rex, we talked about this," says the teacher, already annoyed. "Not paying attention to my classes is one issue, but your satanic jokes make it even worse. You know what, come up here and solve it yourself, in front of everyone. You pay attention especially, Laura, because since you have forgotten your homework you're not on my good graces today- hey, Sandy, what do you think you're doing?!" While his voice was still angry, he didn't seem to be mad at Sandy (yet), he was genuinely asking what he was doing, as it wasn't usually to have one's cellphone out during classes.

I look at Jeremy and Sandy and feel excited to see what these good proper boys will do: will they lie and stay on the teacher's good side, or will they be honest about his misdemeanor and possibly risk getting punished for what I think would be the first time in their lives?
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Alpha Rex wrote:
"Yeah, that's what I mean," I say absent-minded. Rich and spoiled people ended up in Hell more often than most of them thought while alive, but I know that Jeremy and Sandy are good people. A bit naive, maybe, but their hearts were in the good places. "I'll make sure to tell him, no details attached or he'll keep on crowing to me about it for the next years to come." I lean back and sigh, crossing my arms as I let my mind wander.

"Rex, can you tell me for which x belongs with y=30?" asks the teacher all of a sudden. I grumble and feel shaken awake, and look at the blackboard. All those numbers didn't mean anything to me, and it was even worse because the teacher had awful handwriting. I grin and answer: "666, sir."

"Darn it, Rex, we talked about this," says the teacher, already annoyed. "Not paying attention to my classes is one issue, but your satanic jokes make it even worse. You know what, come up here and solve it yourself, in front of everyone. You pay attention especially, Laura, because since you have forgotten your homework you're not on my good graces today- hey, Sandy, what do you think you're doing?!" While his voice was still angry, he didn't seem to be mad at Sandy (yet), he was genuinely asking what he was doing, as it wasn't usually to have one's cellphone out during classes.

I look at Jeremy and Sandy and feel excited to see what these good proper boys will do: will they lie and stay on the teacher's good side, or will they be honest about his misdemeanor and possibly risk getting punished for what I think would be the first time in their lives?

Sandy paused and cleared his throat a little bit while trying to keep focused on the class lectures and also with half the mind on the career of his and Jeremy's. He looked up at the teacher and focused on disregarded the teacher's angry voice... as he was possibly aware of the fact that it wasn't aimed at him and or Jeremy...

Sandy: Sorry, sir. Passion Kiss and I do apologize for this... It's just that... you see. we keep our cells out so we can monitor for calls that come from the publicist, Manager, Adviser or Agent. When they call... we have to answer it. It's rather vital. We do apologize if it is disturbing anyone here. It's just one of those things that happen to be part of a celebrities life. It sucks... i know.

Jeremy: A celebrity's life is never done. Just when one thinks that they're gonna have a few moments where they can take a little break and perhaps have a little time to maybe have some type of normal life... whatever that is... because normal these days happen to be rather over-rated. Just when one thinks that: "Yes... at last... there's a break and some time to get a breather from the glitz and glam expectations" The calls come in and you find yourself at their tender mercies again.

It wasn't a lie. Because that is what any celebrity faces... you could go and ask celebrity... any one of them. 95% of the celebrity populace of the human race will tell you... that once you become a celebrity and famous... Your life... it's no longer your own. It forever becomes... the life of the people. The world's. Meaning everything you'd do... say... everywhere you would go... anything you did... The world would know. it was no longer private. Everything would be the world's news.

Jeremy saw... he understood as his mother had gone through that for such a long while... before his time. She knew the game... and from the way it seemed... Jeremy was bound to learn that hard truth soon as well.
Alpha Rex (played anonymously)

"Is that so?" says the teacher, clearly not convinced as he saw that Sandy was recording with his phone rather than just browsing on it. At the same time, he doesn't know what to do because he knows that the Principle favors the Lightfoot people. I think that's not fair at all, but so far Jeremy and Sandy have been nice to me, so I try not to criticize the Principle for his choice of music genre and celebrities to enjoy. "Just try to pay attention, alright?"

I like to see the teacher nervous like that, and lean back. He is distracted from calling me to the board, and the class continues like normal.

"So what are you gonna do with that?" I whisper to Sandy.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Alpha Rex wrote:
"Is that so?" says the teacher, clearly not convinced as he saw that Sandy was recording with his phone rather than just browsing on it. At the same time, he doesn't know what to do because he knows that the Principle favors the Lightfoot people. I think that's not fair at all, but so far Jeremy and Sandy have been nice to me, so I try not to criticize the Principle for his choice of music genre and celebrities to enjoy. "Just try to pay attention, alright?"

I like to see the teacher nervous like that, and lean back. He is distracted from calling me to the board, and the class continues like normal.

"So what are you gonna do with that?" I whisper to Sandy.

Jeremy: *Sighs* we are not famous just to get respect and special treatment. Why are people trying to always look at me... or my sisters as though we are to always get carte blanche? Damn... *Sighs*

Sandy: *To Rex* I don't plan to do anything except for what i just told the teacher. If he don't seem convinced... that's him. But it was exactly what i said it was. the phone is out and on the side... To be able to grab at the ready when the calls from our agent, Adviser, Manager or publicist comes... We have to be at the ready.

Sandy was speaking plainly and softly to Alex/Rex. He knew that it was the truth even though the teacher didn't seem to buy it.

Jeremy: *Writing down the stuff that's on the board*...

As class pressed on...
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

As class pressed on...
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

I am outside arriving at my new school for the first time I got kicked out of my last school for smoking. I am hoping not to make the same mistake, walking into the school I knew immediately that I was not gonna be good here so many things I disliked, but some that I did like, upon arriving at the class Jeremy and Sandy were in the teacher looked at me and gestured for me to take a seat. At least the teacher did not call me out like most of my teachers probably would it seemed everyone was taking notice of my late arrival. I didn't care never would.

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