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Forums » General Roleplay » A High school teen angst RP... Celebrity or Not...

Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: That was amazing and well downright unforgettable. It did wash all my worries away and it's amazing how powerful and good your voice is. I tried singing once total train wreck I guess when I tried I really did not care enough. What if I tried singing? *I say more to myself than to Jeremy* No wouldn't work I don't have the confidence or the ability and Smoking does not help.

Just thinking about singing made me happy music was my escape of sorts but pulling it off was a whole different ball game. I never had the ability to sing the right notes high or low. All the what-ifs kept running through my mind but that also was a bad thing as well as a good thing. The good side gave me the ability to plan ahead the bad side is I never took the risk. Sitting here talking to Jeremy who I was head over heels for was the biggest risk take of my life. I never thought of the ability to fall in love or sing it was never in the cards for me but yet here I was in love and no way to stop the emotion. Would this roller coaster of life ever end? or would I be stuck on it forever?

Jeremy: You should tell that to my lover Sandy. Or another Lover of mine. He told me once that it was like magic. But when he saw a tape i showed him of my mother... Doing a performance at the local dance hall once... Dancing to Xanadu and making like Kira. He was just ecstatic.

Jeremy then pulled out his phone to show her something...

Jeremy: This is the scene...

The clipping...

Video 1

Video 2

Roller Skaters were rolling along and then there were a group of people in the center…

Grand Leader of the Skaters: *Leading the team of Roller skaters* Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! *Seeing people coming into the dance hall* Come on! Join on in… *Rolling by a group of dancers; Motioning for them to get up and join in* U- U-Up! *Seeing a few more coming in to enjoy the festivities* Hey!

The dancers then broke into two clusters and within seconds got with dancing to the beat and making poses as they chanted…

Dancers: *While Rollerskating in place and stomping plus clapping in rhythm* Xanadu! … … Xanadu! … … Xanadu! … … Xanadu! … … Xanadu! … … Xanadu!

The dancers on the one side then got into form and started to make a move. Rollerskating following the leader…

Dancers: *Clapping* Ho! *Clapping* Ho! *Clapping* Ho! *Clapping* Ho! *Clapping* Ho! *Clapping* Ho! *Clapping* Ho! *Clapping* Ho!

Courtney and Miranda got into it and noticed Ridge close by. Noticed him and waved. Howard came into the Dance hall and looked for Macie. Didn’t see her at first however when he looked the other way… Saw that she was in the side room and changing into a black leotard with black leggings on. Glittery texture on the Outfit.

Howard: *Grinning* What’s the deal here?

The dancers had then instantly got back into form and As they stomped in place and with the rhythmic beat… Chanted.

Dancers: Xanadu! … *Clapping and Stomping in synchronization* Xanadu! *Clapping and Stomping in synchronization* Xanadu! *Clapping and Stomping in synchronization* Xanadu! *Clapping and Stomping in synchronization* Xanadu! *Clapping and Stomping in synchronization* Xanadu! *Clapping and Stomping in synchronization*

That was only where it then lead to the leader of the skaters leading them around the dance hall floor and moving in a jubilation of music. But that was where as that went on, Macie came out with a quick pace in motion made it to the center waiting for the que…

Grand Marshall of the Dancers: *Rolling along and Clapping* Ho!

Music then started to sound off…

Grand Marshall of the Dancers: *Rolling along and Clapping* Ho! *Rolling along and Clapping* Ho! *Rolling along and Clapping* Ho!

Macie then came in and started singing…


Macie: *Moving in Rhythm and Moving all around the hall at times; Flirting with some fans subtly while singing* A place
Where nobody dared to go
The love that we came to know
They call it Xanadu

Background: It takes your breath
and it’ll leave you blind

Macie: *Moving in Rhythm and Moving all around the hall at times; Flirting with some fans subtly while singing* And now
Open your eyes and see
What we have made is real
We are in Xanadu

Background: A dream of it we offer you

Macie: *Moving in Rhythm and Moving all around the hall at times; Flirting with some fans subtly while singing* A million lights are dancing
And there you are
a shooting star
An everlasting love
And you’re here
with me eternally


Background: Now we are here

Macie: *Moving in Rhythm and Moving all around the hall at times; Flirting with some fans subtly while singing* In Xanadu

Background: Now we are here

In Xanadu
Your neon lights will shine
For you in Xanadu

The love
The echoes of long ago
You needed the world to know
They are in Xanadu

Background: With every breath you drift away

Macie: *Moving in Rhythm and Moving all around the hall at times; Flirting with some fans subtly while singing* The dream
That came through
a million years
That lived on
through all the tears
It came to Xanadu

Background: The dream you dream
Well, it will happen for you

Macie: *Moving in Rhythm and Moving all around the hall at times; Flirting with some fans subtly while singing* A million lights are dancing
And there you are
a shooting star
An everlasting love
And you’re here
with me eternally

Background: Now we are here…

Macie: *Moving in Rhythm and Moving all around the hall at times; Flirting with some fans subtly while singing* Xanadu

In Xanadu

Background: Now we are here

Macie: *Moving in Rhythm and Moving all around the hall at times; Flirting with some fans subtly while singing* In Xanadu
Xanadu, Xanadu
Now that I’m here
Now that you’re near
In Xanadu
Now that I’m here
Now that you’re near
In Xanadu… *Holding it for 5 beats as the sound drags a little with a echo*

It was then that the music transversed to a sense of southern belle feeling but with a touch of electronic. Macie was seen with a group of girls dancing tip-toe in a delighted dance interlude and that lasted for about a minute before it turned to being upbeat and fastly upbeat…

Patron: Way to go!


Macie was then seen as a wild girl in a exotic outfit. She girated a bit and moved like wild in rhythm of the beat as she then sang and wouldn’t you know it… it was right in the direction of Ridge. But she gasped a little when she saw her parents Bobbie and Bobby. They saw her and blushed…

Macie: *Singing* Fool
Whatever you do
you’re reminded

Wherever you go
you won’t find it

I’m really down on love
so save all your smiles
Ooo, I won’t be needin’
any love for a while

I’m really down on love
so save all your smiles
Ooo, I won’t be needin’
any love for a while.

Ooo Ooo


*To Ridge in a hinky gesture*Uh-uh
O- o-oh wherever you go
you’re a loser

Ridge was feeling himself oozing down with a lovesick pose. He had the most amazing girl in his life and saw that she was letting loose. Uninhibited… untamed. Wild and free…

Such a fool

I want you to know
you’re a loser

I’m really down on love
so save all your smiles
Ooo, I won’t be needin’
any love for a while

I’m really down on love
so save all your smiles
Ooo, I won’t be needin’
any love for a while


The Music then transversed right into a western like beat. Like a country hoedown. She was seen in a Cowboy western attire. Western to the hilt. the Atmosphere was that of a saloon.

Macie: *Singing and moving around in a animated active centerpiece* I’m sure I should pass
a law laid down

Cowboys: Yee-haw!

Macie: Declare you will never wear
Your face in a frown
Obey or be on your way
Get on the first stage
out of this town…

Macie got next to her Fiance Ridge and did a little square dancing in a jubilation. Ridge was smiling and blushing.

Howard watched and Howled with excitement…

Macie: *Singing* There’s me and my deputies
to chase you down
If you don’t grin
we will take you in

So spread some sunshine around *Taking a sip of a glass of beer in good favor to the bartender before tipping her hat and pressing on*
Obey or be on your way
Get on the first stage
out of this town

Dancing goes on in suit before it went into the suspenseful finale which began as a dancing formation before…

Macie came back up from the back of the platform and walked to the center… Singing as she walked over and stepped up to the center and it rising… She was wearing a Sparkly goddess garment exotic and starstudded…

Macie: *Singing* Xanadu

Background: Now we are here

Macie: In Xanadu

Background: Now we are here

In a Stunning flash of light…

Macie before any could look was back to normal attire…


Macie: *Singing in happiness* In Xanadu
Now that I’m here
Now that you’re near
In Xanadu
Now that I’m here
Now that you’re near
In Xanadu
Xanadu *Lingering as it fades as it began as a high note*

Jeremy: There was a newspaper Article that covered it... Here...

A Night of an XANADU Thrill-The Rising Star EDITION!

By John W. Rhapsody
Staff Writer.

METROPOLIS, KANSAS- Oct.19th, It was a night of Normalcy. Just a swell night of honest casual delight and common dancers letting the dancing thrill roll on through. But it turned out being more than just that as when you’re in the presence of the one girl who’s the epitome of all love to be. All love in the heart and soul of the city… There is little chance in that ever going for reality. It was another night of the Rising Star. The Rising Star came and took the Dance hall into a land of sacred love and a sense of magic. Magic in the soul and with all the heart to provide. Some would say that when you’re with a living light like 16 year old Macie Melody Lightfoot. What you see… is pretty much what you got. But not with this. Not close. Not even a hair… close.
The Dancing frenzy started it’s special hour with a decree that spoke out…”This is a special request from Ridge Mercer… the Future Mr. Lightfoot. dedicating this hour of Xanadu Music to his Future wife… The Rising Star, Macie Melody Lightfoot. And he’s left a personal message to her.” What came following that was the revelation as to who had that special surprise all prepared. It was the love interest of the Rising Star. It was none other than the singing Prodigy of the city…
“Macie, ever since i first saw you… my heart could not stop racing. You fill my life with light and love and every time we were to kiss… it reminded me of that love. When i am with you… Everyday is like living in a place like Xanadu. Where magic and sacred love runs forever. If this was like the movie… You’d be my Kira and i’d be your Sonny Malone. I Love you, Macie. I love you eternal. Our Love… lives forever.” That was the message that came from Ridge to Macie and it grabbed the hearts of the local patrons of the Dance Hall. They all turned to watch as the Rising Star was brought to tears in happiness and joy as the sentimentality came all around her. It brought a whole bunch of cheer to her as the big punch came the Singing Prodigy grabbed ahold of the Rising Star and with a sincere lock of looks Landed one and all into a Rated PG-13 lip-lock.
The hype of the night took no let down as it kicked its cleats and dancing electric shoes with #’s like “I’m Alive”, “The Fall”, “Whenever you’re away from me” where during that # a couple who happen to share the prodigious last name as none other than our Rising Star. They got into it and danced its # as in the style of Kira and Danny McGuire. The moment was magic as any moment could get and maybe… with more to count on. “Dancin'” and “Lover, Gonna take a backseat” both set the dancing style change of between the styles of the 1940’s and the 1980’s. There was a hype that brought even a reporter to get with the act. Not to beat the wild boar… but who’d see such a display and not want in on the fun? No one.
The Finale came with a thunderous human battering ram all on the front line. The people in the hall got things put in order which flew on down right to the core. It kicked off the first wave on the show with a dance out flash-mob brush with the # “All over the world”. The ones that were letting it loose were “The Rising Star” and the Singing Prodigy. Macie Melody Lightfoot and Ridge Mercer. “The whole Experience was amazing. I couldn’t stop myself from dancing. It made me feel as if i were the leading actress Olivia Newton-John. I know it isn’t in anyway possible as there is no way i could match her caliber. But i felt as if i were her. Dancing in the same light as she did. If i wasn’t only the Rising Star as people see me as… I’d dance to this music all day and never grow tired of it.” the 16 year old Superstar Macie said as she was still buzzed from the jubilee of the entire event. She didn’t have it end. Not at all.
The grand finale started with the grand marshall of the dancing rollerskating clique Rollerskate his way around and get people to stand and get into it. Dancing. It brought a couple groups on to dance in formation… Chanting “Xanadu”. Chanting away and chanting wild and free. Getting amped up for the gauntlet which brought in a revving twist to the dancing frenzy dedicated to Xanadu.
The Surprise came to one and All when they saw that the one singing the tune of Xanadu was none other than the Rising Star herself. She came in a black leotard with black leggings on. Glittery texture on the Outfit. Stealing the night with style and ramification. Keeping the spirit of the musical and the Motion picture with serene grace. A Musical for the ages. But as the dance performance went, The Rising Star Wowed the lavished crowd with a dance interlude that whipped a rather Slight electric feel and beat. But then it switched right to a upbeat # where she was a wild girl in a exotic outfit. Dancing and free. Untamed and riding the waves of dance and melodious twinkling. bopping a rhythm in the throws of the moment. But it was her small skit of being a cowgirl in a saloon that turned some guys on with astonishment. Especially with the couple second gesture of taking a sip of Beer Before rolling on. A few Patrons gasped with surprise as it caught them under the surprise. The Wrap up came as the last piece brought in Macie coming onto the center of the stage and with a celestial outfit. But then it was only a little along the last few so beats when she looked like the Muse Kira from the Movie looked in original look on the movie. There was no surprise as she was seen looking at the Singing Prodigy and blowing over a kiss to him as she did the wrap. Singing for all to hear and see.
The Rising star finished the melody on a high note as the last 3 notes hit the crescendo peak and then leaving an echo concluding the show. The crowd only got left with an uproar of celebratory cheer. There is little to any doubt that with the show and the talent which the singing superstar puts out…One can be with assurance that with one like Macie doing the skill that never stops… no one can forget. All the men want a woman that’s just like her. Women dream to be her. Even some of the Patrons were enthralled with the performance that was unleashed.
“Macie’s so darling. The dancing skils and talent she amasses is Uniquely vintage and marvelous. No let down in sight. I never saw the Movie Xanadu before… But now with the show which was presented by Macie, I am gonna find it and watch it. I have to see it now.” Said Courtney Gripling who stated which she was a swell friend of the Rising Star and knew her well. The girl next to her was Miranda Killgallen. She was quoted in saying: “Lightfoot’s got some heavy style. There is no way that anyone will look at her and think that they weren’t seeing just a normal cornfed girl from the boondocks. But an actual genuine mastermind in working glory. Whoever she may have been in the past… that’s old news. The girl that is before one and all… She’s what’s in. Plus is cutting edge.”
The one married couple that were there… happened to be the Biological parents of the Rising Star and even they were pulled in on the thrill. Blown away by the performance. Wishing for more as they loved every second that was put on for all to hear. “That charming girl was always destined for great things. We believed it ever since she was a little girl. She… just needed the drive and inspiration that would pull her to do it. She’s one of a kind.” said one as the two were taking in all that was presented. The lady who was the biological mother to the delighted Superstar stated: “If only this was years ago… and we saw the future of the dear girl… Things would be so so different. She would have been out there and with the fame. Better guided. As it is… with what talent that she has let out… It makes me proud that all of us and the world knows one like her. knowing that she stays with us forever.”
“The Doll is talent on wheels. What she shows in all that she does only reminds us that nothing on this planet will have her tethered. There will never be another person like the Rising Star. Never. If there was a record deal about to come for her to go global… she’d be a sincere shoe-in. Right from the start” Spoke out her Manager. He was there to see the show and there was no hiding the reality that with 16 year old Macie Melody Lightfoot out there and performing for the masses… Light and hope would live again. Some fear that she is fated to follow the path of the one who represented love before her. But with plenty of allies and fans standing to the plate for her. This new artist will be with a new outlook that outshines the face of the past. Re-igniting his message with one of her own heart and soul. If Xanadu had a hand in her drive… Maybe the Rising Star will come around to endlessly surprise us with her sheer sex appeal that grabs teenage girls by the hearts… boys by the straps and the adult fans being left a flutter in only a way that the Rising Star can.

Jeremy Wanted to get Kimberly aware of how strong the high reputation was behind his mother... and of how it was the same for him in the sense of celebrity repose...

Jeremy: There is more just like this... Much more. You only saw a taste... there's more than this. But that is an example of how deep it all is.
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: T-that o-ok i-am i-in s-shock. It's good someone is spreading about our life but through music, that kind shocks me a bit. It helps yes and it spreads awareness but I am in total shock and that is saying something I'm usually not impressed like this.

My thoughts had come to a complete stop I was shocked simple as that. I was in love to I would do anything for the person I was looking at but why was I so surprised? I couldn't figure it out. Total shock and aww but at the same time it felt like I was feeling multiple emotions at the same time. Saying so little but saying so much at the same time this music connected to me more then I thought it would sure I like music but it never ever connected with me like this.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: T-that o-ok i-am i-in s-shock. It's good someone is spreading about our life but through music, that kind shocks me a bit. It helps yes and it spreads awareness but I am in total shock and that is saying something I'm usually not impressed like this.

My thoughts had come to a complete stop I was shocked simple as that. I was in love to I would do anything for the person I was looking at but why was I so surprised? I couldn't figure it out. Total shock and aww but at the same time it felt like I was feeling multiple emotions at the same time. Saying so little but saying so much at the same time this music connected to me more then I thought it would sure I like music but it never ever connected with me like this.


Jeremy: There was alot. There is also the one article that was just more flooring. Like this one... *Showing another article*

“IS THIS THE REAL LIFE… IS THIS JUST RISING STAR?!- A Doorway to Love kicking A Queen Beat Beginning”

By John W. Rhapsody
Staff Writer

BANGOR, MAINE- January 2nd, The first concert in the run up of the Doorway to Love Concert Tour that lasts a 7 month run through 29 cities. There is a lot of surprises to be seen and this concert that begins the huge tour is of no happenstance… an exception. It was a beginning to the light and the hype was all there. But who would ever expect for there to be a Queen music beat to start the first concert and blast open the doors of Love in a way that a concert goer would never see coming? The Rising star pulled in a banger and a smash of a startling Intro. Holding in a shock to steal a heart or two. The Concert was expected to start with one of the slower tunes to ease in to what was to come. But When it’s a # that is done by the Rising Star. Slow is not in the line-up.
The Rising Star’s first run concert of the tour began with a somber tune that was a turn back to the 70’s as she came down with a tune from the Rock band from the past. Queen. Queen was known as a band of the ages and known for such tunes as: “Killer Queen”, “Another one Bites the Dust”, “We Will Rock you”, “We are the Champions”, “Radio Ga Ga” and their most Iconic tune that even now is anything but forgotten. Still remembered even now… “Bohemian Rhapsody”. The greats and the never forgotten.
The Rising star Came out with her rendition of the iconic Queen tune, “Bohemian Rhapsody” and it for the first time brought a few people back to the memories of the 70’s era. The crowd listened to the Rising Star… Macie Melody Lightfoot go with a deeply sentimental tune that spared no moment for a revisit to the very early days of all good music that still evolves. The 16 year old Macie who was clearly showing signs of pregnancy still rolled in. Not seeing that as a reason to throw in the towel and give up.
That was not the only surprise that she had. There was another surprise that came during the concert as it came right on that moment of Macie getting suited to sing “Never, Say Never” that she called up 17 year old Pidgetta Gerald Lightfoot to the stage and it came out that it was a song which they done as a duet. The # raised the hype more as the crowd took it as a inspirational beat that only could come to others right from the voice and the heart of one Macie Melody Lightfoot
It didn’t stop there and it doesn’t bring any surprise as Macie during the concert did to Korean #’s. One of the #’s was a most familiar # that we had listened to timelessly and more adversely as it was done. “Bloom”. The other one was a tune that came from a Korean program or a Korean artist who done the # before her. The tune was deeply captivating as it was with a sense that perhaps Macie was with the mindset of bringing in a few tears or two. Emotional and memorable to anyone who feel connected to the very sounds that come from Macie.
“The young 16 year old Celebrity has a lot of gifts within her. She must be like an angel from heaven. If Freddie Mercury was still around and didn’t get taken by AIDS and was among us… If he were to hear Macie singing his songs… Letting it out. One of two things would happen most likely. Either one- he would praise her and bow down to her prowess. or… 2. He would offer her a spot to sing with him at which ever show that she felt was right for her.” Said Brian May who was known as the lead guitarist to the group Queen. He and the remaining band members of Queen were there in the back watching the concert and each moment that passed… they couldn’t consider any other than the fact that the Rising Star was a Rising Phenom. A Diva in waiting.
The concert was with a huge turnout and was said to be full to past capacity. There was a group of people who came in during the one # and they had to stand by the fence as there was no room for more. The revenue of the Concert acclaimed a total of 20 Million $. That was only the start of it as another surprise came and made an example of the very talent that the Rising Star can amass. Innocence found… Lost. Rediscovered… then given a whole new attitude.
“I can’t believe that this girl is actually making it. Where ever this talent came from… I am praying to god that nothing takes this girl away. She’s a gem of delight that came and has given us a sole reason to believe again. I am not that much a fan of hers. But i will never deny the fact that if this girl were to ever leave us… The world better ensure itself to be in a never ending pool of misery and despair. Because the light of the world… It’s the Rising Star. It’s Macie. Hands down.” Said Annabelle Patterson, a local Patron and resident of Bangor. She was watching the concert in satisfaction.
The crowd consisted among them the cast from the Talk. Mark Labbett, Steve Harvey and a few other memorable people that knew the Rising Star. One being Alfred Molina. Katy Perry, Gwen Stefani, Lady Gaga among those who stood out. The end of the concert came and how it ended… It was a singing jubilee and a crowd pleasing moment. The Rising Star paid a dear tribute to Freddie Mercury and spoke with heart. Singing the Queen tune: “Radio Ga Ga”. Getting the crowd to sing along and loud… She was recorded saying: “Come on, Everybody… You know the words… The Lyrics… Let Freddie hear you. Sing to the Rising Star and amplify your hearts in this song… Let him hear you. You can do it.” With that… the Audience sang and combined their hearts and minds… Letting it all come out. Unleashing the power of their voice. Crying out to Freddie. As if he were watching them all now.
From doing #’s like “Bloom” by Son Ga in. to Singing “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “Radio Ga Ga” there is no doubt that when you listen to the unchained power of Macie Melody Lightfoot… You don’t leave a show feeling anything… but one absolute thing. Love. Love and peace. With this being The Rising Star’s way of Kicking off her Concert tour with a divine flare for the masses in every direction… this is no denying that The Rising Star is here… now and letting all those around her know that she’s here and… she’s indeed here… to stay.
However there are some minor sources that say it’s too soon for a young Teen to be in the limelight and will likely be at risk of being another coulda, shoulda, woulda. Some are foretelling that she will only choke on the fame and start coming down. Crashing and burning hard. Although there is also belief that some claim where she’ll fall just the same as those before her. Who were young as she is and trying to make it to the big time only to sink before they hit their 20’s. Following the same fate as the once upon a time beloved king. Fortunately… it’s too early to tell what may happen with the young teen celeb. But in all fairness towards those with doubt… Don’t count her out too early on in the game. She could just as well surpass their concerns and prove that she’s truly on the golden road. Macie may be young… and still with a bit to learn, but with the talent that she puts out and with all that she gives… there’s little chance of her fizzling out anytime soon.
Where ever it is that the Rising Star goes… Her light will sure be spread. To every part of the world. In all dark places… the Light and power of love that is let loose by The Rising Star… No place that emits darkness… will survive. Macie is the light. Innocence personified.. Beauty in making. Macie is no fantasy… she’s reality and she is the core of Peace. Her light… is Eternal.

Jeremy: Kimberly, This is the world i know. This is the world i brought up being part of. I know you'll be at a loss of how that could be. However... this is what it is... I want to bring you into my life as my heart pulls... to you. *Nods*
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: I understand Jeremy I really do but think about it people writing about me and taking photos when I'm with you that's not my kind style. I would love to be in your world but there's always the but. Look, Jeremy, I love you and love that you want me to be in your world, but I don't belong in that world. I love you, I can't stress that enough but in the end, I already am a bad influence but these are your choices, not mine. Being a part of your world would mean that I would have to try to be good which I have trouble doing when nobody believes in me.

Truth be told, I thought I could fit in, but in reality, I couldn't and wouldn't. I loved this amazing human in front of me but would I ever really be well enough to fit in or enough for Jeremy. I have been down this road before thinking I'm in love but then getting heartbroken. I never let go of my past even though I should I never have and never will.

Kimberly: We should get going before someone sees us *Leans in kissing Jeremy on the lips* Ill think about being in your world but right now I would like to stick to my world where everyone doesn't believe in me and I can't be blamed for being a bad person.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: I understand Jeremy I really do but think about it people writing about me and taking photos when I'm with you that's not my kind style. I would love to be in your world but there's always the but. Look, Jeremy, I love you and love that you want me to be in your world, but I don't belong in that world. I love you, I can't stress that enough but in the end, I already am a bad influence but these are your choices, not mine. Being a part of your world would mean that I would have to try to be good which I have trouble doing when nobody believes in me.

Truth be told, I thought I could fit in, but in reality, I couldn't and wouldn't. I loved this amazing human in front of me but would I ever really be well enough to fit in or enough for Jeremy. I have been down this road before thinking I'm in love but then getting heartbroken. I never let go of my past even though I should I never have and never will.

Kimberly: We should get going before someone sees us *Leans in kissing Jeremy on the lips* Ill think about being in your world but right now I would like to stick to my world where everyone doesn't believe in me and I can't be blamed for being a bad person.

Jeremy knew that he had to make it clear. He knew that she was terrified of having to upheave her life again because of what might go wrong. He sensed that she had that innate fear. It was paralyzing her from being able to actually look to the future and pull to being better than what she was. He could somehow articulate and figure that if he didn't set things straight... he would never be able to truly make her... his and himself... hers. It would never ever be. So... this was what he had to do...

Jeremy: Sing with me... This is likely how you feel as i do...

Jeremy presents the song on his Phone music player as he starts to sing...

Jeremy: *Singing* You know I can’t smile without you
I can’t smile without you
I can’t laugh and I can’t sing
I’m finding it hard to do anything.

Jeremy froze then as time stood still. It seemed as he was letting Kimberly join. He knew that she felt something... this had to bring out what was inside... Had to...

You see I feel sad when you’re sad
I feel glad when you’re glad
If you only knew what I’m going through
I just can’t smile without you.

You came along just like a song
And brighten my day

Who would have believed that you where part of a dream
Now it all seems light years away

And now you know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile

Now some people say
Happiness takes so very long to find
Well, I'm finding it hard
Leaving your love behind me

And you see I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel glad when you're glad
I feel sad when you're sad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

I join in singing the lyrics without stopping or messing up. I knew I wanted to be with Jeremy but I was not ready to upheave my life or face the outcomes of what would happen to me if I failed, sure I had to make my family happy but this would not be it. Being famous or dating someone famous would not be the answer they would hate that all the Gillerson secrets broadcasted.

Kimberly: Jeremy. . . I wanna be in your world I really do but what if this doesn't work? What if they find out about me? What if they figure everything out about my family? Jeremy don't you see I want to but if this doesn't work out where will that leave me? I know I love you but I loved lots of people and well I ended up heartbroken I wanna take the risk again but not stepping into the spotlight.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
I join in singing the lyrics without stopping or messing up. I knew I wanted to be with Jeremy but I was not ready to upheave my life or face the outcomes of what would happen to me if I failed, sure I had to make my family happy but this would not be it. Being famous or dating someone famous would not be the answer they would hate that all the Gillerson secrets broadcasted.

Kimberly: Jeremy. . . I wanna be in your world I really do but what if this doesn't work? What if they find out about me? What if they figure everything out about my family? Jeremy don't you see I want to but if this doesn't work out where will that leave me? I know I love you but I loved lots of people and well I ended up heartbroken I wanna take the risk again but not stepping into the spotlight.

Jeremy: Let people talk. Let them. People will talk no matter what you manage to do or not. It doesn't matter. What matters is what you think. Your parents are no different. They should not give a damn about the innuendo that might come from the bullshit of what people say. So... you had a bad life. And so damn what if a bit of it might have been that you done to yourself. Who cares? You know who the hell you are. The only thing that matters is what you think. What your parents think. And me. And i think that you are beautiful and lovely. You're even gorgeous... and dare i say it even though we barely got close like we just have... Sexy as a pussycat. You're remarkable. I love you. You can be my world. The limelight can just get the hell over you. You are with just the same rights as anyone.



Saphiroth: *Walking in and seeing Jeremy with a girl in the Men's restroom* Eh? What.... What the...? Jeremy... what gives with having a girl with you in here? Are you mental?

Jeremy: No... Saphiroth. This girl is like me in multiple ways. Misunderstood. Judged. given a rather bad rap for our being a certain way that many don't savor to like. Meet Kimberly Gillerson. Kimberly... Meet my brother... Saphiroth C.C. Lightfoot. The two C's stand for Casey Cornelius.

Saphiroth: Nice to meet you, Kimberly. *Smelling smoke* What's that smell? Smells like... Smoke. Tobacco smoke. Jeremy... *Smelling the stench coming from Jeremy* Jeremy... were you smoking?

Jeremy: Only out of consolation for her. She does... but she's had a rather awful life.

Saphiroth: Let me guess... a common case of struggling to leave the past behind?

Jeremy: Yeah. But how... how did you know that?

Saphiroth: How could i not? How could any of us not know that, brother? We're the sons and daughters of the Rising Star. Our lives are seen for all to gaze. Hers as well. We have seen people come and go... all the time through our times when we had to come with our mom on her gigs. We've see some people she had to handle who literally had trouble leaving the past behind and leaning to the future. Our mom's music... it pushed them to strip down and out of the past and say: "The past is dead. The future is before me. I shall Embrace it. World... here i come." It's nothing new. Plus.... Kimberly... looks pretty foxy. Troubles only add more flavor to who she is. Life is trouble... but is what you make it to be. She can take it from our family... the past. It's only a means for an excuse. It's just a shell that can be thrown away and gone. The here and now... it's the thing that should matter most. It bears most fruit.

Jeremy nods...
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: How do you guess so much about me by going off your own life? We might be the same but we are different more than you think. Sure I grew up with a family people talk about but growing up in the spotlight that's something I don't know how you guys do it. I would be dead if I was in the spotlight. I get it you guys had a rough life but you are right Saphiroth about not being able to let go of my past the reason is because of what my past is. It’s been about 8 years ago. I was 8 years old when it happened. My family and I were on a trip up in Vegas. The trip was very extravagant and there were always things to do. Always. You know that Vegas is known so highly as Sin City. It’s always been. To this day… still is. Always will be. But it was also known as a high excitement location for live shows… Gambling. Concerts and the whole shebang. I was there and just walking on my own to our hotel room as the rest of the family was out gambling. My older sister… She was back at our home here in Metropolis and she’d been just at the house. Watching T.V. All of a sudden… She heard a knock at the door and as curious as she was… She wanted to see who was at the door. She went to go check it out. Unfortunately… When she did… a homeless dirty man… well… Maybe not dirty. But he was homeless. He came in and broke in. Grabbed her and ripped off her clothes. Then started to expose himself and before she could escape… he hit her… knocking her down. By the time she came to… He had already penetrated her and violated her. It left her totally broken inside. While she had that happening to her… I was still in Vegas… Walking my way over to see a show that was of a famous magician duo. My parents and i heard about him all during our trip coming to Las Vegas. Figured that... shit. With all the talk... they must be pretty groovy. So we decided to head to see the show. All of a sudden ahead of us... there was this crowd just gathering and it was due to something possibly as stupid as maybe a disagreement. But this fight was about race. Race between Mexican and blacks. Someone was heard spewing some anti-semitic references and things. Calling them the N-word. Jiggaboos... Blacks calling Mexicans Wetbacks and Beaner babies. The whole skit. IT went back and forth. for at least a few minutes till one side got so heated up that it came to blows. My parents were uneased by it and didn't want to be caught in the middle of it all. We tried to go around and avoid it. However, from the time we tried to do that... till the point it got really bad... the gathering grew to a very large crowd. My parents got somehow caught in the group. We tried to escape and before we were able to reach safety from the fight that was breaking out... I nearly got slammed by the fight as I was in between my parents. A couple of the blows came right me... outta nowhere. I got bruised up pretty fairly but not brutally. Thankfully. It was hours later when we finally got back to the hotel room. My parents were rattled by the ordeal and I was so so traumatized that I didn’t speak. I didn’t even make a noise. I couldn’t. But signs of my ordeal were all over me. The scratches… bruises. Marks. Everything. 3 years later… I was 11 when my sister Linda confided in me that she had taken up smoking. Smoked a year ago by that time. It was then when she gave me… my first pack. Parliament reds.

I waited for Saphiroth to respond I know how Jeremy reacted and it was not far off from everyone else's reaction but why was I telling all these lightwoods about my past? Was I crazy or did I just not care at this point? Proabably the second one but I still wanted Saphiroth's reaction.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: How do you guess so much about me by going off your own life? We might be the same but we are different more than you think. Sure I grew up with a family people talk about but growing up in the spotlight that's something I don't know how you guys do it. I would be dead if I was in the spotlight. I get it you guys had a rough life but you are right Saphiroth about not being able to let go of my past the reason is because of what my past is. It’s been about 8 years ago. I was 8 years old when it happened. My family and I were on a trip up in Vegas. The trip was very extravagant and there were always things to do. Always. You know that Vegas is known so highly as Sin City. It’s always been. To this day… still is. Always will be. But it was also known as a high excitement location for live shows… Gambling. Concerts and the whole shebang. I was there and just walking on my own to our hotel room as the rest of the family was out gambling. My older sister… She was back at our home here in Metropolis and she’d been just at the house. Watching T.V. All of a sudden… She heard a knock at the door and as curious as she was… She wanted to see who was at the door. She went to go check it out. Unfortunately… When she did… a homeless dirty man… well… Maybe not dirty. But he was homeless. He came in and broke in. Grabbed her and ripped off her clothes. Then started to expose himself and before she could escape… he hit her… knocking her down. By the time she came to… He had already penetrated her and violated her. It left her totally broken inside. While she had that happening to her… I was still in Vegas… Walking my way over to see a show that was of a famous magician duo. My parents and i heard about him all during our trip coming to Las Vegas. Figured that... shit. With all the talk... they must be pretty groovy. So we decided to head to see the show. All of a sudden ahead of us... there was this crowd just gathering and it was due to something possibly as stupid as maybe a disagreement. But this fight was about race. Race between Mexican and blacks. Someone was heard spewing some anti-semitic references and things. Calling them the N-word. Jiggaboos... Blacks calling Mexicans Wetbacks and Beaner babies. The whole skit. IT went back and forth. for at least a few minutes till one side got so heated up that it came to blows. My parents were uneased by it and didn't want to be caught in the middle of it all. We tried to go around and avoid it. However, from the time we tried to do that... till the point it got really bad... the gathering grew to a very large crowd. My parents got somehow caught in the group. We tried to escape and before we were able to reach safety from the fight that was breaking out... I nearly got slammed by the fight as I was in between my parents. A couple of the blows came right me... outta nowhere. I got bruised up pretty fairly but not brutally. Thankfully. It was hours later when we finally got back to the hotel room. My parents were rattled by the ordeal and I was so so traumatized that I didn’t speak. I didn’t even make a noise. I couldn’t. But signs of my ordeal were all over me. The scratches… bruises. Marks. Everything. 3 years later… I was 11 when my sister Linda confided in me that she had taken up smoking. Smoked a year ago by that time. It was then when she gave me… my first pack. Parliament reds.

I waited for Saphiroth to respond I know how Jeremy reacted and it was not far off from everyone else's reaction but why was I telling all these lightwoods about my past? Was I crazy or did I just not care at this point? Proabably the second one but I still wanted Saphiroth's reaction.

Saphiroth listened to the tale and the whole time he listened... he could not feel himself do anything but freeze in shock.

Saphiroth: *In shock* Oh... o-o-o-oh m-m-my God! Brother... is... is... is this all true?

Jeremy: *Nods* It is. it's true. I think that she is scared to come into the limelight because of having her life exposed and having her habit known... She's gone to several different schools over the last couple years because she was caught smoking and or drinking. However... her parents are also ridiculed because of all of it. Plus she's had love interests before and they all ended bad. She never explained as to why... but from how she was telling it... it's bad. really bad.

Saphiroth: It's okay. You know what? She don't need to worry about that. She's got us. Anyone screws with her... they're dogmeat. We've got her back.

Jeremy: We have to also tell Sandy.

Saphiroth: Let's go. Kimberly... come with us. Join in with us. Don't worry. We got your back. As long as you're with us... you're safe. We'll make sure of it.

Was it reassurance?

Jeremy: *Voice-Over* My brother was stepping up to help protect Kimberly. I didn't have the heart to tell him that i was now succumbing to the habit as well as Kimberly had already done. I didn't want that to cloud the issues. I was just so wanting to see Kimberly thrive as she was entitled to... i didn't see that something terrible was threatening to come... the only thing that any of us knew... it was just gonna be a meet and get people on the same page. I hadn't met my Entourage yet as i was likely supposed to touch base with them. They didn't know about Kimberly and from how all the rotten rumors and innuendo's were being spread around... i didn't think it'd be wise to tell them anything about her... for fear that it'd just make her more convinced that she would never belong. That was bullshit as she did belong. SHE DID! However from the way that the surrounding school mates and those on the outside... something was different. they believed otherwise. I of course... didn't. I saw good in her. Saphiroth saw troubled girl wanting to be good all while struggling. Question now was... what was Sandy gonna see?
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: Im glad you both see the best in me and with my past its good to know I have people to watch my back. Jeremy and Saphiroth you both see the best in me maybe I do belong in this world sure I'm not the best girl but I want to be good just letting go of the past it's hard. Knowing I have someone that understands it really helps. I still won't step into the spotlight not yet anyway.

I was actually ready but it did not feel right being in the spotlight suddenly all my secrets brodcasted like tv I was not ready for that not with my past and everything. My family and ex-friends would hate me and my ex's would as well. Was I ready to face that or was my fear just growing? I would find out soon enough for I was about to meet Sandy someone Jeremy was supposed to love.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: Im glad you both see the best in me and with my past its good to know I have people to watch my back. Jeremy and Saphiroth you both see the best in me maybe I do belong in this world sure I'm not the best girl but I want to be good just letting go of the past it's hard. Knowing I have someone that understands it really helps. I still won't step into the spotlight not yet anyway.

I was actually ready but it did not feel right being in the spotlight suddenly all my secrets brodcasted like tv I was not ready for that not with my past and everything. My family and ex-friends would hate me and my ex's would as well. Was I ready to face that or was my fear just growing? I would find out soon enough for I was about to meet Sandy someone Jeremy was supposed to love.


Jeremy: *Looking to find Sandy sitting alone and with food already at the ready* Sandy.


Sandy: *Looking to see Jeremy with his brother and the girl that captured his heart* Hey Passion... took ya long enough. What took you so long?

Jeremy: Nothing much. Just my speaking with Kimberly here and yes... that is her name. She's a troubled girl... just like you and i have heard... but she has her reasons.

As soon as they got to sitting...

Jeremy: There's more.

Sandy: More?! More? okay... What else is there?

Jeremy: She smokes and i had a couple with her. On a sympathetic standpoint.

Sandy: Did she also mention about why she ended up here?

Jeremy: Sure did. It was due to her being caught smoking and drinking. Her family being ridiculed with a bad light. She had ex loves before... all ended badly and she's with the struggle of trying to let go of the past and is scared to come into the limelight due to being scorned at. Her sister was violated 8 years ago so... her sister is home-schooled. Because the family is terrified to let people see her.

Sandy: Whoa. Bad Karma move over... This girl has mondo trouble on her with a Capital "T." It's got her good. She is gonna be okay... Right? Did you pour your heart out to her?

Jeremy: Yeah.

Sandy: How'd she take it?

Jeremy: She feels the same for me.

Sandy: So... does that mean... You're now converted to being Bi?

Jeremy: Yeah.

Sandy: oh my... Well... she can tell me about her so called past... I'm an opened book. it's all good with me.

Jeremy: *Voice-over* It sounded like Sandy was accepting of her. From his tone... he sounded as though it was gonna all be okay. I guess that Kimberly's getting support from my brother and Sandy... and me most of all... more than she may have expected. I think that some of the things i told her combined with what my brother said... and what just was let out now... I think it was safe to say that... Kimberly was gonna be in safe harbour with us. We would not dare to see it any other way.
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: I'll tell you my story Sandy It's starting to get easier to tell but I might choke up a bit afterward. It’s been about 8 years ago. I was 8 years old when it happened. My family and I were on a trip up in Vegas. The trip was very extravagant and there were always things to do. Always. You know that Vegas is known so highly as Sin City. It’s always been. To this day… still is. Always will be. But it was also known as a high excitement location for live shows… Gambling. Concerts and the whole shebang. I was there and just walking on my own to our hotel room as the rest of the family was out gambling. My older sister… She was back at our home here in Metropolis and she’d been just at the house. Watching T.V. All of a sudden… She heard a knock at the door and as curious as she was… She wanted to see who was at the door. She went to go check it out. Unfortunately… When she did… a homeless dirty man… well… Maybe not dirty. But he was homeless. He came in and broke in. Grabbed her and ripped off her clothes. Then started to expose himself and before she could escape… he hit her… knocking her down. By the time she came to… He had already penetrated her and violated her. It left her totally broken inside. While she had that happening to her… I was still in Vegas… Walking my way over to see a show that was of a famous magician duo. My parents and i heard about him all during our trip coming to Las Vegas. Figured that... shit. With all the talk... they must be pretty groovy. So we decided to head to see the show. All of a sudden ahead of us... there was this crowd just gathering and it was due to something possibly as stupid as maybe a disagreement. But this fight was about race. Race between Mexican and blacks. Someone was heard spewing some anti-sematic references and things. Calling them the N-word. Jiggaboos... Blacks calling Mexicans Wetbacks and Beaner babies. The whole skit. IT went back and forth. for at least a few minutes till one side got so heated up that it came to blows. My parents were uneased by it and didn't want to be caught in the middle of it all. We tried to go around and avoid it. However, from the time we tried to do that... till the point it got really bad... the gathering grew to a very large crowd. My parents got somehow caught in the group. We tried to escape and before we were able to reach safety from the fight that was breaking out... I nearly got slammed by the fight as I was in between my parents. A couple of the blows came right me... outta nowhere. I got bruised up pretty fairly but not brutally. Thankfully. It was hours later when we finally got back to the hotel room. My parents were rattled by the ordeal and I was so so traumatized that I didn’t speak. I didn’t even make a noise. I couldn’t. But signs of my ordeal were all over me. The scratches… bruises. Marks. Everything. 3 years later… I was 11 when my sister Linda confided in me that she had taken up smoking. Smoked a year ago by that time. It was then when she gave me… my first pack. Parliament reds. That's my past a rough one but that's not half of it my ex's all either cheated me or dumped me because of who I am.

I started to think what was gonna happen how would sandy react? Three people supporting me would mean a lot to me but what if sandy did not support me? Would my family support me in this? Letting people in was never a given with my family but I just had to hope they wouldn't mind.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: I'll tell you my story Sandy It's starting to get easier to tell but I might choke up a bit afterward. It’s been about 8 years ago. I was 8 years old when it happened. My family and I were on a trip up in Vegas. The trip was very extravagant and there were always things to do. Always. You know that Vegas is known so highly as Sin City. It’s always been. To this day… still is. Always will be. But it was also known as a high excitement location for live shows… Gambling. Concerts and the whole shebang. I was there and just walking on my own to our hotel room as the rest of the family was out gambling. My older sister… She was back at our home here in Metropolis and she’d been just at the house. Watching T.V. All of a sudden… She heard a knock at the door and as curious as she was… She wanted to see who was at the door. She went to go check it out. Unfortunately… When she did… a homeless dirty man… well… Maybe not dirty. But he was homeless. He came in and broke in. Grabbed her and ripped off her clothes. Then started to expose himself and before she could escape… he hit her… knocking her down. By the time she came to… He had already penetrated her and violated her. It left her totally broken inside. While she had that happening to her… I was still in Vegas… Walking my way over to see a show that was of a famous magician duo. My parents and i heard about him all during our trip coming to Las Vegas. Figured that... shit. With all the talk... they must be pretty groovy. So we decided to head to see the show. All of a sudden ahead of us... there was this crowd just gathering and it was due to something possibly as stupid as maybe a disagreement. But this fight was about race. Race between Mexican and blacks. Someone was heard spewing some anti-sematic references and things. Calling them the N-word. Jiggaboos... Blacks calling Mexicans Wetbacks and Beaner babies. The whole skit. IT went back and forth. for at least a few minutes till one side got so heated up that it came to blows. My parents were uneased by it and didn't want to be caught in the middle of it all. We tried to go around and avoid it. However, from the time we tried to do that... till the point it got really bad... the gathering grew to a very large crowd. My parents got somehow caught in the group. We tried to escape and before we were able to reach safety from the fight that was breaking out... I nearly got slammed by the fight as I was in between my parents. A couple of the blows came right me... outta nowhere. I got bruised up pretty fairly but not brutally. Thankfully. It was hours later when we finally got back to the hotel room. My parents were rattled by the ordeal and I was so so traumatized that I didn’t speak. I didn’t even make a noise. I couldn’t. But signs of my ordeal were all over me. The scratches… bruises. Marks. Everything. 3 years later… I was 11 when my sister Linda confided in me that she had taken up smoking. Smoked a year ago by that time. It was then when she gave me… my first pack. Parliament reds. That's my past a rough one but that's not half of it my ex's all either cheated me or dumped me because of who I am.

I started to think what was gonna happen how would sandy react? Three people supporting me would mean a lot to me but what if sandy did not support me? Would my family support me in this? Letting people in was never a given with my family but I just had to hope they wouldn't mind.

Sandy: *Looking at Jeremy and Saphiroth* Is she for real? This is true... right? This isn't some trick... She is serious... right? This bull really happened to her. Hit her with a backhand of pain. didn't it?

Jeremy: Yeah.

Saphiroth: It sure did...

Sandy: And there are scars on her... that are sheer signs of her validity. You can fake those. Only a masochist would think to do that. Emotional scars... given as to how she was very VERY uncomfortable on speaking of it openly... Those are genuine. Yeah. I think that it's a safe bet... that she is for sure a shoe in tragedy. Hands down... she has my support. I can dismiss her claims. She's got too much pain in her. Way too much. It's no lie. She has me too... Support.

Jeremy: Kimberly is also my girlfriend.

Sandy: Way to go, Passion. Kiss her. I want to see some lip action.

Jeremy: Okay. *Leaning over to kiss Kimberly on the lips* Mmm!
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

*Kisses back grabbing Jeremy's hand* Kimberly: I have physical scars too but the emotional ones are worse. *Pulls sleeve up exposing physical marks along with moving my hair* My family makes me hide the marks *Covers them* I guess that's because some of them are from my parents themselves. Believe me when I say the reputation my parents have along with my sister well its more than a reputation and rumors.

I kept wondering what would happen. How would they react? I was getting more comfortable with speaking but I was not ready for the fact of having to tell more and more people.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
*Kisses back grabbing Jeremy's hand* Kimberly: I have physical scars too but the emotional ones are worse. *Pulls sleeve up exposing physical marks along with moving my hair* My family makes me hide the marks *Covers them* I guess that's because some of them are from my parents themselves. Believe me when I say the reputation my parents have along with my sister well its more than a reputation and rumors.

I kept wondering what would happen. How would they react? I was getting more comfortable with speaking but I was not ready for the fact of having to tell more and more people.

Jeremy: *Voice-over* Just then... my heart sank. Sandy's heart had to collapse and my brother... he got up and walked off... not to abandon... but to get something to start making a report. He was gonna call it in. The details of what was being told... those were signs of child abuse and it was no secret that if Kimberly was getting beat... what happened to the sister was most likely... much worse.

Jeremy: Kimberly... we've got to report this. If this is what your parents are doing to you... they're abusing you. Physically abusing you. Leaving marks on you. That is so unfair. Awful even... I am so sorry.

Jeremy: *Voice-over* I couldn't help it... nor could i control myself... i felt myself get wet under the eyes... I welled up and just bawled but hugged Kimberly as i felt so damn scared for her. Terrified. She had a bad life. Bad rep. Bad Karma... her past was shitty... she had a bad habit and felt so damn alone and it was like... she felt as if nobody gave a damn about her. Wouldn't care whether if she were to live or die. I felt so bad for her. I wanted to take all her pain away. I wanted to just reach into her and just cleanse her inside and out and remove all the scars and all the pain. I truly did and it was literally killing me from deep within knowing that no matter what i tried to do... no matter how much i tried... there was nothing i could do. I felt sick because this was the girl i loved and yet... i couldn't do a damn thing to save her from the hell that was likely and without doubt coming from her parents...

Sandy: What're we gonna do? *Scared* Passion Kiss. This shit is totally flippin' serious. It is brutal. We have to inform the rest of the entourage. Call Darlene. She's got a father who's a private investigator. He could look into it and get to the bottom of it. It's a shot... isn't it? We gotta do something. Kimberly is in trouble... she will get i worse if we don't do something to save her... You love her... we can't let this pain hit her anymore. It's too harsh.

Jeremy: I know... I know.
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: All of you stop! I can take care of myself if it gets reported things will just be worse for me. My sister is the loved child I'm the hated one. *Holding passion* Don't worry about me I'll be fine I can survive this pain.

I realized then I had made a mistake they were going to tell and now all my secrets were gonna be broadcasted like tv I shouldn't have shown the marks. I should have made them promise not to tell people. Here I was feeling lonely with everyone to love me but yet I still felt alone. Why? Why did I tell? Why did I listen to my heart? Just why?

Kimberly: Please guys Please don't tell. Please I beg of you don't do this to my family its tough love I deserve it I really do. Please just don't tell. I know you love me all of you but please don't tell!
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: All of you stop! I can take care of myself if it gets reported things will just be worse for me. My sister is the loved child I'm the hated one. *Holding passion* Don't worry about me I'll be fine I can survive this pain.

I realized then I had made a mistake they were going to tell and now all my secrets were gonna be broadcasted like tv I shouldn't have shown the marks. I should have made them promise not to tell people. Here I was feeling lonely with everyone to love me but yet I still felt alone. Why? Why did I tell? Why did I listen to my heart? Just why?

Kimberly: Please guys Please don't tell. Please I beg of you don't do this to my family its tough love I deserve it I really do. Please just don't tell. I know you love me all of you but please don't tell!

Jeremy: How can you survive this pain, Kimberly?

Sandy: This is bad. You need help. That mark on you... it isn't tough love. Anyone will tell you... it's child abuse. Neglect. You are in need of help. We're just really terrified for you. In fact... Jeremy and i are gonna be hanging out at his place this afternoon. i spend a lot of time at his place. You can hang with us and we'll all have a swell time. We can watch a couple DVD's...

Jeremy: Show you a couple of my mom's concerts. Would you love that?

Sandy: Although... if Macie sees those marks... she's gonna have her maternal instinct kick into high gear and she's gonna make a mention... report it. Macie's very devout on that. She won't stand for dealing with a child getting abused. She turns defcon 1 on that. Trust me... i've seen it. It isn't pretty. Take my word for it. it isn't. You'll find that there is one thing that you can do around Macie that will piss her off in the world as she is so full of love in her heart. That's Abuse a minor. That will make her white hot liquid mad. No lie.
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: I'm gonna be blunt with you guys I survived it for going on 9 years I can keep surviving. *It was then I noticed Jeremy and sandy looking to my stomach they must have noticed how skinny I was* Look all I need is a little more time a month at most, My family can easily pass this all off as me doing to myself, and the protective services would believe them because of my past. There's no helping me. I get it Jeremy loves me I also know that you guys just met me and are already caring. If I do hang out with you guys ill have to go without a cigarette and well that doesn't work out well for me.

What was I doing I wanted to be free but I kept telling them to not tell what was happening to me. I wanted out of that hell of a house but yet I couldn't place myself to do that to my family. My sister still cared or at least that's what I told myself. My mom and dad, I couldn't send them to jail I never listened I deserved the abuse, or at least that's what I thought in my mind I was a mistake and still am one.

Kimberly: Look guys there's no helping me I'm not only a mistake but I can't do anything to stop it. You can tell all you want I will just deny everything and so will my family. 8 years of abuse whats another year. *shrugs* Guess I'm just not confident enough anymore you wouldent be either after everything Iv'e been through.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: I'm gonna be blunt with you guys I survived it for going on 9 years I can keep surviving. *It was then I noticed Jeremy and sandy looking to my stomach they must have noticed how skinny I was* Look all I need is a little more time a month at most, My family can easily pass this all off as me doing to myself, and the protective services would believe them because of my past. There's no helping me. I get it Jeremy loves me I also know that you guys just met me and are already caring. If I do hang out with you guys ill have to go without a cigarette and well that doesn't work out well for me.

What was I doing I wanted to be free but I kept telling them to not tell what was happening to me. I wanted out of that hell of a house but yet I couldn't place myself to do that to my family. My sister still cared or at least that's what I told myself. My mom and dad, I couldn't send them to jail I never listened I deserved the abuse, or at least that's what I thought in my mind I was a mistake and still am one.

Kimberly: Look guys there's no helping me I'm not only a mistake but I can't do anything to stop it. You can tell all you want I will just deny everything and so will my family. 8 years of abuse whats another year. *shrugs* Guess I'm just not confident enough anymore you wouldent be either after everything Iv'e been through.

Saphiroth then came back and mentioned what he done...


Saphiroth: I'm back. I made the call. There's gonna be an investigation. *To Kimberly* This is to save you. And...

Jeremy: Before you say that it's only another year... don't. You've been abused. That is wrong. no matter the reason. No one deserves to be abused. Not ever. Getting that type of treatment like you have... it is crap. And you are gonna be confident. This here is your defining moment. Kimberly. This is your moment. You want to be free from that crap. Be able to live with your sister who's over 18 and can legally raise and take care of you... Where you and i can be together without worrying as to what could happen... Or do you want to remain submissive and be trapped forever thinking that you deserve the pain and have to live each moment wondering if the second shoe will drop and you getting nailed again? I want you to be happy. But how can you ever be happy if you're having to watch every single thing that you have to do. That's not living... it's hell.

Sandy: And you can smoke at his place. We'll cover you.

Jeremy: Yeah. especially since... *Whispering for only Kimberly to hear in her ear* i want to join in on the habit. Do you have some packs? I want to take it up.

Jeremy: *Voice-over* Was i really just saying what i just heard myself saying? I was wanting to take up smoking Cigarettes. I had to have been one who'd lost it. I am sure that i was losing it. I could just feel it and i knew it. I knew it was likely that i was losing it and it was in a place that could not be found. I was not a smoker. I never smoked in my life. Ever. My mom would kill me if i ever did as she would lose all her senses for being a woman with dignified class. I knew that. But i knew the brands i was familiar with. Parliament Reds.... Marlboro Reds... Newport. Camel. Winston. Lucky Strike. Salem. GPC. PALL MALL. Those i saw advertised many times over the years and i knew the ones i would be prone to smoke... if i ever had... and it was Parliament. That said something. I looked at Kimberly and smiled. I couldn't just deny the feeling. I was getting a hot flash. Love was just all around and all i could see... was Kimberly. I offered her to come over to my place. Sandy did too. We wanted her to stick with us. To us... she was like the baby and we were like enforcers... protectors for her. It felt as it all made sense... I was meant to be with her. My soul connected with hers and it felt as if... she was me... only in female form and from a different life. Psychotic in a sense... Right?
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: Guys. . . I told you not to tell the moment my parents get the call and find out there under investigation they are quite literally gonna blow. I don't wanna stay trapped but for me, it's a matter of survival and right now they are gonna try to keep me from surviving this investigation. *A slight not to Jeremy slipping Jeremy some packs* Like I was saying I get it you care for me but what you did well I'm gonna get in more trouble. *Just then my phone rings and I pick up* One-second guys I have to take this call it's my mom.

Kimberly: What is it now mother. *My voice tense*
Kimberly's mom: What have you done?!? We just got a call that we are under investigation! Do you know what you have done? No place for you to live no money no clothes on your back! You little you bitch are gonna face a hell of wrath when you get home. Your a mistake useless we gave you orders and YOU DID NOT FOLLOW THEM!
Kimberly: I know mom but don't blame me some friends of mine reported you against my wishes.
Kimberly's mom: Don't say I didn't warn you. *She hangs up*

*Walking back to everyone* Kimberly: Thank's a lot you guys *Slams phone down on the table replaying the call* I told you not to report it for this very reason! I have no other place to go after school!

In my head, I was happy they reported it but I just couldn't stand it. In reporting the abuse, they had put me through pain and suffering without intending to. What was I gonna do? I was probably gonna end up turning to drinking and smoking just like whenever I face a rough situation.

Kimberly: It's already reported there is nothing we can do but wait for the results of the investigation which will take months. I get it I have people who care about me now but I don't think you know the pain and hell Im gonna be put through.

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