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Nova (played by Wandering_Mary)

hello, Riku is it?
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*he nodded*
Nova (played by Wandering_Mary)

"yay I actually got the name right." Nova yipped happily
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*he giggled*
Nova (played by Wandering_Mary)

Nova smilies
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*sways tail*
Nova (played by Wandering_Mary)

*Lays down on the ground*
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*he watched a butterfly*
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

*stretches out on the ground and purrs quietly*
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*chases it about*
Faith Adachi (played by Slayer1234)

*sits on the roof*
Nova (played by Wandering_Mary)

this is very peaceful, but I don't know why but I feel like it'll end soon... probably just my upbringing that is making me think that.
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*catches the butterfly*
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*opens his hands letting it go*
Nova (played by Wandering_Mary)

Nova looks at shadow, not having expecting him to have clapped
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

"it was a good catch"
Nova (played by Wandering_Mary)

"oh ok," Nova muttered, laying back down
Nova (played by Wandering_Mary)

stop being cold
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*jumps in shadows arms*

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