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Forums » Introductions » i just say hello?

uh, hi.
i'm new and stuff.
Sanne Moderator

Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay, and if you have any questions we're happy to help. :)

I have to ask, what is Razor Soup? o.O
heyy welcome
SteIIar Topic Starter

FoxiMama wrote:
heyy welcome
ah, hello. :>
SteIIar Topic Starter

Sanne wrote:
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay, and if you have any questions we're happy to help. :)

I have to ask, what is Razor Soup? o.O

It's a saying. Basically she's really snarky and her words cut like razors. I had a teacher who use to ask if we ate razor soup for breakfast and it just stuck.
Kim Site Admin

Huh, odd. I haven't heard that expression before. It sounds soooo painful. o.O

Anyway, welcome to the site! What's your previous RP experience? Are you looking for more of what you used to know, or branching out for something completely new? Inquiring minds want to know! :D
SteIIar Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
Huh, odd. I haven't heard that expression before. It sounds soooo painful. o.O

Anyway, welcome to the site! What's your previous RP experience? Are you looking for more of what you used to know, or branching out for something completely new? Inquiring minds want to know! :D

I thought it was pretty odd too when I heard it!

I've rped on twitter for close to two years and tumblr for about half a year. A friend showed me this sight and I thought I would try it.
It's very difficult for me to work new stuff at first.
Kim Site Admin

Oh wow, I've never heard of tumblr RP. How does that work?
SteIIar Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
Oh wow, I've never heard of tumblr RP. How does that work?

Same as chatting, really. You reblog and reply in character. Or some people use picture to display emotion instead of writing the actions.
Kim Site Admin

Interesting. I guess I forget that tumblr is really just a blog. I think of it as primarily a thing for image sharing.
Hello SteIIar! Welcome to RPR! I hope that you're enjoying the site and making lots of new friends. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! :)

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