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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » A.R.K. Security (Open!)

Jim Mokoena (played by Jabonicus)


Welcome to the sea planet. Groups of humans moved here after Earth became overpopulated, and they flourished as they found a place habitable and adaptable. They took the coral, and made it float, able to support any weight. So we used it, built land, our giant cities going across the entire planet. Once we ran out of space going across, we started going up, and once we felt we were tall enough, we started going down. You get the point here?
Now, here comes the problems. The lower class of people fish for a living, makes sense, in some cases. While the wealthier people made crops. It's nearly impossible to survive on one without the other.
Do you know what happened when Columbus found America, and met the natives? Disease, disease ravaged everything and everyone. Disease here came up like a bullet, and was almost as unstoppable as one as well. The wealthy bought scientist, who upgraded their immune systems to that of the fish who have survived the disease. The poor could not afford this.
So at one point, the poor banded together, and formed the Resistance. They fought our Security to gain the immunity we had.
We would give it to them, gladly! But we can't, we need profits so we can buy more of the material that we use to harvest the immunity. To keep the cells that defend alive, we need a substance found only in the sea slugs found in the Mariana Trench on Earth. You see the problem here? We have no well established currency or connections with Earth, and they refuse to work with us. We have to buy it from Smugglers. We can't let the civilians know about this, and we need the help of other soldiers.

IC: Jim sat back against the glass of the Security Rest Bay, looking out into the bright waters. Alien fish swam by, some looked like fish from earth. Others didn't look like fish at all. His mask was in his hand, his rifle at his side, his pistol at his belt. He had a machete on his back, but it was laid out against his rifle. He was waiting for other soldiers, this Resistance was getting out of hand.
A figure sat across the street/waterway from the Security Rest Bay, a pistol strapped to it's thigh and a sniper across it's back. The figure was holding a small communications device in it's palm, it's voice coming out in a feminine whisper. "Is Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie in place?" She whispered, glancing at the Bay window. They have been planning on this rad for a month and now was their chance, the backup wasn't suppose to get here until tomorrow thanks to a little birdie they had in the security department. The figure took out a small mirror and aimed it to one of the higher buildings, the light flashing off the reflective surface of the mirror. She lowered the mirror once another flash came back and took the rifle off her back, aiming it at the Bay window. "Let all hell break loose." She whispered with a smirk as she pulled the trigger and sent a .50Cal bullet flying towards the bay window.
Jim Mokoena (played by Jabonicus) Topic Starter

Water started flooding into the bay area. Mokoena grabbed his guns and ran towards the stairs. He pulled down his mask, running into the white courtyard. He looked along the ground and roofs. He climbed up onto the roof, scanning the area, looking for the shooter.

(Welcome to the RP!)
(Glad to be here!)
The girl smirked and pulled down her mask to cover her face, grabbing the communication device as well. "Phase one complete." She said a little too loudly as she winced because of the static. Now hopefully on to phase two. She thought as she waved her hand in a forward motion for the troops to move forward. At the last second she held her hand up unmoving, she had seen the light reflecting off something metallic in the courtyard below. Whispering into her device, she told her company to prepare for impact, some of the backup had come early. (This ok? As for the plot, how about they capture Elizabeth or another member after a strong battle?)
Jim Mokoena (played by Jabonicus) Topic Starter

One of the large doors to the Security base burst open, and several heavily armored security agents ran through, guns aimed at the enemy soldiers. Mokoena put his sniper rifle down, sliding on a wire onto one of the nearby crane. He moved the broken repair vehicle it was holding above one of the routes Elizabeth had to move.
(I have to go to bed, can you close it until morning? Pllllease?)
Jim Mokoena (played by Jabonicus) Topic Starter

(Sorry, this is an open RP, I doubt people will join it since it's been a day since it opened. I won't go far with it if someone does post. Two more posts at maximum.)
Ezliabeth watched the men file out and silent cursed a herself. She waved her hand in a motion of retreat where the rest of her company would fall out of position and head back towards base whip Liz kept them busy. She saw them moving out of the corner of her eye and reloaded her gun. The car came into one of the escape routes with a crash and her soldiers immeaditly started a new one. Within minutes they were gone and she was left. "Time for some rock and roll." She mumbled, pulling the trigger and shooting one of the backup soldiers in the shoulder.
Jim Mokoena (played by Jabonicus) Topic Starter

Jim pulled out his sniper rifle. He aimed it at Elizabeth, before a motion in the side of his view caught his attention. He turned his rifle to get a better look, and saw down the barrel of another sniper rifle. He ducked down as a bullet whizzed by.
Watcher (played by Chris_Pike)

Watcher awoke from his? Room, He had heard the gun shots and the water rushing, He? Stood up and grabbed his weapon, Two SMGs he duel wielded and walked out the door, His feet making large amounts of thumping as he did, He was a... Augmented human? Cyborg? Alien? No one knew, No one had ever seen him under his helmet, He was only known as "Watcher" Its all he had ever given for a name, Its unknown if he has a real name or that really is his name, he then got into a sprint when he heard more gun fire, He saw two beings with snipers, He saw his ally, and his enemy, His SMG's would be ineffective at such range, So he took out a AR, Or Auto Rifle Not be confused with an Assault Rifle, It shot faster than a sniper rifle, But it was not as powerful. He took aim at Elizabeth and fired, But the bullet flew over top of her, He shook his head, How did he miss? He realized he must still be tired and ran for cover, Then injected himself with a wake up sort of serum thing, He was not sure what the doctors put in these things but they worked
Elizabeth didn't flinch as the bullet flied over her head and she shot a wire that held a long metal bar and sent it flying towards the ground at an alarming rate. She fire a couple more bullets, her supply dwindling quickly, and ducked down as more bullets were returned. She checked her watch and nodded to herself, most of her soldiers should be out by now, save for the subborn ones. She knew she might not get out alive, thats why she sent the rest ahead of her. To save the rest of Bloodstone company. Gritting her teeth, she rose back up to where her sniper was sitting and laid both gloved hands on the gun. She put her last bullet into the magazine and moved the gun carefully to her target. A man trying to hide behind a wall, his bicept barely viasble. She pulled the trigger and watched the bullet fly through the air, oblivious to the crosshairs now trained on her. (Lets keep it flowing like this?)
Jim Mokoena (played by Jabonicus) Topic Starter

Mokoena jumped down from the crane moments before the bullets hit. He dropped his sniper rifle, picking up his pistol. He started charging towards her, attempting to shoot her with the advanced pistol. Each shot made a quiet yet echoing sonic sound as it was fired.
(Eh, I'm impatient. ^_^)
Elizabeth watched the man jump off the crane moments before the bullets hit it and drop his rifle. She lunged for her pistol where it laid against the wall with her bag but she wasn't fast enough. The first two bullets missed her but the next three each hit her. Blood blossomed from two of the wounds but not the shirt where it hit her arm and bounced off. The bullets had hit her in the side and her good leg where the armor wasn't the toughest. Stumbling, she tried to press on despite the two bullet wounds to her but they made her much slower then she normally was. After another couple dozen steps she fell to her knees on the rooftop, her pistol skidding across the floor. She coughed some blood up before falling to the ground totally, consciously waiting the enemy.
Jim Mokoena (played by Jabonicus) Topic Starter

Jim kept his pistol pointed at her as he slowly approached. "Are you conscious?"
Elizabeth carefully rolled onto her back and stared into his eyes. (Mask?) "If I wasn't would it matter?" She asked, wincing slightly from moving. She glanced over at where her pistol lay, judging the space between her and it. It wasn't close enough to make a lunge. "I guess it's neither a victory or defeat." She mumbled more to herself then to the man towering above her with a pistol pointed at her head. "We flooded your Security Rest Bay, you may have clipped a few of my friends." She added a little louder this time, not giving away that she actually was the leader.
Jim Mokoena (played by Jabonicus) Topic Starter


"It will take a week to fix. A simple annoyance. You, however, are under arrest for the terrorism of A.R.K." He said, grabbing her arm, jerking her off the ground, gun pressed against the back of her head.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes as he talked and braced herself when he suddenly jerked her to her feet by her right arm. She let out a small gasp, barely noticeable except if you knew her well enough, from the sudden movement in her leg. She felt the cool metal against the back of her head and rolled her eyes again, not caring whether or not he saw. "Just terrorism?" She laughed, surprised they hadn't caught her in any of her before raids.
Jim Mokoena (played by Jabonicus) Topic Starter

"Oh? In that case, attempted murder, possible murder, battery, attempted assault, destruction of government property, destruction of private property, arson, theft, and the list goes on." Mokoena said. He started walking her to the base, and several other soldiers, all in various uniforms aimed their guns at her. A Gatling gun was heard starting, and a large soldier in a white uniform approached, his arms had patches with the letters 'F.I.S.T.' on them.
"Back down Chen, this is a captive." The man backed down, his outfit was extremely different than the others.
(The picture didn't come up.)

"That sounds more like it." Elizabeth smiled under her mask despite the grim circumstances. She walked along willingly, probably a first for the security soldiers, and kept her hands at her sides the whole time. She didn't have any other weapons on her but it didn't matter, the soldiers all around wouldn't give her the chance to even think about reaching for a weapon if she actually had one on her. "Hey, What does he do?" Elizabeth asked bravely, nodding her head to the guy in the white uniform.
Jim Mokoena (played by Jabonicus) Topic Starter

"That's Chen, you haven't heard about him because everyone who meets him end up dead." He said, leading her into the prisoner section of the base. They passed several cells, most of them contained a resistance soldier. He lead her into the interrogation room. A guard took all her weapons, and everything except her clothes. He sat her down in the seat, sitting across from her.

(There, that should work. Except it's mostly white.)

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus