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Forums » Looking for RP » Let's push the talent... (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I am looking for any type of Roleplay. Private or Forum. No limit on people to join in. I am not on all the time, but I want to have something to do in my down time. I usually push for at least 2-3 times a week. I have a list of characters I made already or ,if need be, I will make a new one espcially for Rps with others. I been slacking really and I want to really start pushing my talents to their full potential once more.
Also, if anyone is into it..I want to try a WoW RP using my actual character for anyone who wants one. I am open to any plot line. My character is a LVL 90 Orc Fury Warrior.

Hoping to get some responces. Happy RPs everyone.

And just cause I can.....

Glothl (played by Ethlas)

I play wow but im a demon queen also the queen of hell but I play WOW. for the horde! I do any type of rp so what kind of rp? are you looking for? ill rp with you because I do every kind. I think a demon could get along with an ork.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Let's push the talent... (closed)

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