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Forums » Help » Group Sidebars?

I was curious about some Group functions and saw the circle that comes up on the lower left that tells you to drag a widget there to move it to the sidebar. I'm kinda confused because it doesn't seem to do anything, the widget pops back to where it was before and when I check the live site there is no sidebar. Am I doing it wrong or is this a pay-for option??
Sanne Moderator

When you drag a widget to a sidebar, you need to drag it into the lighter box until a black border shows up like this:


When you release the widget when this black border shows, it should pop into place. Once it pops into place, it will show up in your chosen sidebar in the group.

Can you confirm that you're dragging the widget into the light area completely to make the border show up?

Sorry, I misunderstood your question!

The function you're referring to is supposed to drag a widget from the sidebar to the pages themselves (this is so you can move widgets between a page and a sidebar without losing its content).

I just tried to do this myself and it doesn't do anything for me either, it looks like a bug. Feel free to submit a bug report to Kim (you can just link to this thread or describe the issue again).
Oscrow Topic Starter

Thanks, will report it.
I tried to do it with an Activity widget again and somehow it worked that single time, it went blue and then appeared in the Sidebar section... but I made more widgets and tried to drag them in but it still does nothing. It just occurred to me I've never looked at the Sidebar section before (I just assumed that part was meant to show up on the side of the page you're currently editing) so I guess my work around is to go there, add whatever I wanted from the page, then go back and delete the redundant widget.
Kim Site Admin

The drop target is super picky - if the oval doesn't turn teal, you aren't considered to be "over" it. Keep wiggling it around until it turns blue, and then let go of it. :)

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