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Itsy bitsy updates climbed up the water spout

Posted by Kim on October 7, 2016, 8:15am

Amazingly, the final dice roll contest is still going on! Be sure to hop on over and enter to win. :)

A handful of minor convenience upgrades this week:
  • It no longer requires a double confirmation to "use" a walrus since there's no danger of accidentally using one up, and it will no longer refresh the page when you use one. Go ahead and play with your walrus friends all day! :)
  • Similarly, if you try to use a healing item like a party hat and you're already at full HP and get an error saying you can't use it because of that, the page won't refresh. #ThingsNoOneCaresAboutOutsideOfEpicWeek #ButYouWillCareComeAprilOhYes
  • Tooltips can now be dismissed on iPhone and iPad by tapping them.
  • If you're editing a character profile, and change the character's warning flags, you will be returned to the same page that you were editing rather than being sent to the first page on the character's profile.
  • Updated the information on the "report post" page to make clear that the report button isn't only for blatant rule breaking or behavior that can get a member in trouble -- it can also be used for more mild concerns like a post that needs to be moved to another board, or simply if you're concerned about a member and would like a moderator to check on them.

RP Prompt

RP prompts may be complete plot ideas, a single situation, a character, a feeling, a challenge, or even a photo to use as inspiration. Start a new RP to play them out, or use them to add a twist to an existing RP. Modify them, take inspiration from them, or use them as is!

This week, it's the second to last in our series of Star Trek inspired RP prompts!

You discover a portal that can instantly transport you a great distance. What mysteries, adventures and potential enemies wait for you on the other side? - This RP idea was suggested by Darth_Angelus
Do you have a suggestion for a RP prompt or plot bunny you'd like to see featured in the news? Send it to Kim -- if it's picked, you'll receive credit for the idea.



October 7, 2016

Walruses are a super rare item sold in limited quantities by Moa a few days a month. There's also one being offered as a prize in the dice roll tombola right now. :)

Healing items only come into play during Epic Week (late April), when the site becomes a community RPG as part of our birthday celebrations.


October 7, 2016

I..don't understand. What are the Walruses, where to find them........and healing items?


October 7, 2016

Yay, comfier walrus play! :D