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Sadrain » Characters

Aiolia Serna




Elek Royce

Male Blind mind reader, always on the quest to correct wrongs of the world

Elleanthus Orchis

Female A young girl aspring to be a master herbalist and finding her soul sister

Gentiana Anemoi

Female A shape shifter seeking to renew highway morale while traveling across the States in search of true history

I8a Serthumon


Iantha and Saien Sapnis

Female Twins of mystical race, long since separated and now trying to find each other in a strange, changed world, while attempting to fix Fate without revealing anything about themselves.



Larentia Eyles

Female A girl looking to escape clutches of her home and cult at school that uses her as link between them and their dark deity.

Leila Ragnarok

Female A mysterious, cold hearted assassin with one goal: revenge.

Loren Fitzroy

Male A Bard of modern world, traveling and changing the world for the better.

Ryan Orth

Male Mercenary who is tired of being just a street rat, living life of no goal, no love. Can you give him any of this?

Xelba Greer

Female A girl who seems to live without a care, but in truth is terminally ill and trying to make the most of what she has left