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Kudos for _Skylark_

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Definitely a solid RPer with a wide variety of different characters to suit different RPs. 9.9/10 would HIGHLY recommend. Helpful Wonderful writer - VoliminalVerse

  • I just met this person today and they literally just made my day. The complement I received from this user brought a smile on my face. Not only was it very kind, I also felt like all the hard work and updates I give to my characters from the Crazy Amber to Serious Eric is being understood. I hope I get to talk to this user again in the near future. I also feel like the complement will help me create even better characters in the near future. Kind and understanding Helpful - Dib2435

  • Skylark’s forum games are very good exercise and practice for writing. Her characters are very excellent and her writing is wonderful from what I could tell. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Jaws

  • This individual is perhaps one of the greatest instigators of thought and character development I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. _Skylark_ is an advocate for deep and insightful design, inspiring soul-searching strides to construct the inconceivable and compel us to have a greater understanding for our own creations. Equipped with their endless slew of encouraging prompts, I will always find myself drawn to their efforts to stimulate our characters and worlds into existence! Kind and understanding Helpful - Atheist

  • What good can't be said about Skylark? She brought the best games to the Forum as of late with the best prompts, then wrote some great entries with delightful entries of her own! Her characters are wonderful, so deeply thought out, and has that unique perspective as well as depth. Just reading her entries on Forum Games make me light up in joy! I love seeing her characters interact with others. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - hexblading

  • I really wish I could pick more options honestly, because Skylark has been a fantastic partner! Sol is fantastic, funny and dark and interesting, along with feeling very believable and real. I get his motivations, and I love picking him apart and seeing how he unravels and bites back against fate. Skylark is a super genuine, excited person with lovely characters and should be RP'd with by everyone, immediately. c: Wonderful writer Drives the plot forward - DragonofRust