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Kudos for RainbowToRosie

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • I'm friends with Rosie on another site, and it was her who actually brought me here! Her RPing is wonderful! - Dragoncat

  • A year ago, I would have never expected myself to come this far into roleplaying. It is thanks to her that I've come to love roleplaying this much. She is an extraordinary roleplayer! Every single one of her characters is very well done & consistent. Once you get to know them, you're hooked. That's her greatest skill-one that not many are able to obtain. That was a year ago, and now, she has improved greatly & honed her skills. I can only look forward to getting a chance to roleplay with her - Jetsify

  • I've only known Rosie for like, what was it? A good 5-6 months? I don't remember, but regardless in those months I've gotten to become apart of a RP group and and have a blast. She knows how to stick to a character. That and she is so gods damn cheerful. I'm glad that I got the chance to RP with her and hope to continue doing RPs with our group for at least awhile longer. - UltimateMawile

  • Patient, easy-going, has a nice sence of humor, adabtable... There are quite a few words I could use here to describe Rosie xD But to be honest, she's a great person and if possible I do recommend people to get to know her, challenge your fate~! - Reima

  • This girl... Man, I have lots of things to say about Rosie...
    For one, she's really dedicated to staying IC. Like, Jesus Christ, she IS her character. It's're actually interacting with them!
    Secondly, Rosie is practically one of the sweetest girls I met online! She's patient, funny, kind.... She's lots of amazing qualities.
    Third, it was thanks to her that I have joined this wonderful site!
    Honestly, I still can't believe I met her on Town of Salem, all because we're Fire Emblem fans! - WonderGamer101

  • This person is truly amazing. Very enjoyable and I don't feel alone being a canon on here. I hope to do more RPs with them in the future. - Asroc

  • This girl is a true sweetheart, she is so friendly and nice and an all around great girl! Her roleplaying style is perfect and I look forward to every post she gives to me. I would say you should check her out but I want to keep all her great roleplaying to me! Haha! But in all honestly if you want to go on an adventure then drop her a message. You will not regret it! :) - PrincessLuna

  • Rosie is probably one of the most fun people you could ever have the chance to RP with. Not only that, she is an amazing RPer to boot. Her original characters are amazingly written and have interesting backstories and personalities, and she can play cannon characters so flawlessly that I honestly sometimes I feel like they are really interacting with my characters. If you get the chance to RP with her- take it. You won't ever regret it. - Section

  • I have a lot to say about Tiffany, really. Let's see, where to start... I learned a lot about roleplaying by Tiffany and our friends really. For example, I used to type in first person, but I got into the habit of writing in third person through them! Another thing about Tiffany is that, she is a very caring friend. Yeah, we have a lot of disagreements, but whatever. She creates developed characters that just make you want to be around. This is from personal experience, results may vary. Ciao! - FooliusTheCooliest

  • Rosie is one fantastic RPer! Her methods of RPing are usually to create a story, like ones that you read in novels. She can portray characters very well, as if she actually was! I'm glad to have encountered her in a game. Good job, Rosie, and keep up the good work! - WonderGamer101

  • This girl right here. Whoo, boy. She is amazing. Staying in character quite well, grammar is great, everything that makes a great RPer, well, great! Props to you, Rosie. - CosmicCometInOrbit

  • As a friend of Rain for nearly a year now, I can definitely say she's possibly one of my better friends I've had to RP with. Though I've had disagreements at times, just as I do with everyone, I can say Rain is a great Roleplayer with great ideas. Anyone who is debating to RP with this person should definitely try to do so. <3 - zimey1

  • Rain is an amazing RPer she uses grammar, One of my friends, She is kind n stuff etc that's all I can think of c; - DrDragonHD

  • Rain is a great RPer and I love to roleplay with her. We're friends on the site I met her on and we roleplayed together once I got to know her better. She uses grammar and is descriptive and clear in her roleplays. - Simp

  • Rainbow is an amazing friend of mine and an outstanding roleplayer! Her grammar, detail, and spelling are OUTSTANDINGGGGGGGGGG. Shoot her a PM if you ever need a RP. :D - beats