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Kudos for Vanessa

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • I met them through House Buryat, and although I've only roleplayed with them mostly in passing...they are friendly. They are willing for roleplay and come up with some interesting plots that are breathtaking to even boldly bring into Tether. I appreciate her ingenuity and look forward to writing many more interesting stories that will have my brain challenged! Creative ideas Concise posts - Michonne

  • This woman is really cool to talk to when I have the chance. Though I am shy and a goof around her she is sweet. Honestly she is just as kick ass as her characters. 100/10 - CherryPepsi

  • Nessa is one of those people who has this.... just this endless supply of genuinely cool characters. I don't know where she gets her inspiration from, or what I can expect to see coming from her next, but I am almost always in awe of her creations. She's nice to boot too, so it's never a challenge to talk to her although I feel I haven't done so nearly enough! - Mayim

  • mmorpg Queen and cool af aside I swear, Nessa and/or her creations have probably killed someone in their unadulterated magnificence-- I've been at roleplays that are chill, maybe even winding down, and her babes come moseying on in and suddenly people are slamming five shots in a row and flipping tables in the air... - Silas

  • I've been an acquaintance of Nessie, Loch Nessie for a few years now and feel ashamed of myself for never posting a Kudos.
    They're a delight to have in San Angeles, to joke around with, and to poke harmless fun at.
    They told me their secret desires to become a Hot Topic manager and promote the black and red style all around the world.
    I supported them whole-heartedly because they truly are a great person with a great sense of humor.
    I hope I get to rp with them soon. Ronan Vs. Ryu - Go! - cferretrun

  • Gimme a V! Gimme an A! Gimme a Nessa! Okay okay, so that was silly but in all seriousness, what is not to absolutely adore in this fantastic chickadee? Her characters are forever the source of my swooning and ooc she's the bee's knees. If you haven't talked to her, what are you waiting for?! She comes backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. - Valie

  • Vanessa is an amazing roleplayer, and a great friend. Involving, caring, an all around astounding person. Not enough people in the world like her. :) - DeviousEris

  • What can be said about this lovely woman, other than she always brings a good time! Yoshino has guts as well as a load of heart. I never leave a RP disappointed with this one, and I am happy to know her :3 - CrescentNomad

  • This chick right here is beyond amazing. Yoshino never disappoints in a roleplay, even when she fights while drunk! Haha, good times. :] Out of all the people I roleplay with I'd tag her in the "I'd like to roleplay with more" category. c: Totally awesome. - IzzieBiz