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Kudos for Healthbar

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • This is my twin from across the country. We'll be lifelong friends our whole life through, and every time we talk, we find another thing we have in common. She lends a wonderful listening ear when you need it, and she also makes *very* fun characters! Kind and understanding Long-term partner - BlackberryFae

  • While I haven't roleplayed with her very many times, I don't necessarily need to to know she's a talented writer. Her characters have a lovely amount of depth and are not by any means ordinary or typical, even if they may seem so at a first glass. Looks can be very, very misleading. I highly recommend her as friend and as a fellow creative mind. - yamashta

  • I now know Healthbar a lot better then the first time I wrote Kudos for her. Since that point we've grown to be more than just sort of acquaintances / sort of friends and have developed a wonderful friendship. I find great amusement in the odd texts I get from them on occasion and from the roleplay that we do. They are willing to try new things and that is a good trait to have for a rper, willing to flex out of their usual routine. Thank you for being my friend. - Djinn-n-Tonic

  • It can be an annual thing, shush. Semiannual. But my old kudo still stands! Healthbar's still good fun to play with, and I've especially enjoyed the somewhat unexpected, rather rewarding growth of Arron and Ehen as characters, together. Even in the past year or so in which we've found ourselves somewhat between-fantasy-settings, she's remained a good friend and I always love and value talking with her about all sorts of things! (And I welcome her kitty knowledge - Camo's a giant handful!) - Rigby

  • First off, let me start with this: This girl and I are life twins. We have so much in common, from our job to our age, and it feels like everytime we talk, we find something else in common. She's a sweetheart and a doll and I don't think she HAS a bad side, so I would never be afraid of sending a message her way! - BlackberryFae

  • Ehen (played by Healthbar)
    Ehen is a delight. Her personality is consistent, a sure sign that the player is fully capable of immersing into the character, but her mentality is still complex enough to prevent predictability. Clever, cunning, composed and intelligent, she is civil yet realistically set in her opinions, always holding true to her morals no matter the risk. There's this haze of secrecy about her that keeps me guessing! Ehen intrigues me, and never gives away too much of that mystery all at once. - Libertine

  • Ehen is wonderful. The character is very genuine and real. You walk away from an rp with Ehen knowing the character will acknowledge you in some way, good or bad, at your next encounter. It's a thrilling experience to rp with her. Heather herself is a great roleplayer and a wonderful person. Hit her up! - ShinOni

  • Waooo waooo waooooo! Ehen is an awesome roleplayer and a chill person to the core. You ought to pester her for RP and friendly banter. 5/5 - Ashmodai

  • We've actually known each other for about a week, yet it feels like we've known each other for months, maybe years. That is just how friendly and delightful she is as a person, both in character and outside of her, and I am just blown away by all of it consistently. I look forward to the times ahead at this rate. :D - TiamosLoren

  • Ehen is awesome, not only her character but her player as well, I gave her kudos once but I'm gonna do it again because two kudos are better than one! If you're not role playing with her yet? Stop beating around the bush and get to it. She's creative and funny, she'll keep you smiling and she'll keep you guessing what Ehen is gonna do next. A lovely role player who's rp is a shame to miss. - ShinOni

  • Well, I suck at these sorts of things cause I'm not mushy but here we go. Ehen is an all-star person. She's kind but honest. She has the kindness to tell you the truth you need to hear without making you cry. I wish I had as much tact as her sometimes. She's also quite the jokester and she'll catch you off guard with her humor. While we've rped very little she has a knack for weaving flaws in such a way you just see her characters shine because of them. - Ryu

  • I haven't known Ehen very long, but getting to know her and hanging out with her has been a blast. She's so sweet and caring of other people. It amazes me that we hadn't met one another sooner. She's been a huge help to me as someone to talk to when I felt way too stressed out. We've rped several times and honestly you can't go wrong with them as a friend or a rper. - Djinn-n-Tonic

  • Ehen is a sweetheart. An absolute sweetheart. Right out of the gate, she was incredibly fun to chat with, and a great friend. I always, ALWAYS look forward to scenes with her. Scenes move, characters are interesting...just, good job all-around!

    (And more art! The bugs, though? ...we can leave the bugs) - Rigby

  • Ehen... Ehen's just Ehen. She doesn't start drama, she is almost always up for RP, she's good at this whole 'plot' thing, her characters are a thousand times less plain than you might think from first looks. And she's honestly a great friend, and is made of sweetness and sparkles, deserves ALL the cookies. - Tate

  • Ehen is fun, whether you're bothering her or having a nice chat, it promises to be entertaining. The player behind her is creative and fun. Always keeps the roleplay interesting and moving forward. She's good people. c: - ShinOni