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Kudos for Devils_Ad

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Devil is a damn cool dude. He's got a peculiar, wickedly dry wit that makes him all around fun to shoot the breeze with. In the time I've known him, he's proven to be a font of fascinating character and narrative ideas which range from the comical to the truly macabre. These more than carry into his writing, which is consistently a pleasure to read. Keep it up, man. Great sense of humor Creative ideas - Hooke

  • Mashenka is a hilarious blend of funny and terrifying. While he likes to break the fourth wall in posts from time to time, it's always done awesomely and only enhances the scene. Every single rp is highly amusing and never dull. Plus, the player is all kinds of fun to talk to. - Jynx

  • Amazing roleplayer, but a amazing and fascinating conversationalist too. I always enjoy a good two or three hour discussion with this lovely man! Very intriguing insights and ideals, it's a treat that he takes time out of his day to greet me and discuss intricate things with me. As for roleplay...well his sites should say enough about that. Just look at it! Take it from me, if you get the chance...take it. The roleplay is just as good as the conversation. - Michonne

  • A lovely person even though we do not talk as much as I would like. Nonetheless he is a constant source of amazingness :) And if you see one of his characters, either run or approach him with open arms ;) you will be surprised. - Jane

  • An interesting Roleplayer, I have known for years now. Always fun to talk to, with interesting plots. - Jane

  • How the devil have I not given this devil kudos?! What a pleasure to roleplay with, let alone debate superhero plots with. This man is worthy of so many more kudos than one. <3 Cheers! - Valie