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Kudos for Stormie

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Time and distance may push us apart, but we always pick right back up where we left off. Stormie is one of those lifer friends, a true blue gal who is in it for the long haul. She such a great writer who brings her characters to life with vivid descriptions and lovely art. Her art is so beautiful and gets better and better every time she creates something. I appreciate her so much, and I am so lucky to get to call her a friend. Kind and understanding Great sense of humor - Auberon

  • I'm not even sure where to start with Stormie! I love her to pieces, she is so kind and warm with every interaction, bringing a level of mature compassion that is hard to find in many. I adore her characters, their nuances and quirks that make them stand out. She is also an incredible artist! Honestly, 500 characters is too little to say everything I want ;w; Wonderful lady that everyone should get to know! Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Caitlin

  • In two decades of roleplay, I've never come across someone so capable of weaving intricate worlds. Stormie is half the reason my continuity exists, and seven years later, her work is so intrinsically a part of it. Writing with her is exciting. Not merely excelling at slice of life, every single scene feels like a chapter from an epic story. Every post builds toward something bigger. She sets my muse on fire, and I can't thank her for it enough. To top it off, she's a fire-forged friend. Creative ideas Drives the plot forward - Auberon

  • Stormie is my sister from another mister, my comrade and cohort in all things faerie! Her writing is among my favorite, and her worlds spun alongside my own work are the pinnacle of creativity. I've loved indulging in the urban fantasy genre with her, and I can only lament that we don't have the opportunity to do it as often as we used to. She's remarkable, kind, and unfailingly thoughtful in how she crafts her continuities. Wonderful writer Long-term partner - Auberon

  • People need to hop on the hype train and start leaving more kudos for this beautiful woman. It's okay, though, as I'll never run out of good things to say about her. No matter the time it's been since we last spoke, we fall back into step like old friends. She's truly a light in the darkness, a fire-forged friend who will always be there for you. I know I can literally call her at any time, and she'll pick up and be there for me. And her RP? To die for. - Auberon

  • Of all the people I've met through RP, Kriss just might be the best. No one else is on her level when it comes to engaging writing, and the devil's in the details. It had a profound impact on the foundation of my community, and it is a story we will continue beyond mere RP. Our past has been a friendship beyond measure, and I admire her openly and deeply. She is truly an enduring, wonderful human. <3 - Auberon

  • Just so stinking sweet, creative mind that's interesting to pick. And just a sweet soul that always wiling to listen if not put up with my stupidity of "HAY GIRL HOW ABOUT DIS". Five stars for her and then like fifty more for that amazing wit of hers. - TheCoffeeWolf

  • Krissling is my sister from another mister. Without her, my guild would not really exist in the context it does. She had a profound impression on worldbuilding, plotting, and on me personally. She was there for me in phone calls during breakdowns and during the lowest points of my life. I don't know what I would have done without her, and I cherish every second she is able to share with me. Also her RP is radical. <3 - Auberon

  • Well now, a little birdie told me it was your birthday on this day? Although we have barely begun to know one another, I am here to wish you a very grand happy birthday; I hope you have many more.

    "With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come." - William Shakespeare - Silverspeare

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY KUDOS - I adore this woman beyond comparison to many others. My sister from another mister I like to call her because we always seem to be thinking the same way. She's one of the kindest people I've had the pleasure of meeting on this game. Her heart, her imagination and her personality all have something in common... they're huge! She is without a doubt one of the best friends I could ever ask for and I will treasure her always. <3 Happy Birthday sweetheart. <3 - Isnelx

  • I don't care if I'm one of the last two kudos she's received, since the other one was posted ages ago. It just means she's not getting nearly the recognition that she deserves. This girl -- where to begin with this girl? She's let me call her up, manic, pacing in tears, to let me unload without asking a thing in return. Her roleplay is my favorite drug, and I lust for it constantly. She's tried and true, and I owe her such a debt of favors, it will take me a lifetime to repay her in kind. - Auberon

  • Changeling is a beautiful person, inside and out. Wildly creative, idealistic, and an absolute pleasure to RP with, even when she's trying to murder your character. Could not rate her highly enough! <3 - Eri

  • It's rare that I find someone who fits into my RP stable so quickly, but this player already rules the roost. Her writing style is fabulously agreeable, and the subtle details she blends in, the consideration for an environment beyond just the character's actions -- it all comes together perfectly. I've enjoyed the RP, and I look forward to many more. There is no escape. I call dibs. - Auberon

  • There will never be enough words to describe how amazing Demure is; she is one of the most creative, dedicated, driven and spunky people I have ever met. Her RP exceeds any and all expectations and you'll never, ever been left wanting for plot or feeling like you have nothing to reply to! On top of that she is sweet and down to earth, and one of the most drama-free people I have ever had the pleasure of calling my friend. <33 - FauxAlli