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Kudos for Caberoni

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Cab has the amazing skill of expressing her character's even most intricate detail with an ease that I am personally jealous of. A definite master of the craft and one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of meeting! Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - CisMe

  • Acantha (played by Caberoni)
    Acantha is an absolute delight! Full of depth and feeling, thought-provoking and devilishly divine. Never dull or lacking, she is a character to be pursued and adored for her originality and flawless execution. She is poetry wrapped in red; beautiful and terrifying, as only true monsters can be. - Curreap

  • Cab is an inventive roleplay partner who never fails to surprise me! Her characters are witty and well-thought out and although they could be overpowered in less-experienced hands, Cab makes an effort to balance them and interactions always feel fair, even when there is a disparity of power between those in the scene. OOC she is funny, kind and a pleasure to chat with. I'm so glad to have met her and I hope to know her and plot with her for years to come. - Noxious

  • Acantha (played by Caberoni)
    As a campaign writer, i've never had to adapt, change and re-work storylines so vastly from what I expected the turn out to be. Vampire's can be truly one dimensional. This is bloodlusting insanity done accurately with not just exceptional taste, but true authenticity to unpredictable behavior - all mixed into a well grounded and founded character with rich history, context and surprising emotion. Quality roleplayer from all around magnificent human being at the keyboard. Thanks Annie. - Kailex

  • Acantha (played by Caberoni)
    In all my years I have never got to play with a Villian Character and enjoy the depth, the ride, and the thrill of it all with my own GOOD Character. Each time we sit down to RP them, I feel at home. And it takes a certain sort of special skill for that to happen. I cannot express enough on how good her writing is. Nor can I ever explain the multitudes of reasons why you NEED to RP with Canth if you are looking for a Villian. She's perfect in her own deadly Venus fly trap way. - Michonne

  • Acantha (played by Caberoni)
    It's easy to claim a character is ancient, but accurately conveying an incredible age is another matter. Canth is an idiosyncratic immortal. What hooked me was the way her airs implied infinite intelligence, with wisdom oozing from every word and certainty in every action. She is the very epitome of the Lady In Red trope with a dark decadence and wicked cleverness about her. Thoroughly impressive, written in a satisfying style, and ever engaging the literary mind. - Libertine

  • Acantha (played by Caberoni)
    The consummate femme fatale. Acantha is a gleaming dagger of a woman, caustic and cold, glacial and gorgeous and utterly devouring. She is a nuanced, dynamic and engaging take on the archetypal vamp, driven to a dazzling and heady extreme which can do nothing but capture the attention and excite the senses. Truly, a work of art. - Hooke

  • From nowhere to here, he's credible, incredible, caught between words and rhyme, spinning out solar systems of song and spirited poetry with all the passion, the fervor and sensual, fiery, practiced penmanship of the kind of writer we all drink to be. Courteous, cream-filled, sugar sweet, princely and patient, calm and infectious with charming humility, his words are to be devoured with a grateful and laughing warmth, like a sort of rare macaron or treasured summer memory. - Colors

  • An awesome roleplayer who is a delight to speak to whenever he is around, I look forward to seeing Cab online. Our RP experiences are challenging and fun, and never is there a dull moment. Not only that, but he is a great listener and excellent friend to be around when you need someone. Cab is one amazing hombre! - Goth

  • Though I've only had the pleasure of RPing with Caberoni once, thus far, it was quite the experience. His writing is sharp and lucid, and every sentence is constructed in just such a manner as to best express the personality of the character. Beyond that, he's a joy to talk to, out of character - friendly and energetic and possessed of enviable good-humour. And a wickedly talented tattoo artist. Utterly badass. - Hooke