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Forums » Smalltalk » Moving!

I'm not in too many role plays at the moment, though I am hosting a couple group role plays that are going on right now. :'D I suppose this can also be directed at anyone that would like to role play with me in the future--

Straight to the point: My fiancé (Netherweave) and I are spending a lot of our time packing boxes and getting the apartment we're currently at cleaned up and prepared for the next residents that move in here. > o < We'll be moving in with family on the 29th of this month, and from then till early June, we'll only have time to do work so we can have some extra pocket change for the main move up north!

We probably won't be ready to keep up to date with role plays till mid-June! We will do our best to do what we can, but there are definitely no promises to our role play partners that we will make timely responses. ; v ;

So yeah, apologies to everyone I'm role playing with, and apologies to any future role play partners that might have been interested -- we'll have to put a pin in it till further notice. :'D

If anyone is interested in assisting us with our move, and wants art to boot, you can always come to my commissions thread to see what my prices are. :')

Good luck with the process of moving!
Good luck with the move. I've just settled into our new place in Ohio as well. So once the Lycan rp starts up again I'll be sure to post once more.

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