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Forums » Help » Group joining instruction field not showing up

I added some instructions, saved, and now I can't see the field to edit it. Is this supposed to happen?

And a question. If people join with characters, can they go back and join with more later, or will it not let them because they already joined?
Kim Site Admin

What do you mean "can't see the field to edit it"? Where are you looking? What appears there?

If a person joins with a character and then wants to apply with another character, they can so long as they still have eligible unjoined characters to apply with.
Dragoncat Topic Starter

Joining and applications section. I see the last one I put up, the short answer, but not the instructions thing.
Kim Site Admin

Hmmn... I'm testing, and it's letting me add instructions to my group apps. Can you give it one more shot?
Dragoncat Topic Starter

Worked this time. Will instructions also include a text field or would I have to use long answer?
Kim Site Admin

Instructions are just instructions. There's no place in them for an applicant to enter anything.

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